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regulation of skeletal growth


Jeffrey Baron, MD, Head, Unit on Growth and Development

Kevin Barnes, PhD, Senior Research Assistant

Rose Marino, MD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Ola Nilsson, MD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Anita Hegde, BS, Predoctoral Fellow

Lenneke Schrier, BS, Predoctoral Fellow

Joyce Emons, MD, Special Volunteer

Rachel Gafni, MD, Special Volunteer

Ellen Leschek, MD, Special Volunteer

Benjamin Nwosu, MD, Special Volunteer

We investigate the cellular and molecular mechanisms governing bone growth and development. One goal of our work is to improve medical treatment of growth disorders and childhood metabolic bone diseases. In addition, we seek to uncover general principles of developmental biology, given that the cellular processes underlying bone growth, such as cell proliferation, terminal differentiation, angiogenesis, and cell migration, are also essential for development in other tissues.

Longitudinal bone growth: cellular and molecular mechanisms

Baron, Barnes, Nilsson, Marino, Schrier, Hegde, Emons, Gafni, Nwosu

Longitudinal bone growth occurs at the growth plate, a thin layer of cartilage that lies near the ends of long bones and vertebrae. The growth plate consists of three principal layers: the resting zone, the proliferative zone, and the hypertrophic zone. Studies in our laboratory indicate that the resting zone contains stem-like cells that are capable of generating new clones of proliferative chondrocytes. These proliferative cells undergo clonal expansion followed by cellular hypertrophy. The hypertrophic cartilage is then remodeled into bone tissue. The net effect is that new bone tissue is progressively created at the bottom of the growth plate, resulting in bone elongation.

With age, growth plate chondrocyte proliferation slows down, causing longitudinal bone growth to slow and eventually stop. Also with increasing age, the growth plate undergoes structural changes. These functional and structural changes appear not to be attributable to a systemic mechanism but instead to a mechanism intrinsic to the growth plate. We termed this intrinsic program growth plate senescence and found evidence that it is a function not of time per se but rather of the number of replications that the growth plate chondrocytes have undergone. In particular, our previous studies suggest that stem-like cells, located in the resting zone of the growth plate, have a finite proliferative capacity, which is gradually exhausted, thus producing the growth deceleration and other senescent changes.

Similar replicative senescence occurs when many types of animal cells are placed in primary cell culture, an effect known as the Hayflick phenomenon. We therefore hypothesized that the same mechanisms were responsible for growth plate senescence. However, our recent findings do not support that hypothesis. We found that the number of population doublings of rabbit resting zone chondrocytes in culture did not depend on the age of the animal from which the cells were harvested. Thus, previous proliferation in vivo had no effect on subsequent proliferation in vitro, suggesting that the mechanisms limiting replicative capacity of growth plate chondrocytes in vivo are distinct from those responsible for limiting replication in vitro.

One mechanism that has been proposed to explain replicative senescence involves epigenetic changes, including methylation of genomic DNA. Some CG sequences in mammalian genomic DNA are methylated on the cytosine moiety. When DNA is replicated, the new strand is initially not methylated. However, DNA methyltransferase 1 recognizes the hemimethylated CGs and adds the missing methyl groups. If maintenance methylation is incomplete, methylation levels may gradually decrease with repeated cell replication. Thus, the level of DNA methylation could serve as a cell-cycle counter. Evidence suggests that such epigenetic changes may contribute to replicative senescence and terminal differentiation in some cell types. In particular, growth plate chondrocytes exposed to a demethylating agent in vitro undergo hypertrophic differentiation. Furthermore, disruption of the SNF2-like gene PASG, which is required for normal maintenance of DNA methylation, results in growth retardation and premature aging. These observations suggest that replicative senescence of growth plate chondrocytes involves changes in DNA methylation and other related epigenetic modifications.

To investigate this possible mechanism, we measured the overall level of genomic DNA methylation in growth plate cartilage from rabbits of different ages. Consistent with our hypothesis, we found that growth plate senescence is associated with a loss of DNA methylation in resting zone chondrocytes. We observed a similar loss of methylation with age in the proliferative and hypertrophic zone chondrocytes, which are thought to be progeny of the resting zone chondrocytes. However, within each age, we observed no significant difference in the level of DNA methylation between the different zones of the growth plate. Therefore, loss of methylation appears to occur specifically during replication of resting zone chondrocytes but not during the more rapid replication of proliferative zone chondrocytes. Thus, complete maintenance of methylation may occur in the proliferative zone, but not in the resting zone, suggesting that loss of methylation might be responsible for the temporal limits that cause chondrocyte replication to slow with age but not for the spatial limits that cause chondrocyte proliferation to slow as the cells descend further down the chondrocyte columns.

