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Biological Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)

Four Multimodal AFM instrument
platforms at BIMI

Four Multimodal AFM instrument platforms at BIMI

Photos by Jude Gustafson


AFM Capabilities

Biomedical Instrumentation and Multiscale Imaging (BIMI) AFM Specialists

Recent Projects


AFM Capabilities

Combining high-resolution AFM under physiological conditions with sensitive force measurements
and mathematical modeling to gain greater understanding of complex biological systems.

Atomic resolution: ~ 0.1 nm under physiological conditions, dynamic changes, temperature studies, etc.

Force Measurement
Biomolecular: ~ 1 pN to tissue level; ~1 m N force and force modulation

Commercial equipment

  • Multimode PicoForce AFM
  • TIRF AFM (Bioscope Z)
  • Raman (LabRam) AFM (XE-120)
  • Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy (SMFS) AFM (ForceRobot)


  • Multi-modality (Raman, TIRF, NSOM, etc.) 
  • Environmental Control
  • Carbon Nanotube Tips
  • Surface Modifications

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BIMI AFM Specialists

For more information, contact the BIMI staff:

Paul D. Smith, Ph.D. - Chief

Albert J. Jin, Ph.D. - Staff Scientist

Emilios K. Dimitriadis, Ph.D. - Staff Scientist 

Minhua Zhou - NIH/NIST NRC Fellow 

 Svetlana Kotova - Visiting Fellow

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Last reviewed on: 09/11/2008

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