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Bruce H. Howard, MD, Head, Human Genetics Section

Valya Russanova, PhD, Staff Scientist

Yaohui Chen, PhD, Research Fellow

Andrei Tchernov, PhD, Visiting Fellow

Nicholas Sammons, BS, Postbaccalaureate Fellow






Our investigations focus on links between epigenome structure, development, and aging. We work from the basic hypothesis that remodeling of chromatin structures is fundamental to the reprogramming of gene expression. We examine such remodeling in the contexts of embryonic stem cell differentiation or the transformation of monocytes to macrophages or dendritic cells. At the same time, we analyze changes in epigenome structure in relation to the much slower processes of postnatal development and aging. Human skin fibroblasts provide a model system for the latter processes. A long-term goal is to understand how errors in epigenome stability or remodeling contribute to developmental defects, cancer, and age-related diseases. We have developed new functional genomics techniques to facilitate progress in these areas.

Genome sampling, bioinformatics, and high-throughput approaches to map higher-order chromatin domains

Russanova, Howard

In previous studies, we detected examples of differentiation- and cell senescence–linked chromatin remodeling at several loci by using a genome sampling–chromatin immunoprecipitation (gsChIP) technique. We applied the same approach further to reveal age-related changes in epigenome structure in the human chromosome 4p16.1 and 4q35.2 regions. Our primary goal over the past year was to characterize these changes in greater detail. To this end, we developed and implemented efficient chromatin mapping approaches.

Rapid primer design was the initial element required to set in place an integrated high-throughput methodology. Of the large number of computer-based primer design algorithms that are available, we chose Primer3 for interfacing with custom software. A key to the strategy is code that performs the following basic operation loop: (1) recover a short template sequence for primer design; (2) write an input file for Primer3; (3) call a Bourne shell script that launches Primer3 and returns a success/fail value; (4) interpret the output from Primer3; and (5) write an output file line containing the primer ID and target position, primer pair sequences, and the 96-well positions into which they are to be placed. The program continues until the requisite number of primer pairs has been designed or the end of the region to be mapped is reached. Output from the above linking software, primerMap, is formatted to serve directly as order information for a commercial biotechnology source. Importantly, primers are returned in a 96-well format and normalized to constant concentrations, allowing simple dilution and direct use in a robot-based PCR set-up.

The second major task was to find a high-throughput approach to validate primers in order to perform PCR assays that would remain in the linear range and to generate an output form that could be analyzed quickly by pattern recognition on a 96-well scale. We identified an ion-pair reverse-phase HPLC based on a poly(styrene-divinylbenzene) matrix that would serve this purpose. The sensitivity of the system is enhanced by post-fractionation staining with SYBR gold. Appropriate code generates 96-well virtual gel images and thus permits rapid data interpretation.

The third task in the integrated approach is a rapid graphics summary of the ChIP results. The solution is based on the SVG graphics language. The code represents acetylation levels, or differences in acetylation levels, according to arbitrarily chosen color scales (red-gray-blue and red-yellow-green for high versus low and increasing versus decreasing acetylation levels, respectively). In the former scale, gray corresponds to average epigenome histone H4 acetylation as determined by both chromatin-associated DNA recovery and multiple gsChIP comparisons.

A summary of mapping around the 4p16.1 site reveals diminishing H4 acetylation over an interval spanning fetal development through early childhood. The region of remodeling extends over more than 700 kilobase pairs. Two pairs of genes are situated near or overlapping the edges of this region. Of interest is the MIST gene (LOC166522), given that the most striking remodeling, over 11-fold, spans the 5ยด part of the gene and extends through the promoter region. MIST/Clnk and related proteins are adaptors involved in signal transduction, mostly studied in hematopoietic lineages.

Novel regions of chromatin structure are likely initiated by combinations of sequence-specific DNA binding factors. To seed the mapping of such regions, we developed a set of custom search algorithms that allow comparisons of mouse and human genomes for the presence of conserved binding sites. In excess of 100,000 sites per genome can be analyzed, followed by more than 10 billion blast comparisons, to yield potential binding sites of interest. The sites can be prioritized according to proximity to CpG islands, genes, and so forth. The in silico predictions can then be rapidly tested by chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments coupled with the high-throughput approaches noted above.

Russanova VR, Hirai TH, Howard BH. Semi-random sampling to detect differentiation- and age-related epigenome remodeling. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, in press.

Russanova VR, Hirai TH, Tchernov AV, Howard BH. Mapping development- and age-related chromatin remodeling by a high throughput ChIP-HPLC approach. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, in press.

Histone H3 methylation marks the murine H19-Igf2–imprinted region

Tchernov, Howard; in collaboration with Pfeifer, Stewart

The murine H19-Igf2–imprinted region is characterized by maternal expression of the H19 locus versus paternal expression of the Igf2 gene. A differentially methylated region (DMR) is located upstream from the H19 locus. In maternal cells, the DMR is unmethylated, binds to the transcription factor CTCF, and functions as an insulator to prevent activation of the Igf2 promoter by enhancers located downstream from H19. Conversely, in paternal cells, the DMR is methylated and repressed with respect to transcriptional and insulator activities. Histone H3 methylation at lysine position 9 (K9) appears to precede DNA methylation as a mark for transcriptional silencing in a number of systems. Experiments by members of this group and collaborators revealed a high level of histone H3-K9 methylation near the H19-associated DMR and promoter region in paternal but not maternal cells. In contrast, H3-K9 methylation was detected at control regions for the Igf2 locus in paternal cells only. Of note, bisulfite mapping of DNA CpG methylation sites confirmed that H3-K9 and DNA methylation occurs with opposite parental bias upstream from the Igf2 gene. Moreover, the differential H3-K9 methylation defined an upstream region distinct from that marked by DNA methylation. This work reveals considerably greater complexity in the relative histone and DNA methylation patterns than previously appreciated.


Keiko Ozato, PhD, Laboratory of Molecular Growth Regulation, NICHD, Bethesda, MD

Karl Pfeifer, PhD, Laboratory of Mammalian Genes and Development, NICHD, Bethesda, MD

Colin Stewart, PhD, Cancer and Developmental Biology Laboratory, NCI, Frederick, MD

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