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Anil B. Mukherjee, MD, PhD, Head, Section on Developmental Genetics

Zhongjian Zhang, MD, PhD, Staff Scientist

Moonsuk Choi, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Rabindranath Ray, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Bhabadeb Chowdhury, PhD, CRADA Fellowa

Sung-Jo Kim, PhD, Visiting Fellow

Yi-ching Lee, PhD, Visiting Fellow

Aperna Mital, PhD, Visiting Fellowa

Pei Chen Tsai, MS, Technical Training Fellow

Sondra Levin, MD, Guest Researcherb


We conduct basic and clinical investigations into the molecular mechanisms of heritable neurodegenerative and inflammatory/autoimmune disorders in order to develop novel therapeutic approaches. We focus primarily on uteroglobin (UG), a multifunctional secreted protein with potent anti-inflammatory and anti-chemotactic properties, and on palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 1 (PPT-1). Targeted disruption of the murine UG gene yields three phenotypes: immunoglobulin A nephropathy (IgAN), the most common primary glomerular disease; exaggerated allergen-induced pulmonary inflammation, reminiscent of allergic asthma in humans; and increased susceptibility to pulmonary adenomas when exposed to NNK, a potent carcinogen in tobacco smoke. We are currently delineating the molecular mechanisms of the UG-knockout phenotypes. Inactivating mutations of PPT-1 lead to infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (INCL), also known as infantile Batten disease. We found that drugs with nucleophilic properties may mimic PPT-1 function and benefit INCL patients. We are currently determining the effectiveness of one such drug, Cystagon™, to treat INCL. We also continued our efforts to understand the natural history and molecular mechanisms of INCL pathogenesis by using a PPT-knockout mouse model.

Overexpression of SCCA2, a gene associated with allergic asthma, in mice lacking uteroglobin

Ray, Zhang, Choi, Mukherjee; in collaboration with Silverman

Uteroglobin (UG), the first member of the secretoglobin superfamily to be discovered, is a steroid-inducible, multifunctional protein with potent anti-inflammatory and antichemotactic properties. It is secreted by the mucosal epithelia of all mammalian organs that communicate with the external environment. It has also been reported that some of the biological functions of the protein may be mediated via its cell surface binding sites (putative receptors). We previously reported that mice lacking UG manifest exaggerated inflammatory response in the airways when sensitized and challenged with ovalbumin (OVA), a commonly used allergen in animal models of allergic asthma. Most important, treatment of these mice with recombinant UG abrogates the airway inflammatory response. Recent reports indicate that the expression of squamous cell carcinoma antigen-2 (SCCA-2), a serine protease inhibitor of the ovalbumin-serpin family, is upregulated in the airway epithelia of patients with bronchial asthma. In the present study, we used OVA-sensitized and -challenged UG-knockout mice to determine whether UG plays a role in altering SCCA-2 gene expression. We found that, compared with wild-type litter mates, UG-knockout mice express markedly higher levels of the SCCA-2 gene in the lungs, which is further augmented by OVA sensitization and challenge. We further demonstrate that the treatment of these mice with recombinant UG suppresses SCCA-2 gene expression. Taken together, our results suggest that UG is a potent inhibitor of SCCA-2 expression, which is associated with bronchial asthma, raising the possibility that UG and its cell surface binding proteins play critical roles in suppressing allergen-mediated airway inflammatory responses.

Critical role of UG in allergic asthma

Mandal,c Zhang, Chowdhury, Ray, Mukherjee; in collaboration with Pattabiraman

Asthma is a complex heritable inflammatory disease of the respiratory system. In the United States alone, the disease causes 6,000 deaths annually. One of its precipitating factors is an exaggerated response to allergens, leading to airway inflammation and bronchoconstriction. We previously reported that OVA challenge in mice lacking UG elicits exaggerated airway inflammation in response to allergen challenge. In the present study, we sought to determine the mechanism of pulmonary inflammation in the same mice. We found that the mice manifest increased expression of Th2 cytokines, eotaxin, and eosinophil infiltration in the lungs. In addition, the levels of prostaglandin D2 are markedly elevated in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, and the mice express high levels of cyclooxygenases-2, a critical enzyme for the production of prostaglandins, which are abrogated by UG pretreatment. Given that prostaglandin D2 also stimulates allergen-mediated airway inflammation via its receptor DP, we sought to determine the molecular mechanism(s) of DP signaling. Accordingly, we studied DP-signaling pathway(s) in vitro and determined the role(s) of UG in this process. Our results show that DP signaling is mediated by P38 and p42/44 MAPKs and PKC in a cell type–specific manner, leading to the activation of nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB, which stimulates cyclooxygenase-2 expression. The most important findings indicate that UG blocks DP signaling by inhibiting NF-kappaB activation and suppresses cyclooxygenase-2 gene expression. Our results suggest that UG suppresses allergen-induced inflammatory responses in the airways, raising the possibility that it may be a drug target for allergic asthma.

