National Database for Autism Research
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Research Tools

Given the type and quantity of data supported by NDAR, several tools have been built into the system to improve functionality and ensure data quality. Some of the tools and capabilities available in NDAR include:


NDAR is built on the BIRN ( platform providing software tools useful to ASD researchers. Imaging tools available through NDAR and the BIRN include:

In addition, MIPAV provides a tool to package the image data for submission to the validation tool


SNP and gene expression microarray data will be the first genomics data types placed into the NDAR Data Repository. Researchers will be able to upload richly detailed experiment descriptions as well as raw, processed, and results data. The descriptions or metadata improve data sharing by allowing researchers to perform queries on details in categories such as pedigree, biological samples, experiment samples, reagents, protocols, and study. Genomics descriptions and data are accessed using the NDAR Query Tool.

As other types of genomics and genetics data are submitted to NDAR, the genomics module will expand to include data types such as microsatellite and sequencing.

NDAR will also provide links into other genetics repositories, such as the NIMH Genetic Repository. In the future, tools for visualization of pedigree data and of ASD data on chromosomes, as well as other tools for genomic and genetic analysis may be added to meet the needs of the ASD research community.

Validation Tool

NDAR supplies the Validation Tool to assist researchers with the submission of data into the NDAR Data Repository. Before submitting data, the metadata associated with the data must be validated for accuracy of information using the Validation Tool. The Validation Tool validates data using the NDAR data dictionary to ensure that all supported data conform to NDAR standards. In addition, the Validation tool packages data for submission to NDAR. See Data Submission requirements for more information on data requirements.

NDAR Query Tool

NDAR data can be distributed among many databases and, potentially, in many locations. To make the data accessible at one point, NDAR has leveraged the federation capabilities of the BIRN Data Mediator through the NDAR Query Tool. The NDAR Query Tool is an application which provides a web interface to search NDAR data. Queries are specified by the user, based on selections made in the query entry page of the Query Tool. When a query is submitted by the user, the Query Tool makes a request to the Data Mediator with the specified query. The BIRN Data Mediator executes the query across the relevant data sources and returns the results. The results are displayed to the user in the Query Tool results page and can be saved in XML or CSV format. Queries can be formed to unify Clinical Assessments, Imaging, and Genomics data into a single result.

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This page was last updated: Dec 18, 2008