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Communicable Diseases

Classify here all major systemic infectious diseases with the exception of tuberculosis, which classes in WF 200-415.

  • A few infectious diseases, usually local in character, are classed with the part affected, e.g., those classed in Dermatology, WR 220-245.

Classify diseases for which no specific class number exists here on the basis of likeness, e.g., pseudoglanders with glanders in WC 330.

Note that some related diseases are classed together regardless of the affecting organism, e.g., the pneumonias (WC 202-209) and the dysenteries (WC 280-285).

  • Classify works on an infection which affects a single organ with the organ.


  WC 1-100 Reference Works. General Works
  WC 140-185 Sexually Transmitted Diseases
      WC 195 General Infection
  WC 195-425 Infection. Bacterial Infections
      WC 200-255 Bacterial Infections
      WC 260-290 Enteric Infections
      WC 302-425 Other Bacterial Infections. Zoonotic Bacterial Infections
  WC 450-475 Fungal Infections
  WC 500-593 Virus Diseases
      WC 500 General Virus Diseases
      WC 501-502 General RNA Virus Infections
      WC 503-503.7 Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. HIV Infections
      WC 505-520 Viral Respiratory Tract Infections. Respirovirus Infections
      WC 522-532 Infectious Mononucleosis. Arbovirus Infections
      WC 534-556 Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers. Other Virus Diseases
      WC 570-593 Infectious Viral Skin Diseases
  WC 600-660 Rickettsial Infections. Chlamydial Infections
  WC 680-950 Tropical and Parasitic Diseases

Reference Works. General Works
WC 1
Societies (Cutter from name of society)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Includes ephemeral membership lists issued serially or separately. Classify substantial lists with directories. Classify annual reports, journals, etc., in W1.
Collected works (General)
WC 5
By several authors
WC 7
By individual authors
WC 9
Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General)
WC 11
History (General) (Table G)
Classify history of a single infectious disease with the disease.
WC 11.1
General coverage (Not Table G)
WC 13
Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WC 15
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WC 16
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WC 17
Atlases. Pictorial works
Classify here also atlases on single infectious diseases.
WC 18
Classify here works about education.
WC 18.2
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
WC 19
Schools, colleges, and specialized departments and facilities
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WC 20
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject.
WC 22
Directories (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WC 22.1
General coverage (Not Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Laboratories, institutes, etc.
WC 23
WC 24
Individual (Cutter from name of institution)
WC 25
Laboratory manuals. Technique
WC 26
Equipment and supplies
Classify catalogs in W 26.
WC 26.5
Informatics. Automatic data processing. Computers (General)
Classify works on use for special subjects by subject.
Isolation and quarantine hospitals. Clinics, dispensaries, etc. Leper colonies
WC 27
Collective (Table G)
WC 27.1
General coverage (Not Table G)
WC 28
Individual (Cutter from name of hospital) (Table G)
Museums, exhibitions, etc.
WC 28.5
WC 28.6
Individual (Cutter from name of museum, etc.)
[WC 32]
[This number not used]
Classify laws relating to infectious diseases in WA 32.
[WC 33]
[This number not used]
Classify discussion of laws relating to infectious diseases in WA 33.
WC 39
Handbooks. Resource guides
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WC 100
General works

Sexually Transmitted Diseases
WC 140
Sexually transmitted diseases
Classify works on AIDS and HIV infections in WC 503-503.7.
WC 142
Public health control measures
(e.g., Contact tracing)
WC 144
WC 150
Classify works on gonorrhea in the female in WP 157.
WC 155
WC 160
WC 161
WC 162
Primary. Secondary
WC 164
WC 165
Cf. WM 220 for general works on organic psychoses.
WC 168
[WC 169]
[This number not used]
Classify gummatous lesions in WC 165.
WC 170
WC 180
Granuloma inguinale
WC 185
Lymphogranuloma venereum

General Infection

Infection. Bacterial Infections
WC 195
Infection. Cross infection. Laboratory infection
Cf. WX 167 for prevention and control of cross infection in hospitals; WU 29 for prevention and control of cross infection in dental health facilities or in the provision of dental care.

