Catherine L. Jackson, PhD, Head, Unit on GTPase Regulation of Membrane Traffic

Ting-Kuang Niu, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Sei-Kyoung Park, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Elena Smirnova, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Deng Yi, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Peter Thomas, BS, Postbaccalaureate Fellow

We study the Sec7 domain guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) for the Arf family of small GTPases, with emphasis on the roles of these proteins in membrane dynamics and protein trafficking. The Arfs and the Arf GEFs are important regulators of both organelle structure and protein transport throughout the cell. We are focusing on the large Golgi-localized Arf GEFs involved in transport through the secretory pathway in both budding yeast and mammalian cells. A central question in cell biology is how the elaborate and dynamic structures of membrane systems are maintained in the face of constant trafficking into and out of each organelle. We are particularly interested in finding answers to questions about how organelle structure is generated and maintained and how structure is correlated with the underlying molecular events of protein sorting and membrane remodeling. An important step toward resolving these questions is to define the roles of the Arf GEFs at the molecular level by identifying interacting partners, elucidating membrane localization mechanisms, and analysis of Arf GEF mutants in vivo.

Identification of interacting partners of the Golgi-localized Arf GEFs in yeast and mammalian cells

Smirnova, Park, Yi

The Arf GEFs of the Golgi-localized Gea/GBF and Sec7/BIG subfamilies are large multidomain proteins. A major goal of our laboratory is to understand the functions of the different domains of the Gea/GBF and Sec7/BIG Arf GEFs. Given that the GEFs are soluble proteins that must be targeted to membranes, identification of their membrane-targeting signals and partners is an important step in understanding their function. Within each subfamily, regions upstream and downstream of the Sec7 catalytic domain are conserved from yeast to humans. However, the functions of these homology regions are not known.

We are carrying out two-hybrid screens with the N-terminal and C-terminal regions of the Arf GEFs of the Gea/GBF and Sec7/BIG subfamilies. Two-hybrid screen using BIG2, the Sec7 domain of the mammalian homolog of Sec7p, revealed a number of partners, two of which are human PI4P 5 kinase beta  and a putative lipase. PI4P 5 kinase beta is an interesting potential partner that has been identified as an effector of Arf. We carried out a reverse two-hybrid screen to determine the region of the BIG2 Sec7 domain that interacts with PI4P 5 kinase. In finding that residues in the C-terminal region of the Sec7 domain abolish interaction with PI4P 5 kinase, we have narrowed down the interaction domain of PI4P 5 kinase to a 50-amino acid region in the C-terminal portion of the catalytic domain, just upstream of the activation loop. The activation loop contains the substrate-binding site and is both necessary and sufficient to determine intracellular localization of the kinase. We are also mapping the region of Arf interaction in PI4P 5 kinase, which appears to be located in a different domain of the protein than the BIG2 Sec7 domain–interacting region. It is striking that we have identified three lipid-modifying enzymes as binding partners of different Sec7 domains. It appears that all three proteins bind to the C-terminal region of the Sec7 domain. We know that this region is adjacent to a PH domain in the ARNO subfamily of Arf GEFs, which mediates membrane localization through specific lipid interaction. Using the Gea2p N-terminal region, we identified Mss4p as an interacting partner; it is also the sole PI4P 5 kinase in yeast. It is intriguing that we identified a human homolog of Mss4p in our two-hybrid screen with the BIG2 Sec7 domain.

We also identified subunits of two large complexes involved in trafficking in the early secretory pathway in two-hybrid screens with Gea2p. Using the N-terminal portion of Gea2p, we identified Cog4p, a member of the eight-subunit COG complex that functions in the Golgi of both yeast and mammalian cells. In the screen with the C-terminus of Gea2p, we identified a component of TRAPP, another Golgi-localized complex conserved in all eukaryotes from yeast to humans. These complexes have been shown to play a role in early steps of membrane fusion reactions before the actual fusion event, and we are now working toward understanding the role of the Arf GEFs in this process. We have confirmed a number of interactions by co-immunoprecipitation in yeast, in particular Gea2p and the coat complex COPI. We are exploring other GEF-coat interactions by two-hybrid screening, GST pulldown, and co-immunoprecipitation in yeast and mammalian cells.

Using different regions of the Gea2p protein, we identified six trans-membrane–domain proteins as potential membrane receptors for the Gea1p and Gea2p proteins in two-hybrid screens. Two of these partners are Drs2p, a Golgi-localized amino-phospholipid translocase, and Gmh1p, a Golgi-localized five-span transmembrane protein of unknown function. As is the case for drs2, cells deleted for GMH1 also show only a mild effect on Gea2p. The double mutant drs2 gmh1 is viable, and, despite an effect on Gea2p localization that is more severe than in either single mutant, some Gea2p is still able to bind to membranes. We are testing the possibility that the other transmembrane-domain proteins identified in two-hybrid screens with Gea2p also contribute to Gea2p localization. Hence, the mechanism by which the large Arf GEFs such as Gea2p are localized to membranes appears to be complex, with multiple membrane localization determinants each contributing to the steady-state localization of the protein in cells.

