National Cancer Institute
Cancer Imaging Program
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About CIP
Research Funding
Programs & Resources
Clinical Trials
Reports & Publications
News & Meetings
Imaging Information
Imaging Guidelines
Access detailed information on open and closed funding opportunities, grant mechanisms, and application guidelines. more >

Patients & Providers
View resources on the basics of cancer imaging and locate cancer imaging trials. more >

Resources for investigators can be found throughout the CIP Web site.

Current Funding Opportunities
Information on open CIP and other NIH funding opportunities.

Programs and Resources
Information on funded special initiatives, information systems, bioengineering and bioinformatics, and the NIH Roadmap.

CIP Newsletter
New funding opportunities, meeting announcements, notices of interest to researchers, and initiatives of interest to imagers.

Funding Mechanisms
Descriptions of the various grant types at NIH. It is especially important to note whether a funding mechanism permits investigator-initiated applications or whether applications can only be made in response to a PA or RFA.

Application Guidelines
Detailed instructions for investigators who are interested in applying for NCI-funded opportunities. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact CIP program staff before submission of an application, particularly for new investigators, or if the investigator is responding to an NCI program announcements.

Reports & Publications
Archives of reports, presentations, and workshop agendas, as well as schedules of planned meetings. (Information directly relevant to patients and providers contained in this section will be identified here in the future.)

Clinical Trials
Information about CIP-facilitated clinical trials and related programs, with descriptions of the numerous mechanisms that support clinical trials, and ongoing and planned early-stage imaging trials

National Cancer InstituteDepartment of Health & Human ServicesNational Institutes of