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Mechanical Clot Extraction [12 seconds]
Mechanical Clot Extraction NIBIB is developing a mechanical clot extraction system for stroke victims and those at risk. The device, made with a "shape memory polymer," is inserted in a vessel as a straight thin wire advancing through an obstruction. When heated inside the body with a laser illuminator, it reshapes into a coil and latches onto the clot, both of which are then removed, thereby restoring blood flow.
play video of Mechanical Clot Extraction
Duncan J. Maitland, Ph.D
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California

5-D Imaging of the Heart [54 seconds]
5-D Imaging of the Heart Three spatial dimensions show the cardiac anatomy. The 4th dimension is time as the heart is shown beating throughout successive cardiac cycles. The 5th dimension is the mapping of the electrical activation pattern that causes contraction of the left ventricular chamber. All of these signals are registered in exact synchrony to provide 5-D image.
play video of 5-D Imaging of the Heart
Richard A. Robb, Ph.D.
c. 2006 Mayo Clinic College of Medicine

Atrial Chamber Electro Activation Mapping [46 seconds]
Atrial Chamber Electro Activation Mapping This is a 3-D model of the left atrium segmented from a dynamic volume CT scan. Electrophysiology coordinates have been collected within the atrium and registered to the internal surface. These are then displayed as an activation map of the cardiac contraction cycle across the surface of the left atrium.
play video of Atrial Chamber Electro Activation Mapping
Richard A. Robb, Ph.D.
c. 2006 Mayo Clinic College of Medicine

Auditory Canal Micro-Anatomy [1 minute 14 seconds]
Auditory Canal Micro-Anatomy This movie shows segmented, labeled and colored anatomy of microscopic structures in the auditory canal produced from micro-CT images of the temporal bone. Exploration of the middle ear is shown with all of the constituent anatomy colored and labeled.
play video of Auditory Canal Micro-Anatomy
Richard A. Robb, Ph.D.
c. 2006 Mayo Clinic College of Medicine

Cortical Atrophy Associated with Alzheimer's Disease [13 seconds]
Cortical Atrophy Associated with Alzheimer's Disease This animation shows the differences in cortical atrophy between a subject with end stage Alzheimer's and an age-matched control.
play video of Cortical Atrophy Associated with Alzheimer's Disease
Arthur W. Toga, Ph.D.
Laboratory of Neuro Imaging, University of California, Los Angeles

Electrophysiology Points Registered to Atrial Chamber Surface [12 seconds]
Electrophysiology Points Registered to Atrial Chamber Surface This movie shows a left atrium segmented from a CT scan, showing connecting pulmonary vessels and the registration of electrophysiology coordinate points obtained from the surface of the atrium during a cardiac ablation procedure. The registration of these points provides dynamic activation maps of electrophysiology activity in strict synchrony with cardiac chamber anatomy movement throughout complete cardiac cycles.
play video of Electrophysiology Points Registered to Atrial Chamber Surface
Richard A. Robb, Ph.D.
c. 2006 Mayo Clinic College of Medicine

NIBIB funded activities


Last reviewed on: 07/09/2008

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