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UGID:726584     UniGene Hs.511425     Homo sapiens (human)   SRP9
Signal recognition particle 9kDa (SRP9)
Comparison of sequences in UniGene with selected protein reference sequences. The alignments can suggest function of a gene.
Reference ProteinSpeciesId(%)Len(aa)
XP_943209.1 PREDICTED: similar to signal recognition particle subunit 9 H. sapiens 100.0 85

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Note: Highly represented in several libraries
GEO profiles: Gene expression profiles in the NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus database
cDNA Sources: brain; testis; bone marrow; bladder; embryonic tissue; kidney; lung; prostate; skin; uterus; liver; salivary gland; pancreas; uncharacterized tissue; blood; muscle; eye; mixed; placenta; intestine; bone; pharynx; thyroid; lymph; ear; ovary; adrenal gland; spleen; connective tissue; umbilical cord; mammary gland; mouth; pituitary gland; cervix; lymph node; heart; vascular; spinal cord; parathyroid; thymus; stomach; adipose tissue; nerve; esophagus; ganglia; ascites
Genomic location specified by transcript mapping, radiation hybrid mapping, genetic mapping or cytogenetic mapping.
Chromosome: 1
Map position: 1q42.12
Sequences representing this gene; mRNAs, ESTs, and gene predictions supported by transcribed sequences.

mRNA sequences (23)

AF070649.1 Homo sapiens clone 24452 mRNA sequence PA
BC045603.1 Homo sapiens, clone IMAGE:4615687, mRNA A
AL050363.1 Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp564M2223 (from clone DKFZp564M2223) PA
NM_003133.5 Homo sapiens signal recognition particle 9kDa (SRP9), transcript variant 2, mRNA A
BC064351.1 Homo sapiens signal recognition particle 9kDa, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:75133 IMAGE:4452218), complete cds PA
BC066957.1 Homo sapiens signal recognition particle 9kDa, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:87436 IMAGE:5263635), complete cds PA
CR622995.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DF030YE18 of Fetal brain of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR620348.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DI007YA10 of Placenta Cot 25-normalized of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR619235.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DA012YF18 of Neuroblastoma of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR619100.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DI075YB04 of Placenta Cot 25-normalized of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR618157.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DA005YG10 of Neuroblastoma of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR610100.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DI033YB17 of Placenta Cot 25-normalized of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR602546.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DA001YG18 of Neuroblastoma of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR596418.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DI007YA08 of Placenta Cot 25-normalized of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR596336.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DI022YM19 of Placenta Cot 25-normalized of Homo sapiens (human) P
CR590096.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DI029YF24 of Placenta Cot 25-normalized of Homo sapiens (human) P
BC106005.1 Homo sapiens signal recognition particle 9kDa, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:110981 IMAGE:6026221), complete cds PA
BC008443.1 Homo sapiens signal recognition particle 9kDa, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:14657 IMAGE:4102222), complete cds PA
BC015094.1 Homo sapiens signal recognition particle 9kDa, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:22694 IMAGE:3930047), complete cds PA
BC017414.1 Homo sapiens, Similar to signal recognition particle 9kD, clone IMAGE:4655251, mRNA, partial cds A
BC022415.1 Homo sapiens signal recognition particle 9kDa, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:24591 IMAGE:4243562), complete cds PA
AK289595.1 Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ76514 complete cds, highly similar to Homo sapiens signal recognition particle 9kDa (SRP9), mRNA
U20998.1 Homo sapiens signal recognition particle subunit 9 (SRP9) mRNA, complete cds P

EST sequences (10 of 1909) [Show all sequences]

R14546.1 Clone IMAGE:29318 brain 5' read
AA970802.1 Clone IMAGE:1576502 intestine 3' read A
AI000615.1 Clone IMAGE:1610057 mammary gland 3' read A
AI002402.1 Clone IMAGE:1601943 lung 3' read A
AI016071.1 Clone IMAGE:1638473 testis 3' read A
AI055992.1 Clone IMAGE:1648518 parathyroid 3' read A
AI127584.1 Clone IMAGE:1710716 uterus 3' read A
AI139294.1 Clone IMAGE:1710532 uterus 3' read A
AI139342.1 Clone IMAGE:1710256 uterus 3' read A
AI139998.1 Clone IMAGE:1691934 heart 3' read A

Key to Symbols

P Has similarity to known Proteins (after translation)
A Contains a poly-Adenylation signal
S Sequence is a Suboptimal member of this cluster
M Clone is putatively CDS-complete by MGC criteria

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