Abad V, Meyers JL, Weise M, Gafni RI, Barnes KM, Nilsson O, Bacher JD, Baron J. The role of the resting zone in growth plate chondrogenesis. Endocrinology 2002;143:1851-1857.

Cadet ER, Gafni RI, McCarthy EF, McCray DR, Bacher JD, Barnes KM, Baron J. Mechanisms responsible for longitudinal growth of the cortex: coalescence of trabecular bone into cortical bone. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2003;85:1739-1748.

Gafni RI, McCarthy EF, Hatcher T, Meyers JL, Inoue N, Reddy C, Weise M, Barnes KM, Abad V, Baron J. Recovery from osteoporosis through skeletal growth: early bone mass acquisition has little effect on adult bone density. FASEB J 2002;16:736-738.

Nilsson O, Abad V, Chrysis D, Ritzen EM, Savendahl L, Baron J. Estrogen receptor-alpha and -beta are expressed throughout postnatal development in the rat and rabbit growth plate. J Endocrinol 2002;173:407-414.

Nilsson O, Falk J, Ritzen EM, Baron J, Savendahl L. Raloxifene acts as an estrogen agonist on the rabbit growth plate. Endocrinology 2003;144:1481-1485.

Human growth and postnatal development: clinical studies

Marino, Gafni, Leschek, Barnes, Emons, Nwosu, Baron

The primary mechanism that initiates puberty is unknown. One clue is that pubertal maturation often parallels skeletal maturation. Conditions that delay skeletal maturation also tend to delay the onset of puberty, whereas conditions that accelerate skeletal maturation tend to hasten the onset of puberty. To examine this relationship, we studied boys with congenital adrenal hyperplasia and familial male-limited precocious puberty, two conditions that accelerate maturation, and boys with idiopathic short stature in which maturation is sometimes delayed.

In all three conditions, the onset of central puberty generally occurs at an abnormal chronological age but a normal bone age. Boys with the greatest skeletal advancement begin central puberty at the earliest age while boys with the greatest skeletal delay begin puberty at the latest age. Furthermore, the magnitude of the skeletal advancement or delay matched the magnitude of the pubertal advancement or delay. We observed this synchrony between skeletal maturation and hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis maturation among patients within each condition and between conditions. In contrast, the maturation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis did not remain synchronous with other maturational processes, including increases in weight, height, or body mass index (BMI).

We conclude that, in boys with abnormal developmental tempo, maturation of the skeleton and hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis remains synchronous. The synchrony is consistent with the hypothesis that skeletal maturation influences hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis maturation.

Flor A, Leschek EW, Merke DP, Barnes KM, Coco M, Cutler GB, Baron J. In boys with abnormal developmental tempo, maturation of the skeleton and the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis remain synchronous. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2004;89:236-241.

Gafni RI, Baron J. Overdiagnosis of osteoporosis in children due to misinterpretation of dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). J Pediatr 2004;144:253-257.

Leschek EW, Rose SR, Yanovski JA, Troendle JF, Quigley CA, Chipman JJ, Crowe BJ, Ross JL, Cassorla FG, Cutler GB, Baron J. Effect of growth hormone treatment on adult height in peripubertal children with idiopathic short stature: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2004;89:3140-3148.

Nwosu BU, Coco M, Jones J, Barnes KM, Yanovski JA, Baron J. Short stature with normal growth hormone stimulation testing: lack of evidence for partial growth hormone deficiency or insensitivity. Horm Res 2004;62:97-102.

Weise M, Flor A, Barnes KM, Cutler GB, Baron J. Determinants of growth during gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog therapy for precocious puberty. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2004;89:103-107.


John Chipman, MD, Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, IN

James Troendle, PhD, Biometry and Statistics Branch, NICHD, Bethesda, MD

Jan-Maarten Wit, MD, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands

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