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  Cancer Imaging Program
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Cancer Imaging
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Imaging Information
Cancer Imaging
Uses of Imaging
X-Ray Imaging
CT Scans
Nuclear Imaging (PET and SPECT)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Digital Mammography
Virtual Colonoscopy
Sentinel Node Mapping for Breast Cancer Staging
Image-Guided Brain Surgery


Ultrasound uses sound waves with frequencies above those humans can hear. A transducer sends sound waves traveling into the body which are reflected back from organs and tissues, allowing a picture to be made of the internal organs. Ultrasound can show tumors, and can also guide doctors doing biopsies or treating tumors.


Ultrasound image of the liver; dark areas by arrows show possible tumors. Image courtesy of Dr.Thomas Shawker, National Cancer Institute.

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National Cancer InstituteDepartment of Health & Human ServicesNational Institutes of