Mandal AK, Ray R, Zhang Z, Chowdhury B, Ray R, Choi MS, Mukherjee AB. Uteroglobin represses allergen-induced inflammation by blocking PGD2 receptor-mediated functions. J Exp Med 2004;99:1317-1330.

Increased susceptibility of UG-knockout mice to lung tumorigenesis by NNK

Zhang, Mukherjee, Yang; in collaboration with Linnoila, Yang

We previously reported that one of the phenotypes of mice lacking Clara cell 10 kDa (CC10) protein, also known as UG, is the development of multiorgan tumors. It has been reported that CC10 expression is rarely detectable in human nonsmall cell cancers despite abundant production by progenitors of normal airway epithelial cells. Moreover, CC10 expression is drastically reduced following exposure of animals to methyl-nitrosamine (NNK), the potent carcinogen in tobacco smoke. Furthermore, we previously reported that forced expression of CC10 in cancer cells reverses the transformed phenotype. Given that tobacco smoke and lung tumorigenesis are associated with reduced levels of CC10 and that 90 percent of all human lung cancers are related to cigarette smoking, we sought to determine whether the mice lacking UG (CC10) are more susceptible to NNK-induced lung tumors. We found that, compared with wild-type controls, UG-knockout mice exposed to NNK are highly susceptible (30 percent knockout versus 5 percent wild type) to increased proliferation of airway epithelial cells and the development of adenoma of the lung within five to 12 months of NNK exposure. Interestingly, the hyperproliferation and tumorigenesis in NNK-treated knockout mice were associated with activation of Ras and the mitogen-activated protein kinase while 50 percent of the adenomas had K-Ras mutation. Our results indicate that UG-knockout mice are highly susceptible to NNK-induced lung adenomas, raising the possibility that UG has tumor suppressor–like properties. We have now generated transgenic mice that overexpress human UG in the lungs, providing an animal model to test our hypothesis further that UG has tumor-suppressor activity. We are currently characterizing these mice.

Yang Y, Zhang Z, Mukherjee AB, Linnoila RI. Increased susceptibility of CC10-deficient mice to lung tumorigenesis by a carcinogen commonly present in cigarette smoke. J Biol Chem 2004;279:29336-29340.

Characterization of a novel secretoglobin gene

Choi, Ray, Zhang, Mukherjee

The human secretoglobin cluster of genes map to chromosome 11q12-13, a region in which candidate genes for inflammatory/autoimmune disorders and cancer are co-localized. It has been previously reported that interferon gamma (IFN-gamma), a proinflammatory cytokine, stimulates the expression of UG, a possible homeostatic mechanism to counteract the proinflammatory effects of IFN-gamma. In the present study, we sought to determine whether this cytokine might stimulate the expression of any other secretoglobin. We report that IFN-gamma stimulates a novel secretoglobin gene that bears sequence similarity to lipophilin-B, another member of the same superfamily. A BLAST search revealed that the gene is also similar to YGB, which encodes a lymphocyte-specific secretoglobin. However, unlike YGB, the gene we characterized is not only expressed in lymphoblasts but also in other cell types, including colon carcinoma cells. The deduced protein sequence of IIS (interferon-inducible secretoglobin) reveals that the protein lacks the C-terminal cysteine residue characteristic of YGB. Given that IFN-gamma plays critical roles in microbial defense, IIS may have important functions.

Choi M, Ray R, Zhang Z, Mukherjee AB. A novel IFN-gamma inducible Secretoglobin regulates cell migration and invasion. J Immunol 2004;172:4245-4252.

