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hippocampal interneurons and their role in controlling



Chris J. McBain, PhD, Head, Section on Cellular and Synaptic Physiology

J. Joshua Lawrence, PhD, Staff Scientist

Tue Banke, PhD, Visiting Fellow

Andre Fisahn, PhD, Visiting Fellow

Saobo Lei, PhD, Visiting Fellow

Kenneth Pelkey, PhD, Visiting Fellow

Brian Jefferies, BS, Biologist

Xiaoqing Yuan, MSc, Biologist

Zachary Grinspan, BS, HHMI Scholara

Jeff Statland, BS, HHMI Scholarb


GABA-ergic inhibitory interneurons constitute a population of hippocampal cells whose high degree of anatomical and functional divergence makes them suitable candidates for controlling the activity of large populations of principal neurons. GABA-ergic inhibitory interneurons play a major role in the synchronization of neuronal activity and are involved in the generation of large-scale network oscillations. Thus, interneurons function as a clock that dictates when principal cells fire during suprathreshold excitatory drive. Interneurons receive strong excitatory glutamatergic innervation via numerous anatomically distinct afferent projections; recent evidence has demonstrated that the molecular composition of both AMPA-preferring classes of glutamate receptors expressed at interneuron synapses are often distinct from those found at principal cell synapses. Furthermore, single inhibitory interneurons can synthesize distinct AMPA receptors with defined subunit composition and target the receptors to synaptic domains innervated by different afferent inputs. Using high-resolution whole-cell patch clamp recording techniques in brain slices of hippocampus and auditory and barrel cortex, we investigate differential mechanisms of synaptic transmission onto hippocampal inhibitory interneurons and the role of intrinsic voltage-gated channels in regulating interneuron excitability.

Quantal transmission at mossy fiber targets in the CA3 region of the rat hippocampus

Lawrence, Grinspan

Recent anatomical evidence that inhibitory interneurons receive approximately 10 times as many synapses from mossy fibers as do principal neurons has led to a re-examination of the extent to which interneurons are involved in CA3 network excitability. Despite previous descriptions of many of the anatomical and physiological properties of mossy fiber–CA3 interneuron synapses, an investigation into the quantal nature of transmission at these synapses had not yet been conducted. We employed variance-mean (VM) analysis to compare the release probability, quantal size (q), and number of release sites (n) at mossy fiber target neurons in CA3. At interneuron synapses in which we experimentally imposed a high concentration of Ca2+, the variance-mean relationship was approximated by a parabolic function. Estimates of n were 1–2, and the weighted release probability in normal Ca2+ conditions ranged from 0.34 to 0.51. At pyramidal cell synapses, the variance-mean relationship approximated a linear relationship, suggesting that the release probability was significantly lower. The weighted quantal amplitude was similar at interneuron synapses and pyramidal cell synapses, although the variability in quantal amplitude was larger at interneuron synapses. Mossy fiber transmission at CA3 interneuron synapses can be explained by a lower number of release sites, a broader range of release probabilities, and a larger range of quantal amplitudes than at CA3 pyramidal synapses. Finally, unitary quantal synaptic events onto interneurons elicited spike transmission, owing in part to the more depolarized membrane potential than that of pyramidal cells. The results suggest that (1) although mossy fiber synapses onto pyramidal cells are associated with a larger number of release sites per synapse, higher connectivity, and higher initial release probability; and (2) a larger relative impact per quantum onto CA3 interneurons generates strong feedforward inhibition at physiological firing frequencies of dentate granule cells. Given the central role of CA3 interneurons in mossy fiber synaptic transmission, these details of transmission should provide insight into CA3 network dynamics under both physiological and pathophysiological circumstances.

Lawrence JJ, Grinspan ZM, McBain CJ. Quantal analysis at mossy fiber targets in the CA3 region of the rat hippocampus. J Physiol 2004;554:175-193.

Lawrence JJ, McBain CJ. Containing the detonation: feedforward inhibition in the CA3 hippocampus. Trends Neurosci 2003;26:631-640.

Lei S, McBain CJ. Two loci of expression for long-term depression at hippocampal mossy fiber-interneuron synapses. J Neurosci 2004;24:2112-2121.