Dynamics of the GBF1 Arf GEF in mammalian cells

Niu; in collaboration with Lippincott-Schwartz, Pfeifer

In collaboration with Andrea Pfeifer and Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, we are using live cell imaging to study GBF1, the mammalian homolog of Gea2p. A YFP-GBF1 fusion protein localizes to the Golgi in mammalian cells, as previously reported. Overexpression of GBF1 confers resistance to brefeldin A (BFA), a drug that profoundly affects the structure and functioning of intracellular organelles. Within 10 minutes of treatment, the Golgi apparatus is completely disassembled in a normal cell, whereas in cells overexpressing GBF1, the Golgi remains intact. YFP-GBF1 also protects cells against the effects of BFA, indicating that this fusion protein is functional. Remarkably, when cells are treated with BFA, GBF1 is recruited dramatically to Golgi membranes. We have tested different mutants in the catalytic domain of GBF1 for their response to BFA. One mutation, E694D, is in the catalytic glutamic acid residue and reduces the rate of exchange 400-fold in vitro. We observed no difference in the dynamics of GBF1-E694D in cells either before or after BFA treatment. In contrast, mutation of a residue known to affect BFA sensitivity/resistance in other Arf GEFs without affecting catalytic activity results in a version of GBF1 that is completely resistant to the effects of BFA. The result indicates that GBF1 is a direct target of BFA at the Golgi in mammalian cells. The very rapid kinetics of association-dissociation from Golgi membranes suggests that GBF1 must interact with localization machinery at each stage of the secretory pathway at which it acts rather than being recruited early in the pathway and staying associated with membranes through successive steps of the pathway. That observation is consistent with the results described above, namely, that numerous transmembrane partners have been identified for the GBF/GEA subfamily of Arf GEFs.

Niu TK, Pfeifer AC, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Jackson CL. Dynamics of GBF1, a Brefeldin A-sensitive Arf1 exchange factor at the Golgi.  Mol Biol Cell 2004;Dec 22 [Epub ahead of print].

Role of the yeast Arf GEFs in the morphology of the yeast secretory pathway

Park, Thomas

The Arf GEFs are important regulators of organelle structure and protein trafficking both in yeast and mammalian cells. Yeast organelles appear to differ markedly in structure and organization from those of mammalian cells, yet most of the proteins involved in organelle structure and trafficking, including the Arf GEFs, are highly conserved. As a first step in identifying the structural features common to yeast and mammalian organelles, our current work aims at determining Golgi structure in yeast by using both live imaging and electron microscopy. Investigating both the yeast and mammalian systems will allow us to determine which aspects of Arf GEF function are fundamental to all eukaryotic organisms and which are unique to their specific system.

We have isolated 75 temperature-sensitive (ts) SEC7 mutants and over 100 GEA2 ts mutants. The mutants were generated in GFP-tagged versions of Sec7p and Gea2p and screened by fluorescence microscopy for localization of the mutant protein at the nonpermissive temperature. In both cases, we found a category of mutants that showed a largely cytosolic pattern and are examining them to determine whether they have lesions in a membrane localization domain. Other mutants show abnormal structures at the fluorescence level. We sequenced all the mutants (those with and without abnormal structures at the fluorescence level) to determine the amino acids altered in the mutant proteins and are currently examining structural changes observed in eight of the mutants at the ultrastructural level, studies that are providing a wealth of detailed information that cannot be obtained by light microscopy. A subset of the mutants have only one or two amino acid substitutions in domains highly conserved from yeast to humans. We are exploring the functions of these domains through suppressor screens aimed at identifying potential interacting partners of these regions of the Arf GEFs. The studies will provide information on the molecular mechanisms that generate and maintain organelle structure in eukaryotic cells.

Cox R, Mason-Gamer RJ, Jackson CL, Segev N. Phylogenetic analysis of Sec7-domain-containing Arf nucleotide exchangers. Mol Biol Cell 2004;15:1487-1505.

Jackson CL. N-terminal acetylation targets GTPases to membranes. Nat Cell Biol 2004;6:379-380.


William J. Brown, PhD, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

Susan Ferro-Novick, PhD, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT

Todd Graham, PhD, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN

Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, PhD, Cell Biology and Metabolism Branch, NICHD, Bethesda, MD

Andrea Pfeifer, PhD, Cell Biology and Metabolism Branch, NICHD, Bethesda, MD

Alain Rambourg, PhD, Department of Biology, CEA/Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France

Nava Segev, PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL


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