Clinical trial to determine whether Cystagon™ is beneficial for children with infantile Batten disease

Levin, Zhang, Mukherjee; in collaboration with Caruso, Gropman

Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCLs) are the most common (1 in 12,500) heritable progressive encephalopathies of children. Infantile NCL (INCL), also known as Batten disease, is caused by lysosomal palmitoyl-protein thioesterase (PPT) deficiency. PPT catalyzes the hydrolysis of thioester linkages in S-acylated polypeptides, and its deficiency causes abnormal accumulation of these polypeptides, leading to INCL. Given that thioester bonds are susceptible to nucleophilic attack, drugs with nucleophilic properties (e.g., Cystagon™) may have therapeutic potential for INCL. Last year, we demonstrated that the drug not only disrupts thioester linkages in S-acylated polypeptides in cultured cells from INCL patients but also mediates the depletion of intracellular ceroid deposits and prevents their reaccumulation. Taken together, the results raised the possibility that the drug is an effective treatment for INCL. Given that INCL is a uniformly fatal disease for which there is currently no effective treatment and that the active compound of phosphocysteamine has been in clinical use for more than two decades with a proven record of safety, we have implemented a pilot study to determine whether cysteamine bitartrate (Cystagon™) is beneficial for INCL patients. We have received approval to treat 20 INCL patients in our study. We have so far recruited two patients to the protocol, with preliminary evaluations of the patients indicating stabilization of the retinal functions and cortical degeneration. The most dramatic results were obtained from the electron-microscopic analyses of the patients’ white blood cells. Compared with the cells before treatment, the mononuclear cells show virtually no ceroid deposits in their lysosomes after the initiation of Cystagon™ treatment. So far, the treated patients have not required antiepileptic medications and have not exhibited adverse effects. The study will continue until we recruit 20 patients, as approved, and we will complete final analyses when all data are available.

Zhang Z, Butler JD, Levin SW, Wisniewski KE, Brooks SS, Mukherjee AB. Lysosomal ceroid depletion by drugs: therapeutic implications for a hereditary neurodegenerative disease of childhood. Nat Med 2002;7:478-484.

Development of novel therapeutic approaches for INCL using a mouse model of INCL

Zhang, Mukherjee; in collaboration with Hofmann, Koretsky, Munasinghe

PPT facilitates the degradation (recycling) of post-translationally acylated polypeptides by cleaving thioester linkages that connect the lipids with the polypeptides that are acylated (see above). A deficiency of this enzyme leads to abnormal deposition of acylated proteins or peptides (ceroids), causing INCL pathogenesis. Given that the PPT gene is expressed at high levels in the retina and brain, children afflicted with INCL become blind by two years and brain-dead by age four. Recently, we used gene targeting to develop a mouse model of INCL, allowing detailed pathophysiologic analyses and the development of novel therapeutic approaches for INCL. Evaluation of potential therapeutic approaches would require techniques to assess the outcome of new treatment modalities. Last year, we reported that, in a preliminary study, we investigated five age- and sex-matched PPT knockout mice and five wild-type litter mates by MRI, using a 7 Tesla horizontal scanner operating on a Bruker Avance platform. We conducted the preliminary study to assess whether MRI could measure degenerative changes in the mouse brain. Our preliminary results indicate that results obtained from MRI combined with CT scanning and spectroscopy are an excellent means to evaluate neurodegenerative changes in the PPT knockout mice, thereby setting the stage for studies to screen and evaluate potential drug candidates and other novel therapeutic approaches (gene therapy and neuronal stem-cell implantation) by using this animal model. The Animal Care and Use Committee recently approved our animal study protocol, permitting us to initiate investigations to evaluate novel drugs and other therapeutic modalities.

aCompleted fellowship.

bWalter Reed Army Medical Center

cAsim Mandal, PhD, former Postdoctoral Fellow


Rafael Caruso, MD, Ophthalmic and Visual Function Branch, NEI, Bethesda, MD

Andrea Gropman, MD, Neurogenetics Branch, NINDS, Bethesda, MD

Sandra L. Hofmann, MD, PhD, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas TX

Brenda Klaunberg, DVM, Mouse Imaging Facility, NINDS, Bethesda, MD

Alan Koretsky, PhD, Laboratory of Functional and Molecular Imaging, NINDS, Bethesda, MD

Ilona Linnoila, MD, Cancer and Cell Biology Branch, NCI, Rockville, MD

Jeeva Munasinghe, PhD, Mouse Imaging Facility, NINDS, Bethesda, MD

N. Pattabiraman, PhD, Lombardi Cancer Center, Georgetown University, Washington, DC

Gary Silverman, MD, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

Yongping Yang, PhD, Mouse Cancer Genetics Program, NCI, Frederick, MD

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