Control of bidirectional plasticity of mossy fiber-stratum lucidum feedforward inhibition by mGluR7

Pelkey; in collaboration with Roche

Activity-dependent alterations in synaptic efficacy are thought to represent the cellular substrate underlying learning and memory formation and have been implicated in neurodegenerative disorders such as epilepsy and chronic pain. Despite rapid progress in elucidating cellular mechanisms responsible for long-term plasticity at excitatory synapses between principal cells, much remains unknown about the plasticity of excitatory transmission onto inhibitory interneurons. Indeed, bidirectional plasticity of excitatory drive onto any identified interneuron population has yet to be observed. Moreover, excitatory transmission typically displays cell target–specific regulation, indicating that the rules governing plasticity at principal cell synapses cannot be applied to inputs onto interneurons. For instance, hippocampal mossy fiber (MF) inputs to CA3 stratum lucidum interneurons (SLINs) undergo long-term depression (LTD) following high-frequency stimulation (HFS) in contrast to MF-pyramidal (PYR) synapses, where long-term potentiation (LTP) occurs. We have now shown that the metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 7 (mGluR7) is a metaplastic switch at MF-SLIN synapses that governs the direction of plasticity. In naive slices, mGluR7 activation during HFS generates presynaptic MF-SLIN LTD through a PKC-dependent mechanism. Agonist-induced mGluR7 internalization unmasks HFS-induced MF-SLIN LTP. Thus, selective mGluR7 targeting to MF terminals contacting SLINs rather than PYRs provides cell target–specific plasticity and bidirectional control of feedforward inhibition.

Depolarization-induced long-term depression at hippocampal mossy fiber-CA3 pyramidal neuron synapses

Lei, Pelkey; in collaboration with Congar, Lacaille, Topolnik

Hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons receive two types of excitatory afferent innervation: MFs from granule cells of the dentate gyrus and recurrent collateral fibers (CFs) from other CA3 pyramidal neurons. At CF-CA3 pyramidal neuron synapses, membrane depolarization paired with low (0.33 Hz) presynaptic stimulation generated a heterogeneous response that ranged from LTP, LTD, to no alteration of synaptic strength. However, the same induction paradigm applied at MF-CA3 pyramidal neuron synapses consistently induced LTD. This novel form of LTD was independent of NMDARs, mGluRs, cannabinoid receptors, opioid receptors, or coincident synaptic activity but was dependent on postsynaptic Ca2+ elevation through L-type Ca2+ channels and release from InsP3 receptor–sensitive intracellular stores. Ca2+ imaging of both proximal and distal CA3 pyramidal neuron dendrites demonstrated that the depolarizing induction paradigm differentially elevated intracellular Ca2+ levels. We observed L-type Ca2+ channel activation only at the most proximal locations where MFs make synapses. Depolarization-induced LTD did not occlude the conventional 1 Hz–induced LTD or vice versa, suggesting that independent mechanisms underlie each form of plasticity. The paired-pulse ratio and coefficient of variation of synaptic transmission remained unchanged after LTD induction, suggesting that the expression locus of LTD is postsynaptic. Moreover, peak-scaled nonstationary variance analysis indicated that depolarization-induced LTD correlated with a reduction in postsynaptic AMPA receptor numbers without a change in AMPA receptor conductance. Our results suggest that this novel form of LTD is selectively expressed at proximal dendritic locations closely associated with L-type Ca2+ channels.

Lei S, Pelkey K, Topolnik L, Congar P, Lacaille J-C, McBain CJ. Depolarization-induced long-term depression at hippocampal mossy fiber-CA3 pyramidal neuron synapses. J Neurosci 2003;23:9786-9795.

Muscarinic control of spike timing and reliability in hippocampal interneurons

Lawrence, Grinspan, Statland

Hippocampal theta oscillations are thought to be the primary means by which neuronal assemblies link distinct aspects of spatial experience. The activation of hippocampal interneurons by cholinergic afferents of the septum may play an important role in the initiation of theta oscillations. Recently, we showed that several interneuron subclasses discharge at different times during the theta cycle, a pattern that is related both to the nature of the interneurons’ reciprocal connectivity with pyramidal cells and the intrinsic membrane properties of each interneuron class. Although cholinergic neuromodulation has been shown to have potent effects on the resting membrane potential of different interneuron types, the impact of cholinergic neuromodulation on spike timing and reliability is unknown. We focused on a physiologically and anatomically well-described interneuron subtype, the stratum oriens/lacunosum-moleculare (O-LM) interneurons, which are poised both to receive cholinergic input from the medial septum and modulate the flow of information from the entorhinal cortex to the hippocampus. We find that O-LM interneurons consistently and potently induce an after-depolarization (ADP) in the presence of muscarine, causing a sustained increase in action potential firing frequency upon depolarization. The ADP was triggered in part by the downregulation of two potassium conductances, an M-current and a calcium-dependent after-hyperpolarization current. Furthermore, the ADP persisted not only in the presence of M1 and M4 antagonists but also in M2 knockout mice, strongly suggesting that the ADP was controlled by muscarinic M3 receptors.

