Within three days of receiving a CARRA request, the CARRA Program Manager generates a list of recommended CARRA members who meet the requested criteria. This list includes contact information and a short biography for the number of CARRA members requested, plus information on several alternate members. The list is sent directly to you, the Institute staff member submitting the CARRA request.

Once you receive a list of recommended advocates from the CARRA program, the following steps below will assist you in selecting which CARRA member(s) to invite to participate in your activity.

  • Review the Biographies of Recommended CARRA Members
    • Compare each CARRA member biography with your activity requirements.
    • If you have any questions about the information you have received, contact Elizabeth Neilson, CARRA Program Manager, at ncicarra@mail.nih.gov or 301-451-3321.
  • Make an Initial Call to CARRA Members
    Conduct an initial call to the CARRA member(s) who seem to best meet your activity needs:
    • Inform them that they have been recommended by the CARRA program to be considered for participation in an Institute activity.
    • Explain that you are in the process of identifying advocates whose experience and skills would be the closest match to the needs of the activity.
    • Provide them with information about the activity (i.e. description, role of advocate, requirements of participation, dates of activity, expected time commitment, need for computer access, and whether travel is required).
    • Assess their interest in the activity, their ability to participate, and if any conflicts of interest exist.
  • Choose CARRA Members and Invite Them to Participate

After reviewing their biographies and speaking with CARRA members directly, select the CARRA member(s) you believe will add the most value to your activity. When inviting a CARRA member to participate in an activity, please share with them.

Once you have invited a CARRA member to participate in your activity, they will need several specific instructions. Please review the list below and the items in the section on this site about Working with CARRA Members.

  • Specific information about travel logistics, needed computer access, and required paperwork, such as conflict of interest forms
  • Information about
    • Their specific role representing the perspective of people affected by cancer
    • Their first assignment or task as a participant
    • Any background material they will need to review in preparation for the activity
    • Any orientation information or material for the activity itself
    • The overall timeframe for the activity
    • Your contact information, since you will serve as their Activity Contact
Once you have invited a CARRA member to participate in your activity, please see the specific information provided on this site about Working with CARRA Members.