RainStar College, Massage School
RainStar College of Therapeutic Massage

Massage has proven to be one of the fastest growing health care professions. Our therapeutic massage programs unite art, intuition, and science, while instilling sound business skills, to prepare graduates for a successful and rewarding career. Our curriculum meets the highest standards and our student clinic integrates classroom learning with hands-on life skills training. Employers seek our graduates for their skill, professionalism, and clinic experience. There is a high demand for RainStar graduates. We are not only committed to each student's success, but to the success of our graduates.

RainStar College of Life Long Learning

RainStar offers NCBTMB approved continuing education courses to healthcare professionals, as well as introductory and personal development courses to the general public. Massage and Asian bodywork therapists, chiropractors, physical therapists, and nurses may enroll in any course for continuing education credit. Several courses are designed with no prerequisite training and are open to the public. Whether furthering a career, satisfying a personal interest, or taking an introductory course to make a career decision, RainStar can meet your needs.

RainStar Therapy Center & Clinic

Our Therapy Center is our project based curriculum for life which engages students in addressing real life problems. It is here that learning extends the traditional walls of the classroom, that assessment of student success goes beyond the paper and pen. The Therapy Center provides a safe environment of joy, passion and education with faculty support where students can explore, grow and learn. A place where all students are valued, respected and given the resources to succeed. It is here where teachers help students turn information into knowledge and knowledge into wisdom from experience.