To assess how muscarine influences the oscillatory properties of O-LM interneurons, we introduced sinusoidal current injections at a variety of frequencies. Muscarine caused an increase in action potential reliability, a shift in action potential timing to earlier in the cycle, and an increase in spike timing precision. Interestingly, the enhanced spike reliability and increased spike timing precision were limited to approximately theta frequencies, suggesting that cholinergic neuromodulation tunes the intrinsic membrane properties of O-LM interneurons to match the frequency of extrinsic synaptic input. Such postsynaptic specializations would afford cholinergic afferents from the medial septum fine control over the degree of engagement of O-LM interneurons in network activity.

M-current modulation in hippocampal interneurons

Lawrence, Statland; in collaboration with Saraga, Skinner

Potassium channels consisting of the KCNQ subtype are thought to underlie the macroscopic M-current (IM). M-currents have long been known to play a critical role in controlling action potential generation and firing pattern. While this conductance has been well described in principal cells, it is unclear whether interneurons also possess IM. We employed patch clamp techniques from acute mouse slices to determine whether IM was present in visually identified hippocampal CA1 oriens/alveus (OA) interneurons. We already showed that OA interneurons possess both transient and sustained outward currents, with the latter current thought to be mediated predominantly by delayed rectifier (Kv3) potassium channels. However, the selective IM antagonist linopirdine (10 micoM) removed about 22 percent of the sustained current present at +40mV. Test pulses between -60 and +40 mV revealed a linopirdine-sensitive (LS) current component with a half activation of about -6.1 mV and slope of about 12.1. At +40mV, the time to peak was about 60.6 milliseconds (ms). An analysis of the time course of deactivation revealed that linopirdine removed an intermediately decaying component of the outward current while leaving both faster- and slower-decaying components unchanged. Such a kinetic profile suggests that M-currents contribute considerably to the intermediate component of the after-hyperpolarization. The relaxation curve for a –20mV step from a holding potential of 30mV could be fit with a single exponential, yielding a time constant of 231 ms. Moreover, IM was inhibited 58 percent by 0.5mM tetraethylammonium, a specific inhibitor of KCNQ channels. Thus, the voltage dependence, kinetics, and pharmacology all strongly suggest that KCNQ2 channels mediate the LS conductance in OA interneurons. Finally, to test whether block of IM affected cell excitability, we applied 10 microM linopirdine in current clamp mode. In cells exhibiting a detectable IM, linopirdine caused an increase in action potential firing of about 3.3 Hz given a 500ms 90pA current injection. Using these quantitative characteristics, we are currently modeling the M-current in multicompartmental models of anatomically reconstructed OA interneurons. In summary, IM is a previously unrecognized component of the sustained current in OA interneurons, revealing a novel mechanism by which interneuron excitability can be regulated. Given that some genetic epilepsies feature a mutation of KCNQ genes, modeling M-current control of interneuron excitability could offer insight into the epileptic brain and suggest possibilities for treatment.

The role of the kainate receptor subunits GluR5 and GluR6 in hippocampal gamma oscillations

