
Programs For Students

Do you know your rights? Are you looking for help with classroom assignments, or maybe looking to learn more about citizenship? Are freedom and liberty important to you, and do you want to know more about what it takes to preserve them? The Bill of Rights Institute has a number of programs and resources that can help you do these things.

Read, write and be heard by participating in our Being an American Essay Contest. You could win up to $5000 for sharing your thoughts on what it means to be an American. This contest is for 9-12th graders attending school in a contest state – check out the Web site to see when your state is eligible.

If you are a rising junior or senior and would like to spend a week with other advanced students from around the country, exploring and discussing the ideas that form the foundations of our free society, and visiting historic sights including George Washington’s Mount Vernon and James Madison’s Montpelier, take a look at our Constitutional Academy. It takes place over a week in the summer just outside Washington, DC.

The Bill of Rights Institute also offers you free resources for learning and exploring. These include an interactive study guide, multi-media Flash presentations, and a special Web site all about your rights.

Images from our student programs