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Thomas E. Dever, PhD, Head, Section on Protein Biosynthesis

Pankaj Alone, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

M. Shamsul Arefin, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Madhusudan Dey, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Jeanne M. Fringer, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Eun Joo Seo, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Byung-Sik Shin, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Chune Cao, Biological Laboratory Technician

Joo-Ran Kim, BS, Special Volunteer


We are studying the mechanism and regulation of eukaryotic protein synthesis. A chief interest is the role of GTPases in translation initiation. We have shown that the universally conserved translation initiation factor eIF5B, an ortholog of bacterial translation initiation factor IF2, promotes ribosomal subunit joining in the second GTP-dependent step of the translation initiation pathway. We are using mutational analyses to study the structure/function properties of eIF5B, to determine the role of GTP binding and hydrolysis by the factor, and to study its interaction with the ribosome. We are also analyzing the structure-function properties of the factor eIF2, which binds tRNAiMet to the ribosome, and we are studying how eIF2 activity is downregulated by phosphorylation. Our studies focus on the determinants of substrate recognition by the eIF2alpha protein kinases and the structure and regulation of these enzymes. The human eIF2alpha kinase PKR is an important component of the interferon-mediated antiviral response. We have reconstituted in yeast cells the antagonism of PKR by pseudosubstrate inhibitors encoded by poxviruses. By identifying mutations in these inhibitory proteins, and others in PKR, which increase or decrease inhibition, we are defining the molecular determinants of substrate recognition in both eIF2alpha and PKR.

Molecular, biochemical, and structural analysis of eIF5B/IF2, a universally conserved translation initiation GTPase

Arefin, Cao, Fringer, Kim, Shin, Dever; in collaboration with Burley, Lorsch, Pestova

We previously discovered the translation initiation factor eIF5B and characterized the factor from both yeast (encoded by the FUN12 gene) and humans. The eIF5B is an ortholog of the bacterial translation initiation factor IF2 and promotes the subunit-joining step of translation initiation. Like bacterial IF2, eIF5B is a GTP-binding protein and possesses ribosome-dependent GTPase activity. By switching the nucleotide specificity of eIF5B, we demonstrated that two GTP molecules are required in eukaryotic translation initiation as opposed to the single GTP requirement in bacterial translation initiation (Lee et al., 2002). In collaboration with Stephen Burley at The Rockefeller University, we determined the X-ray structure of an archaeal form of eIF5B. The chalice-shaped protein consists of four domains: the G domain and domains II and III form the cup of the chalice, a long alpha helix forms the stem, and domain IV the base of the chalice. GTP binding to eIF5B causes modest conformational changes in the G domain and cup of the protein that are amplified by a lever-type mechanism (via the chalice stem helix), resulting in significant movement of domain IV (the base of the chalice). Our current efforts aim at elucidating the structure-function properties of eIF5B and at a molecular dissection of the role of GTP binding and hydrolysis by the factor. In contrast to the archaeal factor, yeast eIF5B contains a long N-terminal extension. Deletion of this N-terminal region of eIF5B has no impact on yeast cell growth; however, deletion of about 25 C-terminal residues of eIF5B slightly impairs yeast cell growth, and the growth defect is exacerbated by deletion of the N-terminal region of eIF5B. We propose that the growth defect reflects impaired ribosome binding because the C-terminal domain IV of eIF5B binds to the factor eIF1A, which associates with the small ribosomal subunit. Consistent with this hypothesis, the C-terminal truncation of eIF5B impairs binding to eIF1A.

