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2008 Research Festival Artwork

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Poster Sessions


Poster Sessions for the 2008 Research Festival
Bill Barrick
B. Barrick, J. D. Crissey, III, D. R. Pagidi, S. Vogel, J. Tower, R. T. Davey, Jr
CRIMSON: Clinical Research Information Management System of the NIAID
CRIMSON (Clinical Research Information Management System of the NIAID) is a combined clinical documentation and clinical research data management solution that supports data entry and exchange requirements of the NIAID Intramural clinical research program. CRIMSON development began in 1991 with a simple strategy to support protocol recruitment and enrollment; assure clinical and clinical research documentation is complete and predictably formatted; permit clinicians to record patient encounters in widely-accepted clinical formats; automatically map clinical observations into research data sets; serve as an aggregated single-source for retrieval and analysis of clinical, laboratory, and other patient, treatment, disease and protocol data and reduce redundancies in clinical documentation and research data entry. In 17 years of operation, maintenance and continuing development CRIMSON has grown to a system that supports the lifecycle of clinical research; exchanges interoperable data with internal and external partners; serves users beyond the NIH main campus both domestically and internationally and meets federal requirements for privacy, security and earned value. Current challenges and opportunities include greater implementation of interoperable vocabulary and messaging standards; new interface engines for import/export of data; simplified interfaces for clinical, research and regulatory role-based activities and patient-reported outcomes and development of Web-based “thinner” clients to increase ease-of-use.
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