U.S. National Institutes of Health
Last Updated: 10/31/08

Investigational Drug Handling Slide Show

The Pharmaceutical Management Branch is pleased to provide a training module addressing the investigational drug handling process, and CTEP’s specific policies for maintaining your investigational agents. This web site offers two components:

(1) First, open the Explanatory Notes for IDH Slideshow (PDF) document. It provides all of the slides stripped of their colors and animation, and showing their speaker notes. If you prefer to read without viewing, you can use this document alone. It covers everything included in the slide show.

(2) The IDH Slideshow (PPT) itself is available as a read-only document for viewing. When it opens, enter the password, "pmbidh". Another password pop-up will appear. Simply click on "read only." You can view the slide show in the usual way, view it with the speaker notes showing, or follow along using the .pdf document mentioned in #1 above.