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Stanko S. Stojilkovic, PhD, Head, Section on Cellular Signaling

Melanija Tomić, PhD, Staff Scientist

Silvana A. Andrić, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Arturo E. Gonzales Iglesias, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Yonghua Jiang, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Karla Kretschmannová, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Zonghe Yan, MD, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow




We investigate the cellular signaling cascades in endocrine and neuroendocrine cells and the interactions between plasma membrane electrical events and receptor-controlled pathways. Our research focuses on calcium signaling and cellular regulation. Our main objective is to elucidate the receptors and channels involved in calcium signaling and the role of calcium ions as messengers in controlling signaling, secretion, and gene expression in anterior pituitary cells. Our approach calls for characterizing calcium signaling from biophysical, physiological, pharmacological, and molecular biology perspectives. Currently, we are studying the dependence of calcium signaling function of purinergic receptor channels on the channels’ structure, the pathways and roles of cyclic nucleotides in control of calcium signaling, and the roles of G protein– and tyrosine kinase–coupled receptors in controlling calcium signaling, hormone secretion, and gene expression.

Nucleotide-gated receptors and ectonucleotidases

He,a Yan, Tomić, Gonzales Iglesias, Stojilkovic; in collaboration with Koshimizu, Zemková

Earlier published studies indicated that normal and immortalized anterior pituitary cells express three subtypes of the G protein–coupled purinergic P1 receptors (P1Rs): A1, A2A, and A2B. Our work focuses on the expression and role of both families of purinergic P2 receptors (P2Rs): the ligand-gated channels (P2XRs) and the G protein–coupled receptors (P2YRs). The first P2R subtype identified in anterior pituitary was P2Y2R. Recently, we demonstrated transcripts for four additional members of this family of receptors: P2Y1R, P2Y4R, P2Y6R, and P2Y12R in anterior pituitary cells; we identified the P2Y1R subtype in the lactotroph fraction of cells. Our studies also revealed the expression of P2X2aR and its spliced form P2X2bR in somatotrophs and gonadotrophs as well as the expression of P2X3R, P2X4R, and P2X7R in other still unidentified pituitary cell types. In lactotrophs, the P2X4R subtype provides a major pathway for calcium influx–dependent signaling and prolactin (PRL) secretion. Identification of P2Rs in other cell types is in progress. Our results indicate that, of the 17 known nucleotide receptors, 12 are expressed in anterior pituitary secretory cells. In that respect, only the brain expresses more subtypes of these receptors, indicating the potential relevance of nucleotide-receptor signaling pathways in pituitary cell functions.

Nucleotides must be released by cells if they are to act as extracellular messengers; they are then hydrolyzed by ectonucleotidases, resulting in the formation of the respective nucleoside and a free phosphate. The currently identified ectonucleotidases include members of the ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase family of enzymes (eNTPDase) and of several other subfamilies of enzymes. Experiments in progress indicate that cultured normal and immortalized pituitary and hypothalamic cells release ATP under resting conditions. RT-PCR analysis also revealed the presence in these cells of transcripts for eNTPDase 1-3. The enzymes were functional, as documented by degradation of endogenously released and exogenously added ATP. Blocking the activity of eNTPDases by ARL67156 led to an increase in ATP concentrations in pituitary perfusates and inhibition of degradation of the extracellularly added ATP. On the other hand, the addition of apyrase, a soluble ectonucleotidase, and the expression of recombinant mouse eNTPDase-2 enhanced degradation of both endogenously released and exogenously added ATP. The ATP released by resting hypothalamic cells was sufficient to activate and desensitize high-affinity recombinant P2X receptors, whereas facilitation of ATP metabolism by the addition of apyrase protected their desensitization. The results indicate that co-localization of ATP release sites and ectonucelotidase activity in hypothalamic and pituitary cells provides an effective mechanism for the operation of ATP as an extracellular signaling molecule.

