U.S. National Institutes of Health
Last Updated: 10/31/08

Staff, Pictures and Bios

Jeffrey S. Abrams, MD, Associate Director

In June 2007, Jeffrey S. Abrams, MD, a long-time DCTD staff member, was selected to lead the Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program (CTEP) as associate director, following the retirement of Dr. Michaele Christian who had directed the program for 10 years. More…

Steven Friedman, MHSA, Acting Head, PIO

Steven Friedman, MHSA joined the National Cancer Institute in 2004, first as a contractor serving as Program Manager for the Protocol and Information Office (PIO) and then in November 2005 as Deputy Head, PIO as an federal employee. Since July 2006, he has been serving as Acting Head, PIO which also includes oversight of the CTEP Enterprise IT System. More…

Tanjier Belton, Extramural Program Assistant

Mary Louden, Secretary to the Associate Director

Ann Setser, BSN, MEd, Nurse Consultant