Bacterial Infections
WC 200
Bacterial infections (General or not elsewhere classified)
Classify works on localized bacterial infections by site.
WC 202
Pneumonia (General or not elsewhere classified)
WC 204
Pneumococcal pneumonia. Staphylococcal pneumonia
WC 207
Viral pneumonia
WC 209
Aspiration pneumonia
WC 210
Streptococcal infections (General or not elsewhere classified)
Classify works on endocarditis in WG 285; on impetigo in WR 225.
WC 214
Scarlet fever
WC 217
Pneumococcal infections
Classify works on lobar pneumonia in WC 204.
WC 220
Rheumatic fever. Chorea in rheumatic fever
Classify works on rheumatic heart disease in WG 240.
WC 230
Focal infection
Cf. WU 290 in dentistry.
WC 234
WC 240
Bacteremia. Sepsis. Toxemias
Classify works on pregnancy toxemias in WQ 215.
WC 242
Listeria infections
WC 245
Meningococcal infections
WC 246
Mycoplasmatales infections
WC 250
Staphylococcal infections
Classify works on infectious skin diseases in WR; on hordeolum in WW 205; on staphylococcal pneumonia in WC 204; on food poisoning in WC 268.
WC 255
Wound infection
Cf. WO 185 Surgical wound infection.

Enteric Infections

WC 260
Enterobacteriaceae and other enteric infections
Classify works on Yersinia infections in WC 350.
WC 262
WC 264
WC 266
Paratyphoid fevers
WC 268
Bacterial food poisoning
Classify works on contamination of food by specific chemicals with the chemical involved. Classify works on food poisoning caused by pesticides in WA 240. Classify works on plant poisoning in WD 500-530.
WC 269
Salmonella infections
Classify works on salmonella food poisoning in WC 268; on paratyphoid fevers in WC 266.
WC 270
Typhoid fever
WC 280
WC 282
Bacillary dysentery
WC 285
Amebic dysentery. Amebiasis
Classify works on amebic liver abscess in WI 730.
WC 290
Escherichia coli infections

Other Bacterial Infections. Zoonotic Bacterial Infections

WC 302
Actinomycetales infections. Mycobacterium infections
Classify works on leprosy in WC 335; on maduromycosis in WR 340; on tuberculosis in WF, etc.
WC 305
WC 310
WC 318
Corynebacterium infections
WC 320
WC 330
Pseudomonas infections. Glanders
WC 335
WC 340
Bordetella infections. Whooping cough
WC 350
Yersinia infections. Plague
WC 355
WC 368
Clostridium infections
Classify works on botulism in WC 268; on bacillary hemoglobinuria in WJ 344.
WC 370
Tetanus. Trismus
WC 375
Gas gangrene
WC 380
WC 390
Rat-bite fever
WC 400
Spirochaetales infections
[WC 405]
[This number not used]
Classify rat-bite fever (sodoku) in WC 390.
WC 406
Borrelia infections. Lyme disease
WC 410
Relapsing fever
WC 420
Leptospirosis. Weil disease
WC 422
Treponemal infections
Classify works on syphilis in WC 160-170.
WC 425

Fungal Infections
WC 450
Mycoses (General or not elsewhere classified)
Classify works on dermatomycoses in WR 300-340; on fungal lung diseases in WF 652.
WC 460
Coccidioidomycosis. Paracoccidioidomycosis
WC 465
WC 470
Classify works on cutaneous candidiasis in WR 300.
WC 475
Cryptococcosis. Sporotrichosis

Virus Diseases

General Virus Diseases
WC 500
Virus diseases (General or not elsewhere classified)

General RNA Virus Infections

WC 501
RNA virus infections (General or not elsewhere classified)
WC 502
Retroviridae infections (General or not elsewhere classified)

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. HIV Infections

WC 503
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. HIV infections
WC 503.1
WC 503.2
WC 503.3
Etiology. Transmission
WC 503.4
Epidemiology (Table G)
WC 503.41
General coverage (Not Table G)
WC 503.5
WC 503.6
Prevention and control
WC 503.7
Psychosocial aspects

Viral Respiratory Tract Infections. Respirovirus Infections

WC 505
Viral respiratory tract infections (General or not elsewhere classified)
WC 510
Common cold
WC 512
Orthomyxoviridae infections (General or not elsewhere classified)
WC 515
Human influenza
WC 518
Respirovirus Infections (General or not elsewhere classified)
Classify works on measles in WC 580.
WC 520

