Organizational Priority #6

Plan for activation and occupancy of new Clinical Research Center.


Maureen Gormley, Lawrence Eldridge, Terri Wakefield, Yong-Duk Chyun


CRC Partner Groups, CC Office of the Director, CC Departments, DES, CIT, ORS, Boston Properties/McCarthy Brothers/Zimmer-Gunsul Frasca


There is a need for a comprehensive plan and process to ensure that the hospital component of the CRC is ready for occupancy and properly equipped and furnished. This process will ensure that CRC systems are operational and that staff are trained in the use of these systems; that CC processes and systems are revised to support the changes required as a result of the design and the technologies incorporated into the CRC; and that the relocation of patients and staff into the CRC is managed in a safe and timely manner.


  • CC medical equipment has been inventoried -- awaiting results of inventory and recommendations for operational purchases each year prior to CRC occupancy for the CC and the Institutes
  • Developed draft proposal of scope and membership of an Activation Steering Committee for review by the CC Executive Committee
  • Developed preliminary estimates of yearly activation costs

FY2000 Goals

  • Charter the CRC Activation Steering Committee
  • Identify CC resources needed to support the CRC activation process
  • Acquire the services of an Activation Consultant and other consultants, as needed, to assist the CC and the CRC Activation Steering Committee in carrying out the activation and occupancy process

For more information about the Clinical Center,
e-mail, or call Clinical Center Communications, 301-496-2563.

Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, Maryland 20892-7511