Our work with recombinant P2XRs focuses on the dependence of channel activity on ectodomain structure and agonist potency. We perform our work with human embryonic kidney 293 cells expressing rat P2X2aR, P2X2bR,  P2X3R, and chimeras bearing the V60-R180 or V60-F301 ectodomain sequences of P2X3R instead of the I66-H192 or I66-Y310 sequences of P2X2aR and P2X2bR. Chimeric P2X2a/V60-F301X3R and P2X2b/V60-F301X3R inherited the P2X3R ligand–selective profile, whereas the potency of agonists for P2X2a/V60-R180X3R was intermediate between those observed at parental receptors. Furthermore, P2X2a/V60-F301X3R and P2X2a/V60-R180X3R desensitized in a P2X2aR-specific manner, and P2X2b/V60-F301X3R desensitized with rates comparable to those of P2X2bR. In striking contrast to parental receptors, the rates of decay in P2X2a/V60-F301X3R and P2X2b/V60-F301X3R currents after agonist withdrawal were 15- to 200-fold slower. For these chimeras, the decays in currents were not dependent on duration of stimuli and reflected both continuous desensitization and deactivation of receptors. In addition, participation of deactivation in closure of channels was inversely correlated with the potency of agonists to activate receptors. The delay in deactivation was practically abolished in P2X2a/V60-R180X3R–expressing cells. However, the recovery from desensitization of P2X2a/V60-F301X3R and P2X2a/V60-R180X3R was similar and was substantially delayed compared with that of parental receptors. The results indicate that both ectodomain halves participate in gating but that the C and N halves influence the stability of open and desensitized conformation states, respectively, which in turn reflects on rates of receptor deactivation and resensitization. Our ongoing experiments are directed toward identification of the P2XR domains responsible for ATP binding and gating.

He ML, Gonzalez-Iglesias, Stojilkovic SS. Role of nucleotide P2 receptors in calcium signaling and prolactin release in pituitary lactotrophs. J Biol Chem 2003;278:46270-46277.

He ML, Zemková H, Koshimizu T, Tomić M, Stojilkovic SS. Intracellular calcium measurements as a method in studies on activity of purinergic P2X receptor-channels. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 2003;285:C467-479.

He ML, Zemková H, Stojilkovic SS. Dependence of purinergic P2X receptor activity on ectodomain structure. J Biol Chem 2003;278:10182-10188.

Stojilkovic SS. Ion channels and electrical signaling. In: Conn PM, ed. Neuroscience in Medicine, Totowa NJ: Humana Press, 2003;37-68.

Zemková H, He ML, Koshimizu T, Stojilkovic SS. Identification of ectodomain regions contributing to gating, deactivation, and resensitization of purinergic P2X receptors. J Neurosci 2004;24:6968-6978.

Dependence of calcium signaling and secretion on cyclic nucleotides

Andrić, Gonzalez Iglesias, Kostic,b Tomić, Jiang, Stojilkovic

Our investigations focus on the interrelationship between spontaneous and receptor-controlled electrical activity and cyclic nucleotide signaling in pituitary lactotrophs and immortalized GH cells. Our earlier results indicated that these cells fire action potentials spontaneously and that the associated calcium transients are sufficient to trigger PRL release. Experiments in progress showed that addition of MDL-12330A, an adenylyl cyclase inhibitor, decreased basal cAMP and cGMP production in a dose-dependent manner. This decreased production was accompanied by a decrease in the frequency of spontaneous action potentials, inhibition of calcium transients in single lactotrophs, and downregulation of calcium-controlled basal (in the absence of agonist) PRL secretion. The addition of either a calmodulin antagonist or a calmodulin kinase II inhibitor also decreased both cAMP and cGMP levels and inhibited voltage-gated calcium influx and basal PRL release. On the other hand, forskolin, an activator of adenylyl cyclase, and IBMX, a nonselective inhibitor of phosphodiesterase, increased cAMP and cGMP production as well as PRL release in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. Forskolin also initiated action potential firing and calcium transients in quiescent cells and increased the frequency of firing in spontaneously active cells. The stimulatory actions of forskolin on electrical activity, calcium signaling, and PRL release were abolished in the presence of MDL-12330A. The results indicate that an interplay between voltage-gated calcium influx and cyclic nucleotide intracellular messenger systems underlies the excitability of resting pituitary lactotrophs. Further studies should clarify which intracellular messengers, cyclic nucleotides, or cyclic nucleotide–dependent kinases and which plasma membrane channels are responsible for adenylyl/gyanylyl cyclase–dependent modulation of firing pattern in lactotrophs.

