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  caBIG-CBIIT Products by Product Line
Added by Ann Wiley, last edited by Ann Wiley on Nov 29, 2008  (view change)



This list includes tools, content databases and projects that have been listed with tools. These items are listed alphabetically on caBIG-CBIIT Products A to Z.


The major bullets denote products. For reference, sub-bullets show some or all of the components of CORE products.

CORE Products and infrastructure

  • caAdapter
  • caCORE middleware or caCORE Services; term no longer used; refers to caDSR and EVS APIs
  • caCORE SDK
  • caDSR (Cancer Data Standards Registry and Repository)
    • caDSR Admin Tool
    • caDSR database
    • CDE Browser
    • CDE Curation Tool
    • Form Builder
    • Freestyle Search
    • caDSR Sentinel Tool
    • SIW (Semantic Integration Workbench)
    • UML Browser (or UML Model Browser)
    • UML Loader (managed by and thus associated with the caDSR team)
    • XMI Handler (used by caAdapter, caCORE SDK, and SIW, managed by and thus associated with the caDSR team)
  • caGrid (the services are for reference from the Zope/Plone sites as of November 2007)
    • Metadata Services
      • Cancer Data Standards Repository Service
      • Enterprise Vocabulary Service
      • Global Model Exchange Service (a feature of caGrid infrastructure)
      • Index Service
    • Security Services
      • Authentication Service
      • Dorian Service
      • Grid Grouper Service
      • Master Grid Trust Service
      • Slave Grid Trust Service
    • Higher Level Services
      • Federated Query Processor Service
      • Workflow Service
  • Common Logging Module (CLM)/Common Security Model (CSM)
  • EVS (Enterprise Vocabulary Services)
    • Biomed GT Content (LexWiki Authoring Platform, Semantic MediaWiki)
    • LexBIG Server
    • LexEVS, superseding EVS API
    • NCI BioPortal
    • NCI Metathesaurus
    • NCI Protégé
    • NCI Thesaurus
    • Terminology Open Portal (a project)



Products no longer part of the CORE product line

  • caB2B is part of ICR
  • caBIO is part of ICR
  • caFramework is an obsolete designation

Clinical Trials Management Systems (CTMS)

  • BRIDG (Biomedical Research Integrated Domain Group) (a project)
  • C3D (Cancer Central Clinical Database)
  • C3D Connector
  • C3PR (Cancer Central Clinical Participant Registry)
  • caAERS (Cancer Adverse Events Reporting System)
  • caCTUS (Clinical Trials Unified System) SEE CTODS Lab Viewer, NCI Clinical Trials Portal
  • caMatch
  • caXchange (Clinical Data Exchange fomerly Clinical/Lab Data Hub or Lab Integration Hub)
  • CDS (Clinical Data System)
  • Clinical Trials Informatics Initiative
  • Clinical Trials Management System Workspace
  • CRIX SEE Firebird
  • CTODS (Clinical Trials Object Data System)
  • CTODS Lab Viewer
  • CTOM (Clinical Trials Object Model) SEE CTODS
  • DCP (Division of Cancer Prevention ) DESK (Enterprise System Knowledgebase)
  • Firebird (Federal Investigator Registry of Biomedical Research Data)
  • Janus
  • NCI Clinical Trials Portal (formerly caCTUS Lite)
  • PSC (Patient Study Calendar


  • caIMAGE
  • NCIA (National Cancer Image Archive, formerly I3; includes NCIA Source, NCIA Cedera I-Response Client)

Integrative Cancer Research (ICR)

  • Bioconductor
  • caArray
  • caBIO (Cancer Biomedical Information Objects)
  • caB2B (Cancer Bench-to-Bedside)
  • caELMIR Extensions (Cancer Electronic Laboratory Management Information Resource)
  • caFE (Cancer Function Express)
  • caGWAS (Cancer Genome-Wide Association Studies)
  • caIntegrator applications
    • CGEMS (Cancer Genetic Markers of Susceptibility)
    • CSP (Cancer Sequency Project)
    • EAGLE (Environmental And Genetic Lung (Cancer) Etiology)
    • I-SPY
    • REMBRANDT (REpository of Molecular BRAin Neoplasia DaTa)
    • TARGET (Therapeutically Applicable Research to Generate Effective Treatments)
  • caLIMS (cancer Laboratory Information System)
  • caMOD (Cancer Models Database)
  • caNanolab
  • caTRIP (Cancer Translational Research Informatics Platform)
  • CGAP (Cancer Genome Anatomy Project)
  • CGAP GAI (Cancer Genome Anatomy Project Genetic Annotation Initiative)
  • CMA (Cancer Molecular Analysis Tools project)
  • CMAP (Cancer Molecular Analysis Project)
  • CMP (Cancer Molecular Pages)
  • CPAS (LabKey CPAS, Computational Proteomics Analysis System)
  • cPath (Cancer Pathways)
  • Cytoscape
  • DWD (Distance Weighted Discrimination)
  • GeneConnect
  • GenePattern
  • geWorkbench
  • GoMiner (Gene Ontology Miner)
  • GPS-XAR (General Proteomics Standard tool for XAR format)
  • gridPIR (Protein Information Resource)
  • LabKey CPAS See CPAS
  • Pathways
  • Proteomics/LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System)
  • Q5 (Probabilistic classification algorithm)
  • QPACA (Quantiative Pathway Analysis in Cancer)
  • Reactome API
  • RProteomics
  • SEED Genome Annotation System
  • TCGA (The Cancer Genome Atlas)
  • The Human Serum Proteome
  • TrAPSS (Transcript Annotation Prioritization and Screening System)
  • VISDA (Visual Statistical Data Analyzer)
  • webGenome

Tissue Banks and Pathology Tools (TBPT)

  • Biospecimen Research Database
  • caTIES (Cancer Text Information Extraction System)
  • caTissue Core
  • caTissue Suite

National Cancer Institute Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health