HowTo 00 : Installing AFNI

			NOTE: This document will be enhanced over time.  If you
			      would like an added section, or added detail, please
			      post a request to the AFNI Message Board.

background : overview - general description of the steps

Linux : Installing AFNI - basic instructions
Installing AFNI - detailed instructions
Installing AFNI - root user - basic instructions
Installing SUMA - current Linux - normal user - basic instructions
Compiling AFNI - compiling the AFNI package - basic instructions
Fedora Core 6/7 - install AFNI on Fedora 7

Mac OS X : Pre-Install OS X 10.4 - system setup via fink for running AFNI/SUMA
Installing AFNI - basic instructions
Compiling AFNI - basic instructions

Any OS : Installing Talairach - install the AFNI Talairach dataset
Class Setup - AFNI installation for a class computer

download AFNI : pub/dist - top-level download directory
- (access to binaries, documentation, educational material, etc.)
pub/dist/tgz - download source code or pre-compiled AFNI binaries
- (Linux, Mac OS X, SGI, Solaris, Cygwin, etc.)

download this : ht00_html.tgz - download html pages for HowTo 00