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Can't Hear the Music?

Barefoot Boy With Shoes On
(Also see Ain't We Crazy)

Midi created by Dennis Carney Sr.

We believe that the following excerpts represent a few of the lyrics of "A Barefoot Boy With Shoes On", written by Asa Martin. The lyrics presented here are abbreviated (incomplete), and there are also many different versions and alterations of the song that have been developed over the years. We cannot present them all, nor are we certain of their accuracy as originally written. But one thing we are certain about is that the words are very confusing, proving the point that what you say may not make very much sense when you've had too much alcohol to drink! A similar song called "Ain't We Crazy" is also available.
Oh, the night was dark and cloudy
The moon was shining bright
The stars were casting burning rays
On the storm that raged that night
Lightening struck the cowshed
And the cows all chewed their cud
Moonlight set the prairie on fire
In the middle of the woods
Oh, the barefoot boy with shoes on
Come a-shuffling down the street
His pants were full of pockets
And his boots were full of feet
He was born when he was a baby
His grandma's pride and joy
His only sister was a girl
And his brother was a boy
He never was a triplet
But he always was a twin
His legs were fastened to his knees
Just below his chin
And his feet were fastened to his ankles
Several inches from his shoulder
And when he grew up he became a man
And everyday got older
He married him a woman
Who quickly became his wife
For you see he could not marry her
And maintain a single life
Her head was full of notions
And her mouth was full of tongue
They raised a dozen children
All born when they was young
Six boys, five girls
And then another child
They never tried to raise them right
Just let them grow up wild
And late in the evening
They'd send them off to bed
Not sure if they was living
But they hoped they all were fed [revised wording]
The youngest was a baby
But the oldest was one first
The good one was the bad one
But the bad one was the worst
They never knew their ages
No, they never seemed to care
'Cause they knew they had a birthday
And it came 'round once a year
They never knew their father's age
But they always had a hunch
That he was born before their time
Was the oldest of the bunch
It was midnight on the ocean
Not a streetcar was in sight
The Captain hailed a taxi
And he rode all day that night.

Alternate Version: Ain't We Crazy

Smoking is Hazardous to Health:

Learn more about the dangers of cigarettes and smoking from
Mama Didn't Know and the National Cancer Institute's Smokefree Kids.

Alcohol Abuse is Hazardous to Health:

Drinking excessively is hazardous to your health and could lead to serious problems and addictions. In fact, addictions of all types can be very serious health concerns. Please visit:

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