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V. Adrian Parsegian, PhD, Head, Section on Molecular Biophysics

Daniel Harries, PhD, Visiting Fellow

Horia Petrache, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Rudi Podgornik, PhD, Visiting Scientist







Despite remarkable advances in molecular biology, the tools available to describe how biomolecules perform their work are still relatively primitive. We attempt to measure, characterize, and codify the forces that govern the organization of a variety of biological molecules. Our undertaking is strengthened by its strong connection with physical theory. Our long-term goal is to build a practical physics of biological material through a series of measurements and analyses of the forces governing biological molecular organization as revealed in vivo, in vitro, and in computation. In particular, we are working with DNA/lipid assemblies for gene therapy; DNA assemblies such as are seen in viral capsids and in vitro; polypeptides and polysaccharides in suspension; and lipid/water liquid-crystals. In these systems, we simultaneously observe the structure of packing and measure intermolecular forces or interaction energies.

Ions, lipids, and membrane-protein interactions

Petrache, Podgornik; in collaboration with Dubois, Gawrisch, Nagle, Zemb

Because ions vary widely in their effects on biological materials, ion “specificity” beyond simple charge properties is a major issue in biology. One overlooked property of ions is their polarizability, the ability of the charge to shift or fluctuate, a property seen in charge fluctuation forces. Another surprising feature of ions is their tendency to stick to charged bilayers to an extent beyond what is expected from charge-charge attraction. Such stickiness changes the way membranes interact and introduces strains that can alter the way proteins are accommodated and are able to change conformation, as in the opening and closing of transmembrane ionic channels. Our comparisons between bilayers of phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylcholine (PC) lipids with the same chains and at the same temperature enable us to focus on the effects of the lipids’ headgroups on bilayer properties.

Using X-ray diffraction and NMR spectroscopy, we found that, in the presence of sodium ions, negatively charged PS bilayers exhibit lateral areas much smaller than the areas of corresponding neutral PC analogs. The shrinkage occurs despite the extra electrostatic repulsion expected for charged PS headgroups. Such a condensation of area suggests an extra attractive interaction, perhaps due to hydrogen bonding, between PS headgroups.

We find that the charged bilayers repel as expected when interlamellar forces are measured by osmotic stress and X-ray diffraction. Questions therefore arise as to why the same repulsion does not occur between charged groups on the same bilayer and why the charged lipids are stiffer against bending. It is likely that strong ion binding is responsible. Indeed, we found a few years ago that protons bind so strongly to the charged lipids that, at 10-4 Molar concentrations (pH 4), the membrane is wrenched from the lamellar form into an inverted hexagonal structure. An even more intriguing observation is that, when the same lipids are used as a scaffold for protein channels, the exposure to protons shifts channel gating.

We have thus become aware of the organizing power of small ions to change membrane protein behavior. Guided by the unexpectedly strong attraction between charged phospholipids and simple ions, we have begun to examine Li ions with phosphatidylserine bilayers; our effort builds on the earlier work of other investigators whose research suggests that Li ions act like protons. We are now asking whether Li can stress lipid assemblies and consequently whether low levels of Li modify channel gating. Structural studies have progressed during the year, including work at CHESS (Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source), where we obtain high-resolution data needed for measurement of fluctuations, forces, and stress in protein-hosting lipids.

Harries D, Ben-Shaul A, Szleifer I. Enveloping of charged proteins by lipid bilayers. J Phys Chem B 2004;108:1491-1496. 

Petrache HI, Tristram-Nagle S, Gawrisch K, Harries D, Parsegian VA, Nagle JF. Structure and fluctuations of charged phosphatidylserine bilayers in the absence of salt. Biophys J 2004;86:1574-1586. 

Sachs JN, Nanda H, Petrache HI, Woolf TB. Changes in phosphatidylcholine headgroup tilt and water order induced by monovalent salt: molecular dynamics simulations. Biophys J 2004;86:3772-3782. 

Sachs JN, Petrache HI, Woolf TB. Interpretation of small angle X-ray measurements guided by molecular dynamics simulations of lipid bilayers. Chem Phys Lipids 2004;126:211-223.

