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  SIW 3.1 Documentation Punchlist 2006
Added by Ann Wiley, last edited by Ann Wiley on Jan 30, 2009  (view change)



This is the master list of changes to be completed for the Release 3.1 caDSR documentation, originally posted on the GForge site and last edited in March, 2006.

Collaboration guidelines

  • For the tech guide or SDK guide enter a work item and put your name/date/status at the end in parentheses (Steve;3/13;started) if you are working on that item
  • For the release notes, please edit them directly on the Wike page
  • Please transfer any items submitted by email, phone, etc., to this page.
  • UML Diagrams: If you don't have SnagIt, then create the diagrams in EA, save them, and forward the name of the diagram to me. If you do have SnagIt, capture the diagrams to an MS Word document.

Wiki guidelines

Note: This information applies to GForge.

  • Click EditText link at the bottom of the page to enter edit mode
  • Once in edit mode, refer to the Wiki editing guidelines are at the bottom of the page for Wiki editing syntax

caCORE Technical Guide

Changes to Chapter 5 of the caCore Technical Guide

Diagram on page 81 (steve;3/14;completed)

Class Qualifier should be removed.

Diagram on page 84 (steve;3/14;completed)

  • AdministeredComponent can have definitions as well as designations.
  • Both definitions and designations can also be classified.
  • Reference document can have a context as well.
  • Administered Components can have contacts also.
  • ClassificationSchemeItem can have reference documents and contacts.
  • ClassSchemeClassSchemeItem can have reference documents and contact.
  • The following Classes needed to support contact information are missing

Diagram on page 85 (Steve; 3/14;completed)

  • Class ProtocolFormSet has been renamed to Protocol
  • Classes CaseReportForm and ProtocolFormTemplate has been replace by Form with an attribute 'Type'
  • Classes Form, Module, Question and ValidValue extend from a new class
    FormElement that extends from AdminiteredComponent.
  • Class Form and Protocol have a many to many relationship
  • The following classes are missing:

Diagram on Page 88

The diagram should be updated to include the new/-changed classes and to
remove the deprecated classes. Classes supporting the concept derivation
rules are missing.

Diagram on Page 95 (steve; 3/14; completed)

  • Classification Scheme and ClassificationSchemeItem can also be based on a ConceptDerivation Rule
  • Class ComponentLevel is missing.
  • The classes supporting derivation rules for data elements are missing.

The caDSR Domain Object Catalogue should be updated to reflect all these changes.
The class Address will not be deprecated soon.

Page 99
The CaDSR download hyper link proceeding table 5.4 is not correct

Changes to table 5.4
*Add one row for UML Model browser
UML Model Browser Distribution
Contains umlmodelbrowser.ear file and installation instructions for
the application.
*Remove the row for CDE Browser Source Code Distribution

Release Notes: Semantic Connector / SIW / UML Loader

New features:


Semantic Connector


- Add support for packages. EVS Reports now contain fully qualified (including package name) class names.
- Refactored exception reporting. Semantic Connector reports errors through exceptions rather than log.


Semantic Integration Workbench


- Allow mapping of a UML Attribute to an existing Value Domain
- Support creation of new Value Domains.
- New EVS Validation module. Compare concepts used in the model to concepts in EVS. Compares based on Concept Name or Code.
- Provides ability to map UML Attributes to existing CDEs
- Prompt User for save changes before exiting
- Error Panel reports
- Association errors
- Missing UML Descriptions
- Duplicate Concept mappings
- Incorrect or conflicting DE mappings
- More benchmark info to the waiting screens. Most time consuming tasks report real time progress information
- More descriptive information on screen for second pass of Semantic Connector
- Run fix-ea" is made a separate option on the menu


UML Loader


- Support for creating new Value Domains from stereotyped UML Classes


UML Model Browser


- New application. Allow browsing and searching of UML Classes and Attributes loaded by UML Loader

''Bugs fixed since last release:''


Semantic Connector


- Semantic Connector fails to annotate model if no tagged values present
- Modify the search criteria for camel case splitting in semantic connector
- Fix problem with Semantic Connector dropping multiple qualifiers on second pass so all concepts from the EVS Report are inserted into the annotated XMI file.


Semantic Integration Workbench


- Automatically perform EVS search when clicking EVS Link using Added Concept name
- Change review checkbox text for 'Review Annotated XMI' mode
- Navigate from association to UML Element not bringing up right tab


UML Loader


- UML Loader no longer creates alternate definitions for inherited attributes
- Fixed Alternate Names so that inherited attribute names reflect the subclass name
- Object Class and Property Database field now populated
- Concept Class EVS Source and Database now populated
- Language now being populated
- Added fully qualified alternate name for Object Class
- Support for Collection datatypes
- Set a trigger to create the short name using the public id of the Object Class or Property when the concept derivated short name is longer than 30 characters
- Do not use Administered items in the "Test" or "Training" context.

National Cancer Institute Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health