The stimulatory action of adenylyl cyclase activators on cGMP production prompted us to investigate the mechanism of activation of soluble guanlylyl cyclase. In general, the stimulatory effects of adenylyl cyclase activators on calcium signaling are in accord with observations that intracellular calcium stimulates nitric oxide (NO) synthase activity, leading to increase in cGMP production. Consistent with these observations, we recently found that activation of adenylyl cyclase by growth hormone–releasing hormone, pituitary adenylate cyclase–activating polypeptide, vasoactive intestinal peptide, and forskolin increased NO and cGMP levels and that inhibition of NO synthase actvity abolished basal and stimulated cGMP production. However, we found that activators of adenylyl cyc­lase enhanced the NO-dependent cGMP production even when NO was held constant at basal levels in cells bathed in calcium-deficient medium. Receptor-activated cGMP production was mimicked by expression of a constitutively active protein kinase A and was accompanied by phosphorylation of native and recombinant alpha-1 soluble guanylyl cyclase subunit. Addition of a protein kinase A inhibitor, overexpression of a dominant negative mutant of regulatory protein kinase A subunit, and substitution of S107-S108 N-terminal residues of alpha-1 soluble guanylyl cyclase subunit with alanine abolished adenylyl cyclase–dependent cGMP production without affecting basal and NO-donor–stimulated cGMP production. The results indicate that phosphorylation of alpha-1 soluble guanylyl cyclase subunit by protein kinase A enhances the NO-dependent sGC activity, most likely by stabilizing the NO/soluble guanylyl cyclase  complex (see Figure 4.3), which is probably the major pathway by which adenylyl cyclase–coupled receptors stimulate cGMP production.

Andrić SA, Gonzalez-Iglesias AE, Tomić M, Stojilkovic SS. Nitric oxide inhibits prolactin secretion in pituitary cells downstream of voltage-gated calcium influx. Endocrinology 2003;144:2912-2921.

Kostic TS, Andrić SA, Stojilkovic SS. Receptor-controlled phosphorylation of alpha-1 soluble guanylyl cyclase enhances nitric oxide-dependent cyclic guanosine 5'-monophosphate production in pituitary cells. Mol Endocrinol 2004;18:458-470.

Stojilkovic SS. Calcium signaling. In: Henry HL, Norman AW, eds. Encyclopedia of Hormones, San Diego: Academic Press, 2003;231-242.

Receptor-controlled calcium signaling, secretion, and gene expression

Tomić, Andrić, Kretschmannova, Stojilkovic; in collaboration with Wong, Zemková

Several G protein–coupled receptors expressed in pituitary cells stimulate or inhibit spontaneous voltage-gated calcium influx and hormone secretion. Our ongoing work focuses on the control of voltage-gated calcium influx by three calcium-mobilizing receptors: gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), and endothelin-A (ETA). GnRH receptors are expressed in gonadotrophs, and extracellular calcium is not essential to initiate calcium oscillations in these cells. We recently addressed the role of calcium influx in sustained and repetitive calcium signaling as well as the mechanism of calcium efflux and the kinetics of recovery of calcium signaling during repetitive stimulation with short (10-30 s) GnRH pulses and variable interpulse intervals; for this purpose we used neonatal gonadotrophs perfused with calcium/sodium-containing, calcium-deficient/sodium-containing, and calcium-containing/sodium-deficient media. In calcium/sodium-containing medium, baseline calcium oscillations recovered without a refractory period and with a time constant of about 20 seconds, whereas the recovery of the spike response occurred after a 25- to 35-second refractory period and with a time constant of about 30 seconds. During repetitive GnRH stimulation, removal of calcium had only a minor effect on baseline oscillations but abolished the spike response, whereas removal of sodium slightly extended duration of baseline oscillations and considerably prolonged spike response. The results indicate that two calcium-handling mechanisms are operative in gonadotrophs: redistribution of calcium within InsP3-sensitive and -insensitive pools and a sodium-dependent calcium efflux followed by calcium influx. Redistribution of calcium within the cell leads to rapid recovery of the Ins(1,4,5)-trisphosphate–dependent pool, whereas the sodium-dependent calcium efflux pathway is activated by the spike response and limits the time of exposure to elevated cytosolic calcium concentrations.