To assess the role of GTP binding and hydrolysis by eIF5B, we mutated the Switch 1 (Sw1) and Switch 2 (Sw2) motifs in the factor’s GTP-binding domain. Mutation of a threonine conserved in Sw1 of all GTP-binding proteins eliminated eIF5B GTPase and translational stimulatory activities and severely impaired yeast cell growth but did not impair subunit joining. Intragenic suppressors of the eIF5B Sw1 mutant restored yeast cell growth, but not eIF5B GTPase activity. Biochemical studies revealed that the suppressor mutations lowered the ribosome-binding affinity of the factor. The uncoupling of eIF5B GTPase from translation-stimulatory activities suggests a regulatory rather than mechanical role for eIF5B GTP hydrolysis in translation initiation. We propose that a GTP-regulated switch governs the ribosome affinity of eIF5B. In the presence of GTP, eIF5B binds to the ribosome, and following GTP hydrolysis, the factor is released (Shin et al., 2002). Mutation of a conserved glycine in Sw2 impaired eIF5B GTP-binding and hydrolysis activities and yeast cell growth. Interestingly, an intragenic suppressor of the Sw2 mutation mapped to Sw1 and restored GTP binding and hydrolysis, a result that provides the first genetic and biochemical evidence that the Sw1 and Sw2 elements in a G domain cooperate to promote GTP binding and hydrolysis.

On most mRNAs, ribosomes initiate translation at the AUG codon closest to the 5´ end. However, in yeast lacking eIF5B, or expressing eIF5B mutants that lack GTPase activity, there was an increase in ribosomes’ leaky scanning, bypassing the first AUG codon and instead initiating translation at a downstream AUG codon. We propose that the GTPase activity of eIF5B serves as a checkpoint to ensure efficient and accurate subunit joining during translation initiation (Lee et al., 2002; Shin et al., 2002). In yeast, this leaky scanning impairs expression of the GCN4 protein, and we are currently screening for suppressor mutations that restore GCN4 expression in cells lacking eIF5B. We propose the following model for the role of eIF5B in translation initiation: a 40S ribosomal complex scans an mRNA and reaches an AUG codon before GTP hydrolysis by eIF2 results in release of initiation factors; binding of eIF5B•GTP to this complex stabilizes Met-tRNA binding and promotes joining of the large ribosomal subunit; after 60S joining, eIF5B hydrolyzes GTP, and the factor is released enabling the 80S ribosome to begin translation elongation.

Dever TE. Gene-specific regulation by general translation factors. Cell 2002;108:545-556.

Lee JH, Pestova TV, Shin B-S, Cao C, Choi SK, Dever TE. Initiation factor eIF5B catalyzes second GTP-dependent step in eukaryotic translation initiation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2002;99:16689-16694.

Shin B-S, Maag D, Roll-Mecak A, Arefin MS, Burley SK, Lorsch JR, Dever TE. Uncoupling of initiation factor eIF5B/IF2 GTPase and translational activities by mutations that lower ribosome affinity. Cell 2002;111:1015-1025.

Sonenberg N, Dever TE. Eukaryotic translation initiation factors and regulators. Curr Opin Struct Biol 2003;13:56-63.

Structure-function analysis of eIF2gamma, the GTP-binding subunit of the eIF2 complex

Alone, Cao, Dever; in collaboration with Burley

The initiation factor eIF2 is a three-subunit complex that delivers Met-tRNA to the ribosome in an early step in the translation initiation pathway. The eIF2 binds to GTP, and GTP-binding is required to form a stable eIF2•GTP•Met-tRNA ternary complex. The gamma subunit of eIF2 contains the GTP-binding domain of the factor, and, recently, in collaboration with Stephen Burley at The Rockefeller University and Structural GenomiX, Inc., we obtained the crystal structure of eIF2gamma from the archaeon Methanococcus jannaschii. Our structural data revealed a striking similarity between the structures of eIF2gamma and the bacterial translation elongation factor EF-Tu. The structural homology reflects the functional similarity between eIF2 and EF-Tu, as EF-Tu delivers charged tRNAs to the ribosome during translation elongation. Based on the structure of the EF-Tu•GTP•Phe-tRNA complex, we predicted the site of the Met-tRNA binding site on eIF2gamma. To test this model, we mutated residues in the predicted tRNA binding site of yeast eIF2gamma and then examined the ability of the mutants to support yeast cell growth. Mutation of the conserved glycine at residue 397 (Gly-397) to alanine impaired cell growth, and, importantly, this slow-growth phenotype was rescued by overexpressing initiator Met-tRNA. Our data thus support the notion that Gly-397 is an important determinant in the Met-tRNA binding site of eIF2. In addition to mapping the tRNA binding site in eIF2gamma, we are examining the architecture of the eIF2 complex by mutating the conserved surface residues on eIF2gamma. Of particular note, mutation of aspartic acid at residue 403 (Asp-403) in yeast eIF2gamma to alanine (D403A) impaired cell growth, with the growth defect suppressed by overexpressing the alpha subunit of eIF2. This in vivo result indicates that Asp-403 forms part of the binding interface between the alpha and gamma subunits of eIF2, and biochemical analysis of the corresponding mutations in archaeal eIF2gamma confirmed that the D403A mutation disrupted the binding to eIF2alpha. Future experiments will seek to map the eIF2beta binding site on eIF2gamma and further characterize the role and mechanism of GTP hydrolysis by eIF2.

