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Nutrition & Obesity Publications



Summer 1998 Materials from Other Organizations ACSM Fitness Book (2nd ed.). 1998. The American College of Sports Medicine has updated their 142-page handbook for the general public. Topics discussed include the need for exercise, how to assess physical fitness, and how to exercise for aerobic fitness, muscular fitness, and flexibility to improve body composition. Suggestions for choosing exercise equipment and programs are also included. Available for $13.95 from: Human Kinetics, P.O. Box 5076, Champaign, IL 61825-5076; phone: (800) 747-4457; website:

EatRight Lose Weight: 7 Simple Steps. 1997. R.L. Weinsier, N.P. Wilson, S.L. Morgan, A.R. Cornwell, and C.B. Craig authored this 145-page book describing the method used for weight loss at the weight control center at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Called EatRight, the program is made up of seven basic steps: ChooseRight, BuyRight, CookRight, DineRight, StepRight, ThinkRight, and StartRight. Guidance for each step, a week of menus to get started, and lowfat recipes for all occasions are presented. Available for $24.95 from: Oxmoor House, 2100 Lakeshore Dr., Birmingham, AL 35209; phone: (205) 877-6562.

Pump Fiction: Tips for Buying Exercise Equipment. 1997. This fact sheet offers advice to consumers considering the purchase of exercise equipment. It also discusses what exercise machines can and cannot do for weight loss. Available from: Bureau of Consumer Protection, Office of Consumer and Business Education, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC; phone: (202) 326-3650.

Skinny on Dieting. 1997. This fact sheet explains why so many of the claims made by diet-product companies are false. Discussed are weight loss while sleeping, rapid weight loss, claims of other individuals' weight loss, low-cost meal programs, and so-called "medical miracles." Suggestions for safe weight loss are also presented. Available from: Bureau of Consumer Protection, Office of Consumer and Business Education, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC; phone:(202) 326-3650.

Health Spas: Exercise Your Rights. 1992. This fact sheet offers basic suggestions for individuals considering joining a health spa. Available from: Bureau of Consumer Protection, Office of Consumer and Business Education, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC; phone: (202) 326-3650.

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