Communications and educational materials from the National Cancer Institute are intended to inform either the general public or a specific cancer-related population about cancer detection, diagnosis, treatment, and (as much as possible) prevention. If a publication, web site, or other communication tool includes scientifically accurate information but it is not understandable by a lay audience or does not take into account important cultural differences, the resources expended in developing that publication or web site will have little impact on the intended audiences.

CARRA members participate in the development and review of materials and information that communicate the results of cancer research to public audiences - to help ensure that the information will be understandable, complete, and effective for the intended audiences.

Your active involvement in communication of science/research activities will help ensure that

  • NCI's communications and outreach initiatives address the issues of greatest concern to those affected by cancer
  • Approaches used are feasible and well matched to the intended audience

Examples of communications where CARRA members have been involved include: