Gisela Storz, PhD, Head, Section on Environmental Gene Regulation

Aixia Zhang, PhD, Staff Scientist

Matthew Hemm, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Mitsuoki Kawano, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Partha Mukhopadhyay, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Jason A. Opdyke, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

F. Wayne Outten, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Matthew J. Wood, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Sarah Goodwin, BA, Predoctoral Fellow

April Reynolds, BS, Predoctoral Fellow

Juan Miranda Rios, PhD, Guest Researcher


Our research has two main interests: the characterization of the Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae responses to oxidative stress and the identification and characterization of all E. coli noncoding RNAs. The responses to oxidative stress are of interest because the reactive oxygen species generated during normal aerobic growth can oxidize and damage all cellular components. Although noncoding RNAs have largely been overlooked until recently, small, noncoding RNA genes are of interest because accumulating evidence suggests that many act as important regulators in the cell.

Defenses against oxidative stress

Outten, Wood, Storz; in collaboration with Djaman

We study how organisms sense oxidative stress and transduce the signals into the induction of defense genes. Microarray analysis of the E. coli response to hydrogen peroxide revealed that the sufABCDSE genes, which encode proteins implicated in iron-sulfur cluster assembly, are among the genes induced by oxidative stress. Our recent studies have been directed at both examining the role of the sufABCDSE operon in the cell and elucidating the functions of the Suf proteins. Expression studies and phenotypic characterization of suf mutants revealed that the sufABCDSE operon is specifically regulated to synthesize iron-sulfur clusters when iron metabolism is disrupted by iron starvation or oxidative stress. Assays of the purified SufB, C, D, S, and E proteins showed that the SufE protein stimulated the cysteine desulfurase activity of the SufS protein and that the SufBCD complex of proteins enhanced the same activity even further. We are undertaking experiments to elucidate in greater detail the function of the SufBCD complex.

Outten FW, Djaman O, Storz G. A suf operon requirement for Fe-S cluster assembly during iron starvation in E. coli. Mol Microbiol 2004;52:861-872.

Outten FW, Wood MJ, Muñoz FM, Storz G. The SufE protein and the SufBCD complex enhance SufS cysteine desulferase activity as part of a sulfur transfer pathway for Fe-S cluster assembly in Escherichia coli. J Biol Chem 2003;278:45713-45719.

Redox-regulation of OxyR

Mukopadhyay, Storz; in collaboration with Bedzyk, LaRossa, Zheng

The key regulator of the inducible defenses against hydrogen peroxide in E. coli is the OxyR transcription factor. We discovered that OxyR is both the sensor and transducer of the oxidative stress signal; the oxidized but not the reduced form of the purified regulator can activate transcription in vitro. OxyR is activated by the formation of an intramolecular disulfide bond between C199 and C208 and is deactivated by enzymatic reduction by glutaredoxin 1 together with glutathione. Structural studies showed that formation of the C199-C208 disulfide bond leads to a large conformational change that alters OxyR binding to DNA.

Others have suggested that the activity of OxyR is also modulated by reactive nitrogen species. To evaluate the contribution of OxyR to the E. coli response to nitrosative stress, we examined the genomewide transcriptional responses, during aerobic growth, of cells treated with nitrosylated glutathione or acidified sodium nitrite (NaNO2). Our assays showed that NorR, a homolog of NO-responsive transcription factors in Ralstonia eutrophus, and Fur, the global repressor of ferric ion uptake, are major regulators of the response to reactive nitrogen species. In contrast, SoxR and OxyR, regulators of the E. coli defenses against superoxide-generating compounds and hydrogen peroxide, respectively, play minor roles. Moreover, the whole-genome expression patterns showed that additional regulators of the E. coli response to reactive nitrogen species remain to be identified. This study led us to propose that the E. coli transcriptional response to reactive nitrogen species is a composite response mediated by the modification of several transcription factors containing iron or redox-active cysteines, some specifically designed to sense NO and its derivatives and others collaterally activated by the reactive nitrogen species.

Mukhopadhyay P, Zheng M, Bedzyk LA, LaRossa RA, Storz, G. Prominent roles of the NorR and Fur regulators in the Escherichia coli transcriptional response to reactive nitrogen species. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2004;101:745-750.

Redox-regulation of Yap1

Wood, Storz; in collaboration with Tjandra

A central regulator of the response to oxidative stress in S. cerevisiae is the Yap1 transcription factor. Upon activation by increased levels of reactive oxygen species, Yap1 rapidly redistributes to the nucleus, where it regulates the expression of up to 70 genes. We purified the Yap1 protein and have been carrying out biochemical experiments to characterize this redox-sensitive transcription factor. Mass-spectrometric analysis revealed that the oxidized form of Yap1p contains two disulfide bonds between C303-C598 and C310-C629. We detected a stable domain of about 15 kDa upon limited proteolysis of oxidized but not reduced Yap1p. We purified the Yap1p protease–resistant domain and used mass spectrometry analysis to show that it comprised two separate cysteine-containing peptides of Yap1p: the amino-terminal cysteine-rich domain (n-CRD) and the carboxy-terminal cysteine-rich domain (c-CRD). These peptides are separated by 250 amino acids and are joined by the C303-C598 and C310-C629 disulfide bonds. We used NMR spectroscopy to determine the high-resolution solution structure of the redox-domain. In the active oxidized form, a nuclear export signal (NES) in the c-CRD is masked by disulfide bond–mediated interactions with a conserved alpha helix in the n-CRD. Point mutations that weaken the hydrophobic interactions between the n-CRD alpha-helix and the c-CRD abolished redox-regulated changes in subcellular localization of Yap1. Upon reduction of the disulfide bonds, Yap1 undergoes a change to an unstructured conformation that exposes the NES and allows redistribution to the cytoplasm. Our results revealed the structural basis of redox-dependent Yap1 localization and provided a previously unknown mechanism of transcription factor regulation by reversible intramolecular disulfide bond formation.

