National Cancer Institute  Cancer Progress Report 2001


How to Read the Graphs

The following eight-page chart summarizes some of the measures that are described at greater length in the body of this report. Special graphics address two questions:

Is the trend good or bad?

  • A graph shows the direction of the trend for each measure in the chart. Below the graph is an arrow showing the desired direction (up or down) of the trend.
  • Each graph line is color-coded to indicate whether the trend is:

Green = right direction; red = wrong direction; black = stable

For example, this graph shows that mammography use is rising and that this is the desired direction.

Line chart with green line showing mammography use rising between 1988 and 200

How does the Nation's progress compare to the Healthy People 2010 target?

  • Progress toward the relevant Healthy People 2010 target is displayed by two bars—the first indicating where we started, and the second, where we are now.
  • The first (baseline) bar is white. The second bar is either green or red, depending on the direction of the trend.
  • A black horizontal line shows the Healthy People 2010 target.

For example, this bar chart shows that mammography use has increased from 29 percent in 1987 to 67 percent in 1998, a level close to the Healthy People 2010 target of 70 percent.

Bar chart with green bar showing mammography use of 70% equal to Healthy People 2010 target

Also in this Section
How to Read the Graphs
Prevention - Smoking
Prevention - Diet and Nutrition
Prevention - Weight & Physical Activity
Prevention - Sun Protection
Prevention - Environment
Early Detection
Life After Cancer
End of Life

Also in the Report
Early Detection
Life After Cancer
End of Life

Prevention | Early Detection | Diagnosis | Treatment | Life After Cancer | End of Life
Report-at-a-Glance | Director's Message | Introduction | Appendixes
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