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Get Enough Calcium

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Take Action!

Protect your bones - get plenty of calcium every day.

Check the label

When you are at the grocery store, find foods high in calcium. Look for low-fat or fat-free milk products and cereals that have at least 20% DV of calcium. DV stands for daily value.

Make it Easy to Remember

If you take a calcium pill, take it at the same time every day. This will help you remember. Try taking it in the morning with your breakfast. Leave the pill bottle on the kitchen or bathroom counter where you will see it.

Start Today: Small Steps
  • If you already take a calcium pill, make it easy to remember. Put a note on your bathroom mirror where you will see it each day.
  • Send an e-card to encourage a friend or family member to eat healthy foods.
  • Use this calcium calculator to find out if you are getting enough calcium.

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