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Special Consideration for Support of Research that Bridges the Life and Physical Sciences

A major focus of the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) since its inception has been the bridging and integration of the life and physical sciences. Over the past few years, this focus has been enforced by Congressional language (e.g., Report Language accompanying the House FY 2004 Appropriations Bill) and has culminated in a recent "Conference on Research at the Interface of the Life and Physical Sciences: Bridging the Sciences."

The proceedings of that conference noted that the ability to integrate organic and inorganic systems will enable advances in a broad range of applications including manufacturing, medicine, environment, and energy.

Given the strong recommendation of the conference and the community in general to encourage and support such research, the NIBIB will give special consideration for funding to research grant applications that bridge and integrate the life and physical sciences.


Last reviewed on: 12/21/2006

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