Carmel-Harel O, Wood MJ, Storz G. Regulatory disulfides controlling transcription factor activity in the bacterial and yeast responses to oxidative stress. In: Gitler C, Danon A, eds. Cellular Implications of Redox Signaling. London: Imperial College Press, 2003;287-310.

Wood MJ, Andrade EC, Storz G. The redox domain of the Yap1p transcription factor contains two disulfide bonds. Biochemistry 2003;42:11982-11991.

Wood MJ, Storz G, Tjandra N. Structural basis for redox regulation of Yap1 transcription factor localization. Nature 2004;430:917-921.

Identification of noncoding RNAs

Kawano, Miranda Rios, Reynolds, Zhang, Storz; in collaboration with Gottesman, Rosenow, Tjaden, Wassarman

Most genome annotation has missed noncoding RNA genes; the genes are usually poor targets in genetic screens and have been difficult to detect by direct sequence inspection. Thus, we have been carrying out systematic screens for additional noncoding RNA genes in E. coli, screens that are applicable to other organisms. One approach, based on computer searches of intergenic regions for extended regions of conservation among closely related species, has led to the identification of 17 conserved noncoding RNAs. Another screen for noncoding RNAs that coimmunoprecipitate with the RNA binding protein Hfq allowed us to detect six less well conserved RNAs. In yet another approach, size fractionation of total RNA followed by linker ligation and cDNA synthesis has led to the cloning of cis-encoded antisense RNAs.

Zhang A, Wassarman KM, Rosenow C, Tjaden BC, Storz G, Gottesman S. Global analysis of small RNA and mRNA targets of Hfq. Mol Microbiol 2003;50:1111-1124.

Characterization of noncoding RNAs

Goodwin, Kawano, Miranda Rios, Opdyke, Zhang, Storz; in collaboration with Blyn, Chen, Kang

We have succeeded in elucidating the functions of the noncoding RNAs in E. coli. We previously showed that OxyS RNA, the expression of which is induced by OxyR in response to oxidative stress, acts to repress translation by base pairing with target mRNAs. OxyS RNA action is dependent on the Sm-like Hfq protein, which functions as a chaperone to facilitate OxyS RNA base pairing with its target mRNAs. We also discovered that the abundant 6S RNA binds to and modifies RNA polymerase. In the past year, we elucidated the functions of two recently discovered noncoding RNAs that bind to Hfq: the 109-nucleotide MicC RNA and the 105-nucleotide GadY RNA. We found that MicC RNA represses translation of the OmpC outer membrane porin. Interestingly, under most conditions, MicC RNA shows the opposite expression to MicF RNA, which represses expression of the OmpF porin. Thus, we suggest that the MicF and MicC RNAs control the OmpF:OmpC protein ratio in response to a variety of environmental stimuli. In contrast, base pairing between the GadY RNA and the 3´-untranslated region (3´ UTR) of the gadX mRNA encoded opposite gadY leads to increased stability of the gadX mRNA. Enhanced gadX mRNA stability results in increased GadX levels and increased expression of the acid-response genes controlled by the GadX transcription factor. We are continuing to characterize further the GadY RNA activity and the roles of other newly discovered noncoding RNAs.

Chen S, Zhang A, Blyn LB, Storz G. MicC, a second small RNA regulator of Omp protein expression in Escherichia coli. J Bacteriol 2004;186:6689-6697.

Opdyke JA, Kang J-G, Storz G. GadY, a small RNA regulator of acid response genes in Escherichia coli. J Bacteriol 2004;186:6698-6705.

Storz G, Opdyke JA, Zhang A. Controlling mRNA stability and translation with small, noncoding RNAs. Curr Opin Microbiol 2004;7:140-144.


Laura A. Bedzyk, MS, Central Research and Development E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Company, Wilmington, DE

Lawrence B. Blyn, PhD, IBIS Therapeutics, Carlsbad, CA

Shuo Chen, PhD, IBIS Therapeutics, Carlsbad, CA

Ouliana Djaman, MS, Department of Microbiology, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL

Susan Gottesman, PhD, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, NCI, Bethesda, MD

Ju-Gyeong Kang, PhD, Cardiovascular Branch, NHLBI, Bethesda, MD

Robert A. LaRossa, PhD, Central Research and Development, E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Company, Wilmington, DE

Carsten Rosenow, PhD, Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA

Brian C. Tjaden, PhD, Computer Science Department, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA

Nico Tjandra, PhD, Laboratory of Biophysical Chemistry, NHLBI, Bethesda, MD

Karen M. Wassarman, PhD, Department of Bacteriology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

Ming Zheng, PhD, Central Research and Development, E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Company, Wilmington, DE

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