Roll-Mecak A, Alone P, Cao C, Dever TE, Burley SK. X-ray structure of translation initiation factor eIF2gamma: implications for tRNA and eIF2alpha binding. J Biol Chem 2004; 279:10634-10642.

Poxvirus pseudosubstrate inhibitors of eIF2alpha kinases: molecular implications for kinase-substrate interactions

Seo, Cao, Dever; in collaboration with Kennedy, Ramelot

Phosphorylation of the translation factor eIF2alpha on serine at residue 51 (Ser-51) by the kinase PKR is an important component in the antiviral defense mechanism in mammalian cells. Several poxviruses express small proteins resembling the N-terminal third of eIF2alpha, and previous work demonstrated that the vaccinia virus K3L protein is a pseudosubstrate inhibitor of the eIF2alpha kinases. Previously, we showed that expression of either the vaccinia virus K3L or the swinepox virus C8L protein reduced eIF2 alpha phosphorylation and blocked the toxic effects associated with expression of PKR in yeast. The inhibition of PKR was dependent on the sequence motif “KGYID,” which is conserved among all K3L homologs and eIF2 alpha, and located around 30 residues C-terminal of the Ser-51 phosphorylation site in eIF2 alpha. We collaborated with Theresa Ramelot and Michael Kennedy to characterize the K3L homolog from myxoma virus, the M156R protein. The NMR structure of the M156R protein revealed that the critical KGYID sequence motif and the region corresponding to Ser-51 in eIF2alpha are located on the same face of the M156R protein, likely forming the PKR recognition surface. In contrast to the K3L protein, we demonstrated that the M156R protein competed with eIF2alpha for phosphorylation by PKR. Thus, rather than functioning as a pseudosubstrate inhibitor like the K3L protein, the M156R protein may interfere with eIF2alpha phosphorylation through simple substrate competition (Ramelot et al., 2002).

To gain further insights into pseudosubstrate inhibition of PKR, we are employing two approaches. First, we are characterizing K3L mutants that are more potent inhibitors of PKR. Expression of wild-type K3L partially suppresses the toxic effects of PKR in yeast. We identified several hyperactive K3L mutants that more effectively suppress PKR toxicity in yeast. Second, we identified 12 mutations in PKR that confer resistance to inhibition by K3L. The PKR mutants are toxic in yeast strains co-expressing the K3L protein and likewise retain the ability to phosphorylate eIF2alpha even in the presence of the viral pseudosubstrate. Further in vivo studies revealed that the PKR mutants are not simply hyperactive but that they are specifically resistant to inhibition by the K3L protein. Consistent with this finding, the mutations cluster in the C-terminal lobe of the kinase domain and, based on structural modeling, likely alter points of contact between PKR and its pseudosubstrate (or substrate). Ongoing experiments seek to determine how the mutations in PKR render the kinase less sensitive to pseudosubstrate inhibition.

Kazemi S, Papadopoulou S, Li S, Su Q, Wang S, Yoshimura A, Matlashewski G, Dever TE, Koromilas AE. Control of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2alpha (eIF2alpha) phosphorylation by the human papillomavirus type 18 E6 oncoprotein: implications for eIF2alpha-dependent gene expression and cell death. Mol Cell Biol 2004;24:3415-3429.

Ramelot TA, Cort JR, Yee AA, Liu F, Goshe MB, Edwards AM, Smith RD, Arrowsmith CH, Dever TE, Kennedy MA. Myxoma virus immunomodulatory protein M156R is a structural mimic of eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF2alpha. J Mol Biol 2002;322:943-954.