Two calcium-mobilizing receptors are expressed in pituitary lactotrophs: ETA and TRH. Activation of both receptors induced rapid calcium release from intracellular stores and PRL secretion, but their actions differed during sustained stimulation; TRH facilitates and ET-1 inhibits voltage-gated calcium influx and PRL secretion. In pertussis toxin–treated cells, ET-1–induced inhibition of voltage-gated calcium influx was abolished, and the pattern of calcium signaling was comparable to that observed in TRH-stimulated cells. The addition of cesium, a relatively specific blocker of inward rectifier potassium channels, mimicked the effect of pertussis toxin on the pattern of ET-1–induced sustained calcium signaling in about 50 percent of cells and did not affect agonist-induced inhibition of PRL secretion. Extracellular cesium was also ineffective in altering the TRH-induced facilitation of voltage-gated calcium influx and PRL secretion. Furthermore, the agonist-specific patterns of calcium signaling and PRL secretion were not affected by the following agents: apamin and paxilline, specific blockers of calcium-activated SK and BK type potassium channels, respectively; E-4031, a blocker of the ether a-go-go potassium channel; and linopirdine, a blocker of M-type potassium channels. The results suggest that ET-1 inhibits voltage-gated calcium influx through activation of cesium-sensitive channels, presumably the Gi/o-controlled inward rectifier K+ channels, and that the agonist inhibits PRL release, but downstream of calcium influx. Further studies are required to identify the mechanism of sustained TRH-induced facilitation of voltage-gated calcium influx and PRL secretion.

In collaboration with Anderson Wong, we investigated the effects of growth hormone on the hormone’s secretion at the pituitary level. Our initial experiments used grass carp pituitary cells as a cell model. We identified GH receptors in somatotrophs and found that their activation by exogenous GH increased steady-state GH mRNA levels and GH production. Removal of endogenous GH by immunoneutralization with GH antiserum inhibited basal as well as stimulated GH mRNA expression. Cytosolic mature GH mRNA levels were elevated by GH treatment and reduced by GH antiserum, whereas nuclear GH primary transcripts were almost undetectable after GH immunoneutralization. Inhibition of Janus kinase-2, phosphoinositide 3-kinase, and MAPK also abolished GH-induced steady-state GH-mRNA levels. GH immunoneutralization in pituitary cells pretreated with actinomycin D induced a marked decrease in the half-life of GH mRNA, indicating that the clearance of GH transcripts could be enhanced after removing endogenous GH. The results provide evidence that GH can serve as an intrapituitary autocrine/paracrine factor maintaining GH gene expression in somatotrophs and that such action is mediated by Janus kinase-2/MAPK and Janus kinase-2/phosphoinositide 3-kinase cascades coupled to GH receptors. Further experiments should clarify the expression and role of GH receptors in the control of GH synthesis in mammalian pituitary cells.

Basta M, Van Goor F, Luccioli S, Billings EM, Vortmeyer AO, Baranyi L, Szebeni J, Alving CR, Carroll MC, Berkower I, Stojilkovic SS, Metcalfe DD. F(ab)’2-mediated neutralization of C3a and C5a anaphylatoxins: a novel effector function of immunoglobulins. Nat Med 2003;9:431-438.

Tomić M, Andrić SA, Stojilkovic SS. Dependence of prolactin release on coupling between Ca2+ mobilization and voltage-gated Ca2+ influx pathways in rat lactotrophs. Endocrine 2003;20:45-52.

Zemková H, Balik A, Kretschmannová K, Mazna P, Stojilkovic SS. Recovery of Ins(1,4,5)-trisphosphate-dependent calcium signaling in neonatal gonadotrophs. Cell Calcium 2004;36:89-97.

Zemková H, Balik A, Stojilkovic SS. Expression and signal transduction pathways of melatonin receptors in pituitary. In: Pandi-Perumal SR, Cardinali D, eds. Melatonin: Biological Basis of Its Function in Health and Disease. Georgetown, TX: Landis Bioscience, 2004;1-19.

Zhou H, Ko WKW, Ho WKK, Stojilkovic SS, Wong AOL. Novel aspects of growth hormone (GH) autoregulation: GH-induced GH gene expression in grass carp pituitary cells through autocrine/paracrine mechanisms. Endocrinology 2004;145:4615-4628.

aMu-Lan He, PhD, former Postdoctoral Fellow

bTatjana Kostic, PhD, former Postdoctoral Fellow


Taka-aki Koshimizu, MD, PhD, National Research Institute for Child Health and Development, Tokyo, Japan

Anderson Wong, PhD, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Hana Zemková, PhD, Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic

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