Fisahn; in collaboration with Buhl, Contractor, Heinemann, Traub

Activation of kainate receptors (but not AMPA receptors) induces gamma oscillations in the in vitro hippocampus. The oscillations depend on intact inhibitory GABA-ergic neurotransmission but are independent of excitatory transmission via NMDA receptors, metabotropic glutamate receptors, and cholinergic receptors. We investigated the connection between gamma oscillations and the kainate receptor subtypes GluR5 and GluR6. Using extracellular field recordings, we demonstrated that gamma oscillations of comparable power were induced by much lower concentrations of kainate in GluR5–/– (100nM) CA3 hippocampus than in wild type (600nM). Increasing concentrations of kainate (>150nM) degraded the gamma oscillation and precipitated electrographic seizure activity in GluR5–/– hippocampus, but not in wild type. In contrast, kainate failed to induce gamma oscillations or seizures at concentrations up to 600nM in GluR6–/– hippocampus. Given that gamma oscillations were readily evoked by other oscillogenic drugs such as muscarine (20microM), the altered neuronal circuitry in GluR6–/– mice did not explain the lack of effect of kainate. We concluded that activation of the GluR6 kainate receptor subtype is necessary for the induction of gamma oscillations. Using whole-cell recordings, we demonstrated that kainate increased spontaneous inhibitory postsynaptic current (sIPSC) amplitude by about 50 percent in wild-type mice and GluR5–/– but was without effect on sIPSCs in GluR6–/–. Furthermore, kainate activated an inward current and depolarized pyramidal neurons in both wild-type and GluR5–/– mice, but not in GluR6–/– mice. These effects of kainate on the hippocampal network are consistent with the expression patterns of GluR5 and GluR6, which are primarily localized to inhibitory interneuron presynaptic terminals and to somata and dendrites of interneurons and pyramidal cells, respectively. Consistent with a presynaptic expression pattern of GluR5, the paired-pulse ratio of evoked IPSCs was increased, suggesting that GluR5 may act tonically to depolarize presynaptic inhibitory terminals and provide an elevated basal state of inhibition within the hippocampal network. Similarly, the increased sensitivity to kainate-induced oscillations in the GluR5–/– hippocampus likely results from a reduction in the inhibitory control over the CA3 network, leading to enhanced excitability of pyramidal neurons and reduced ability of the interneuron network to synchronize itself at gamma frequencies.

Fisahn A, Contractor A, Traub RD, Buhl EH, Heinemann SF, McBain CJ. Distinct roles for the kainate receptor subunits GluR5 and GluR6 in kainate-induced hippocampal gamma oscillations. J Neurosci 2004;24:9658-9668.

The kainate receptor subunit GluR6 mediates metabotropic regulation of the slow and medium AHP currents

Fisahn; in collaboration with Heinemann

Kainate is a well-known excitotoxic that increases excitability and generates seizure-like activity as well as gamma oscillations in the hippocampus. Changes in excitability have consequences for action potential firing characteristics of neurons, which in turn are important for the overall behavior and output of neuronal networks such as synchronized oscillations or seizure-like activity. Prolonged depolarization of neurons above their firing threshold leads to initially sustained generation of action potentials. In most principal neuron types in the hippocampus, however, the generation of action potentials slows down and stops before the depolarizing stimulus has abated. Such spike frequency accommodation is brought about by a number of conductances, including a calcium-activated potassium current with slow decay time that hyperpolarizes the cell membrane (IsAHP). The slow after-hyperpolarization (AHP) current therefore governs the length and frequency of bursts of action potentials. Likewise, the length and frequency of single action potentials is influenced by calcium-activated hyperpolarizing potassium currents, which in pyramidal neurons are distinguished by their medium and fast decay times (ImAHP, IfAHP). A recent study showed that IsAHP is decreased by direct activation of kainate receptors (KAR) on CA1 pyramidal cells. Moreover, this action of kainate was metabotropic, activating a PKC-based signaling pathway. We were interested in investigating the role of different KAR subunits in modulating IsAHP and ImAHP and their influence on repetitive action potential generation. To investigate the role of KAR subunits in the metabotropic regulation of the slow and medium AHP currents (IsAHP, ImAHP), we used whole-cell patch clamp recordings from CA3 pyramidal cells of wild-type and KAR knockout mice. The kainate-induced decrease of IsAHP and ImAHP amplitude was PKC-dependent and absent in GluR6–/–, but not in GluR5–/– neurons. Our findings suggest that activation of GluR6-containing KARs modulates AHP amplitude and influences the firing frequency of pyramidal neurons.

Publication Related to Other Work

Spruston N, McBain CJ. Anatomy and physiology of hippocampal neurons. In: Morris R, Amaral D, Bliss TV, eds. The Hippocampus. 2005, in press.

aLeft in 2002.

bLeft in 2003.


Eberhard Buhl, PhD, Leeds University, UK

Patrice Congar, PhD, University of Montreal, Canada

Anis Contractor, PhD, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL

Stephen Heinemann, PhD, The Salk Institute, La Jolla, CA

Jean-Claude Lacaille, PhD, University of Montreal, Canada

Katherine Roche, PhD, Basic Neurosciences Program, NINDS, Bethesda, MD

Fernanda Saraga, PhD, University of Toronto, Canada

Frances Skinner, PhD, University of Toronto, Canada

Lisa Topolnik, PhD, University of Montreal, Canada

Roger Traub, MD, SUNY, New York, NY


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