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  Cancer Imaging Program
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Academic-Industrial Partnerships for Development and Validation of In Vivo Imaging Systems and Methods for Cancer Investigations (R01) (PAR-07-214)

The goal is to accelerate the transition of in vivo spectroscopic and imaging systems and methods into cancer research, clinical trials, and/or clinical practice. A related goal is to advance new technologies and methods for animal imaging. The Cancer Imaging Program (CIP) of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) solicits applications from multi-institutional research partnerships formed by academic, industrial, and other investigators, for the purpose of developing imaging technology that is applicable to cancer research involving human subjects and/or animal models. The academic-industrial partnerships must be dedicated to the complete research and development cycle, culminating in the product prototype stage. The partnership model is expected to more readily overcome various barriers to the development of new imaging devices and technologies faced by either academia or industry working alone. Partnerships are eligible for application for renewal at the appropriate time. See NOT-CA-08-014.


National Cancer InstituteDepartment of Health & Human ServicesNational Institutes of