Substrate recognition by the eIF2alpha protein kinases

Dey, Cao, Dever; in collaboration with Sicheri

In addition to PKR, three other kinases phosphorylate eIF2alpha on Ser-51. These stress-activated eIF2alpha kinases downregulate protein synthesis in stressed cells. The kinase GCN2 is universally conserved in eukaryotes and phosphorylates eIF2alpha under conditions of limiting amino acids. To gain insights into the mechanism of substrate recognition by the eIF2alpha kinases GCN2 and PKR, we generated N- and C-terminal truncation mutants of yeast eIF2alpha. Residues 1 through 180 of eIF2alpha were necessary and sufficient for efficient phosphorylation of Ser-51 both in vivo and in vitro. Deletion of as few as 10 N- or C-terminal residues from the eIF2alpha 1–180 protein severely impaired phosphorylation of Ser-51. The results demonstrate that kinase-substrate recognition for eIF2alpha phosphorylation is not limited to a short consensus sequence element flanking the phosphorylation site, as demonstrated for other kinases.

Phosphorylation of eIF2alpha impairs protein synthesis by converting eIF2 from a substrate to an inhibitor of its guanine-nucleotide exchange factor eIF2B. To define specifically the eIF2alpha determinants required for Ser-51 phosphorylation and for translational regulation, we randomly mutated the conserved residues in the N-terminal regional of yeast eIF2alpha, including each of the six residues flanking Ser-51 plus the residues in the conserved KGYID motif located at residues 79 through 83. Few substitutions in the residues flanking Ser-51 impaired phosphorylation; however, many mutations at these residues altered translational regulation. Thus, we propose that the eIF2alpha residues flanking Ser-51 are critical for inhibition of eIF2B by phosphorylated eIF2. Consistent with this proposal, several mutations in these residues impaired the ability of phosphorylated eIF2alpha to bind to eIF2B. Interestingly, several mutations in the KGYID approximately 20 Å from the phosphorylation site significantly impaired phosphorylation of Ser-51. Of particular note, substitution of Ala for Asp-83, 32 residues from the phosphorylation site at Ser-51, completely blocked eIF2alpha phosphorylation by GCN2 and PKR both in vivo and in vitro. Interestingly, several mutations in the KGYID motif impaired translational regulation without affecting Ser-51 phosphorylation. Thus, the eIF2alpha residues flanking Ser-51 and in the KGYID motif contribute to both kinase recognition and eIF2B inhibition, indicating that the eIF2alpha kinases and eIF2B recognize the same surface and overlapping determinants on eIF2alpha. The novel requirement for specific residues remote from the site of phosphorylation supports the model that the eIF2alpha kinases recognize a large domain of eIF2alpha.

The identification of substrate recognition determinants 20 Å from Ser-51 suggests that residues remote from the PKR catalytic site are important for substrate recognition. Multiple sequence alignments of eIF2alpha kinase domains with other unrelated kinases identified 13 residues that are preferentially conserved among eIF2 alpha kinases. We systematically mutated these conserved residues in PKR and screened for mutations that impaired PKR toxicity in yeast, indicating a defect in Ser-51 phosphorylation. Mutation of Thr-487 and nearby Phe-495 abolished PKR toxicity in yeast and Ser-51 phosphorylation both in vivo and in vitro. In contrast, the PKR mutations did not impair kinase autophosphorylation or nonspecific histone phosphorylation. Thus, PKR residues Thr-487 and Phe-495 are important determinants for specific substrate recognition. To our knowledge, this is the first identification of kinase domain mutations that impair specific substrate recognition. We propose that eIF2alpha kinase specificity is mediated by interactions between conserved determinants remote from the kinase catalytic site and the substrate phosphorylation site.


Stephen K. Burley, PhD, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, The Rockefeller University, New York, NY, and Structural GenomiX, Inc., San Diego, CA

Michael A. Kennedy, PhD, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA

Jon R. Lorsch, PhD, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

Tatyana V. Pestova, PhD, SUNY-HSC at Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY

Theresa A. Ramelot, PhD, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA

Frank Sicheri, PhD, Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital, and University of Toronto, Canada

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