Sachs JN, Petrache HI, Zuckerman DM, Woolf TB. Molecular dynamics simulations of ionic concentration gradients across model membranes. J Chem Phys 2003;118:1957-1969.

van der Waals forces

Petrache, Podgornik, Parsegian; in collaboration with French, Nagle

Weak compared with covalent bonds and electrical-charge interactions, charge-fluctuation or van der Waals forces are not usually appreciated for their work among membranes and macromolecules. The dominant force that coheres membranes and proteins and source of the powerful surface tension at membrane interfaces, van der Waals forces are again the dominant, perhaps sole attraction that creates membrane multilayers or allows membranes to adhere to artificial surfaces. This past year proved particularly productive as we learned to formulate, measure, and modify these neglected interactions. The key was to begin with the elements of physical theory and to relate the polarizability of materials to the fluctuations of charges within them. We were thus able to design experiments demonstrating how macromolecular organization responds to deliberate changes in solution properties.

We were able to see how the addition of even the simplest salts to water around lipid bilayers changes how membranes assemble into multilayers. For example, we can see how the attraction between membranes varies when salts of different ions, e.g., chloride compared with bromide, are dissolved in the intervening water. Membrane multilayers swell by 50 percent with bromide but not with chloride. We reformulated van der Waals forces between membranes to show how they would respond to changes in solutions so as to have a strategy to control membrane assembly. One unexpected byproduct was a collaboration with engineers who have been using our equations to design production procedures for thin-film resistors in computer chips. We expect the collaboration to work to our benefit by providing us with experimental data for use in computing van der Waals forces. Another unexpected result relates to what was known about the friction between an ion and the water through which it moves. Just as a charge-water interaction creates a drag, there is a charge-fluctuation source of drag on a moving particle.

Mkrtchian VM, Parsegian VA, Podgornik R, Saslow WM. Universal thermal radiation drag on neutral objects. Phys Rev Lett 2003;91:220801.

Podgornik R, Hansen PL, ParsegianVA. On a reformulation of the theory of Lifshitz-van der Waals interactions in multilayered systems. J Chem Phys 2003;119:1070-1077.

Podgornik R, Parsegian VA. van der Waals interactions across stratified media. J Chem Phys 2004;120:3401-3405.

Cosolutes in molecular folding and association

Harries, Parsegian; in collaboration with Rau

Driven by the conditions set by smaller solutes, proteins “fold” and “unfold.” Experimentally, such conditions are stated as intensive variables (pH and other chemical potentials) as though small solutes were infinite resources that come at an independently varied price. Computationally, the finite spaces of simulation allow only small, fixed numbers of these solutes. Combining the analytic Gibbs adsorption isotherm with the computational Monte Carlo sampling of polymer configurations, we have been able to overcome an inherent limitation of computer simulation by analytically computing the free energy changes wrought by solutes on each particular configuration. Then, numerical computation is needed only to sample the set of configurations as efficiently as if no bathing solute were present. The result is a more accurate computation procedure that is 500 times faster than the earlier simulations, which had to count all possible positions of the cosolutes in the bathing solution.

To monitor how small adherent molecules affect molecular association, we measured the changes in binding free energy versus changes in water activity for the specific binding of cyclodextrin with an adamantane derivative. In the context of different salts and neutral agents, the dependence of the binding constant on osmotic pressure suggests a release of 15 to 25 water molecules from the interacting surfaces upon association, depending on type of solute used. The observed dependence of binding free energy and enthalpy with added solute indicates that the osmolytes interact primarily enthalpically with the surfaces.

Harries D, Parsegian VA. Gibbs adsorption isotherm combined with Monte Carlo sampling to see the action of cosolutes on protein folding. Proteins 2004;57:311-321.

Podgornik R, Harries D, Strey HH, Parsegian VA. Molecular interactions in lipids, DNA, and lipid-DNA complexes. In: Templeton NS, ed. Gene Therapy: Therapeutic Mechanisms and Strategies. 2d ed. New York: Marcel Dekker, 2004.

Sachs JN, Petrache HI, Zuckerman DM, Woolf TB. Molecular dynamics simulations of ionic concentration gradients across model bilayers. J Chem Phys 2003;118:1957-1969.


Joel Cohen, PhD, University of the Pacific, San Francisco, CA

Monique Dubois, PhD, Service de Chimie Moléculaire, CEA Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France

Roger French, PhD, University of Pennsylvania, Phildelphia, PA and Dupont Research Laboratories, Wilmington, DE

Klaus Gawrisch, PhD, Laboratory of Membrane Biochemistry and Biophysics, NIAAA, Rockville, MD

Per Lyngs Hansen, PhD, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark

Vanik Mkrtchian, PhD, Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences, Ashtarak, Armenia

John Nagle, PhD, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA

Donald Rau, PhD, Laboratory of Physical and Structural Biology, NICHD, Bethesda, MD

Thomas Zemb, PhD, Service de Chimie Moléculaire, CEA Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France

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