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Cervical Cancer — Step 5: Find More Information email this page to a friendemail this page
Use this step to check out additional information on cervical cancer. It is important to know that there is still much to be learned. Some aspects of cervical cancer are still controversial. Researchers are conducting clinical trials to find more definitive answers.
NCI Web Site Topic Page for Cervical Cancer
Cancer Topics: Cervical Cancer
Main page for cervical cancer on the NCI Web site.

What You Need To Know About Cancer Of The Cervix
Detection, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of cervical cancer.

Understanding Cervical Cancer Changes: A Health Guide for Women
Information about Pap testing, HPV testing, interpreting abnormal test results and next steps, the importance of follow-up, and treatments for cervical cell changes. Emphasizes that not all cervical changes mean cancer.

Prevention, Genetics, Causes
Information related to prevention, genetics, and risk factors.

Cervical Cancer (PDQ®): Prevention
[ patient ] [ health professional ]
Expert-reviewed information summary about factors that may increase the risk of developing cervical cancer and about approaches that may help in the prevention of this disease.

Cancer Genetics Overview (PDQ®)
[ health professional ]
Expert-reviewed information summary in which the validity and utility of genetic tests are discussed and important genetic terms are defined.

Human Papillomaviruses and Cancer: Questions and Answers
Information about HPV and cancer in a question and answer format.

Vaccine May Help Reduce Risk of Cervical Cancer
Summary of newsworthy clinical trial results.

DES: Questions and Answers
Important information for women born to mothers who were given DES (a synthetic form of estrogen) during pregnancy between about 1940 and 1971.

Screening and Testing
Information about methods of cancer detection, including new imaging technologies, tumor markers, and biopsy procedures.

Cervical Cancer (PDQ®): Screening
[ patient ] [ health professional ]
Expert-reviewed information summary about tests used to detect or screen for cervical cancer.

Task Force Announces New Cervical Cancer Screening Guidelines
The latest screening guidelines for cervical cancer.

The Pap Test: Questions and Answers
Information about the Pap test in a question-and-answer format.

Pap Tests for Older Women
Answers questions commonly asked by older women and talks about the Medicare benefit.

Cervical Cancer: Treatment
Presents treatment options for cervical cancer.

Clinical Trials
Clinical Trial Results: Cervical Cancer Trial Results
Summaries of newsworthy clinical trial results.

Search for Clinical Trials
Search engine for clinical trials that are open to participants by type of cancer, stage/subtype of cancer, type of trial, and location of trial.

What You Need To Know About Cancer of the Cervix: The Promise of Cancer Research
Research being conducted on prevention, screening, and treatment of cervical cancer.

Cancer Research Portfolio
Search for research projects currently under way, by type of research, type of cancer, and participating institutions.

Other Resources
Staying Healthy
Behaviors you can change to live a healthier lifestyle.

Get More Information From the National Cancer Institute
How to get additional information from the National Cancer Institute.

Your Disease Risk: Cancer
An interactive tool from the Harvard Center for Cancer Prevention that estimates your risk of cancer and provides tips for prevention.

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