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Build R

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1. Install R

Choose a mirror site geographically close to you, and download either the appropriate binary for your platform (or the source code and then compile yourself). Set your path appropriately. For example, my R executable is under /Applications/ on my Mac OS X, so I add /Applications/ as one of the search paths in my C shell startup configuration file .cshrc

If the installation is successful, the following command on the prompt


will bring you into the R world! Quit R by typing q()

> q()

or hitting letter "d" while holding down CTRL key.

2. Download some prerequisite packages (nlme and contrast for now) from R

Run the following inside R:

> install.packages("nlme",dependencies=TRUE)
> install.packages("contrast",dependencies=TRUE)
> install.packages("fastICA",dependencies=TRUE)

3. The R package, Rpack, is part of AFNI package if you have the most recent version of AFNI. In case you want to update the Rpack alone, you can download the Rpack package, unpackage the tar file and put it to wherever those AFNI executibles are stored (e.g., user/MyUsername/abin/).

Related topics

1. Linear mixed-effects modeling: 3dLME

2. Independent component analysis: 3dICA

Created by Gang Chen
Last modified 2008-10-09 09:18

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