Organizational Priority #4

Enhance information technology management through improvement of existing and development of new business and clinical systems.


R. Nick Bryan


Diagnostic Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, LDRR, PET, Medical Records, ISD, and CIT


The Imaging Sciences Program's (which includes Diagnostic Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, Positron Emission Tomography, and the Laboratory of Diagnostic Radiology Research) mission is to provide the highest quality diagnostic imaging and image archive/retrieval services for clinical care and research performed at the NIH. As part of this effort, ISP/CC seeks to deploy a PACS/RIS that will increase the quality and efficiency of the ISP in achieving these objectives. The RIS will be the first computerized IS serving all of ISP, replacing an older, limited system in NM/PET and manual logs in DRD and LDRR. At the present time, ISP has no effective means of documenting its work activity, the efficiency at which this work is performed, or its cost. The PACS will replace the current film file room and result in a filmless CC by the opening of the new CRC.

The initiative was established with the following goals:

  • Increase patient throughput
  • Reduce operating costs
  • Increase efficiency of image generation and retrieval
  • Improve both speed and quality of patient imaging service


  • Completed market survey and evaluated demonstrations from potential PACS/RIS vendors
  • Obtained draft PACS/RIS equipment/network equipment configurations
  • Developed Statement of Work to procure PACS/RIS through contract mechanism

FY2000 Goals

  • DRD PACS/RIS equipment/network equipment configuration finalized
  • Contract for PACS/RIS signed
  • Initial equipment delivery, detailed network design, final implementation plan
  • Complete network installation and testing, RIS installation and training, RIS/HIS interface, and 50% of PACS installed and tested

For more information about the Clinical Center,
e-mail, or call Clinical Center Communications, 301-496-2563.

Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, Maryland 20892-7511