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Infrastructure > caCORE > caAdapter >


Use caAdapter Online
Follow the link above to use caAdapter without the need for installation. Once you click the link, the caAdapter application will be downloaded and launched on your computer. It will run locally and your data will not be uploaded to our server.


caAdapter is an open source tool set that provides model mapping services in support of caCORE components and facilitates data mapping and transformation among different kinds of data sources including HL7 v2 messages, HL7 v3 messages, and Regulatory Data Sets.

caAdapter has a component-based architecture to support message development and reporting using standard data formats. It also integrates with other clinical trials applications such as caXchange. caAdapter provides web service access and APIs for easy application integration.

caAdapter has two major architectural components ?the Core Engine and the Mapping Tool. The Core Engine is built on top of a set of APIs including an XMI parser, message validation, and other sub-components. It provides core services for building HL7 v3 messages, RDS data sets, object and data models mappings. It also provides additional services of vocabulary validation of the HL7 structural attributes. caAdapter is built based on the HL7 Normative Editions.

The Mapping Tool component has a GUI-based front-end application with drag-and-drop capability for mapping clinical data of various types and the ability to incorporate built-in data transformation functions into a mapping.

The caAdapter supports NCI CBIIT’s mission of developing a translational research infrastructure and building a clinical research network by providing a common platform for sharing data.


The caAdapter project is an effort to bridge the gap between various clinical research networks by sharing data and promoting integration. caAdapter offers:

  • Integration with other NCI CBIIT caCORE components
  • The capability to map object models to data models
  • A tool set to enable clinical applications to build and parse HL7 v3 messages based on specific schema definitions
  • The capability to map and transform data to create RDS datasets
  • The capability to map and transform HL7 v2 to HL7 v3
  • A method to join the clinical patient record from hospitals to the research data by using a common messaging specification offering structural and semantic interoperability
  • An open source solution for implementing an international messaging standard allowing data to be exchanged between disparate systems

Current Releases

caAdapter Version 4.0

The current release of caAdapter contains the following major functionality:

  • Model Mapping Service the capability to map an object model to a data model in support of the caCORE components. For an updated version of this module, please see the caAdapter MMS v4.1 section below.
  • CSV to HL7 v3 mapping and transformation ?the capability to map a CSV file structure to HL7 v3 message structure, then transform the data to create the actual HL7 v3 messages
  • HL7 v2 to HL7 v3 conversion ?the capability to convert HL7 v2 to HL7 v3 messages
  • CSV and Database to RDS mapping and transformation ?the capability to map a CSV file structure, or database structure, to an RDS dataset; then this module facilitates creating actual RDS datasets based on the source data and mapping information
  • Web service the capability to expose caAdapter’s functionality to integrate with other caGRID applications

Quick Start to using caAdapter
HL7 Tutorial Site

caAdapter - MMS v4.1

NCI CBIIT is currently in the process of separating caAdapter capabilities into multiple modules to be released independently to improve product agility. The first module to be released separately is the Model Mapping Service Tool (MMS) version 4.1.

This module provides the capability to map an object to a data model in support of the caCORE components.

Use caAdapter MMS Online
Follow the link above to use caAdapter MMS V4.1 without the need for installation. Once you click the link, the application will be downloaded and launched on your computer. It will run locally; your data will not be uploaded to our server.

Quick Start to using caAdapter MMS v4.1
Mapping Process
Licensing Agreement

caAdapter - GME 4.2

This module assists the user with creating and correcting mappings between existing namespace names (XSD's) and UML models (represented as XMI files). The tool allows the model owner to define model-specific common values, such as Package Namespace, that will be automatically applied to the model. This will make the mapping exercise more efficient and less error-prone.

Use caAdapter GME Online
Follow the link above to use caAdapter GME V4.2 without the need for installation. Once you click the link, the application will be downloaded and launched on your computer. It will run locally; your data will not be uploaded to our server.

The tool provides a drag and drop capability to perform the mapping. Subsequently, it annotates the XMI file with the proper namespace tags. The XMI file can be exported from a UML modeling tool. caAdapter GME supports the following UML Modeling tools:

  • Enterprise Architect
  • ArgoUML

Licensing Agreement

National Cancer Institute Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health