Infectious Mononucleosis. Arbovirus Infections

WC 522
Infectious mononucleosis
WC 524
Arbovirus infections (General or not elsewhere classified)
Classify works on arbovirus encephalitis in WC 542; on lymphocytic choriomeningitis in WC 540.
[WC 525]
[This number not used]
Classify psittacosis [ornithosis] in WC 660.
WC 526
Phlebotomus fever
WC 528
WC 530
Yellow fever
WC 532

Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers. Other Virus Diseases

WC 534
Viral hemorrhagic fevers
WC 536
Human viral hepatitis
WC 540
Neurotropic virus diseases (General or not elsewhere classified)
WC 542
Arbovirus encephalitis. Equine encephalomyelitis (in humans)
Classify works on encephalomyelitis of the horse in SF 959.E5.
WC 550
WC 555
WC 556
Prevention and control

Infectious Viral Skin Diseases

WC 570
Infectious viral skin diseases (General or not elsewhere classified)
WC 571
Herpesviridae infections (General or not elsewhere classified)
Classify works on infectious mononucleosis in WC 522; on Burkitt's lymphoma in WH 525; on other infections with no skin manifestations in WC 500.
WC 572
WC 575
Herpes zoster
WC 578
Herpes simplex
WC 580
WC 582
WC 584
Poxviridae infections (General or not elsewhere classified)
WC 585
WC 588
Prevention and control
WC 590
[WC 593]
[This number not used]
Classify cat-scratch disease in WC 640.

Rickettsial Infections. Chlamydial Infections
WC 600
Rickettsiaceae infections. Chlamydiaceae infections. Tick-borne diseases (General or not elsewhere classified)
WC 602
Trench fever
WC 605
Epidemic louse-borne typhus
WC 610
WC 615
Endemic flea-borne typhus
WC 620
Rocky Mountain spotted fever
WC 625
Other tick-borne rickettsial infections
(e.g., Q fever)
WC 630
Scrub typhus
WC 635
Other mite-borne rickettsial infections
WC 640
Bartonellaceae infections
WC 660

Tropical and Parasitic Diseases
WC 680
Tropical diseases (General)
Cf. WR 350 Tropical diseases of the skin.
WC 695
Parasitic diseases (General or not elsewhere classified)
Classify general works on localized infections by site, e.g., Parasitic skin diseases in WR 345.
WC 698
Parasitic intestinal diseases (General or not elsewhere classified)
Classify works on amebic dysentery in WC 285.
WC 700
Protozoan infections (General or not elsewhere classified)
Classify works on amebiasis in WC 285; on trichomonas vaginitis in WP 258. See also other localized infections indexed.
WC 705
WC 715
Visceral leishmaniasis
Classify general works on leishmaniasis and on mucocutaneous leishmaniasis in WR 350.
WC 725
Toxoplasmosis (General or not elsewhere classified)
WC 730
WC 735
WC 750
WC 755
Epidemiology (Table G)
WC 755.1
General coverage (Not Table G)
WC 765
Prevention and control
WC 770
WC 800
Helminthiasis (General or not elsewhere classified)
WC 805
Trematode infections (General or not elsewhere classified)
WC 810
[WC 825]
[This number not used]
Classify Cestode infections in WC 830.
WC 830
Cestode infections (General or not elsewhere classified)
WC 838
Cysticercosis. Taeniasis
WC 840
Classify works on hepatic echinococcosis in WI 700; on pulmonary echinococcosis in WF 600.
WC 850
Nematode infections (General or not elsewhere classified)
WC 855
WC 860
Trichuriasis. Oxyuriasis
WC 865
WC 870
WC 880
Filariasis and related conditions (General or not elsewhere classified)
WC 885
WC 890
Hookworm infections (General or not elsewhere classified)
WC 900
Ectoparasitic infestations, disinfestation (General or not elsewhere classified)
Classify works on lice infestations in WR 375; on scabies in WR 365 or if veterinary in SF 810. Cf. WC 625 and WC 635 for tick and mite-borne rickettsial infections.
WC 950
Zoonoses (General)
Classify work on specific diseases of animals in SF.

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