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Terry Phillips, Ph.D., D.Sc.

Chief, Immunochemist
Ultramicro Immunodiagnostics
Laboratory of Bioengineering and Physical Science

Bldg. 13, Rm. 3N 15 (Office), Rm. 3E 41 (Lab)
Tel: 301-435-2737 (Office), 301-443-3653 (Lab)
Fax: 301-496-6608
E-mail: phillipt@mail.nih.gov

Photo of Dr. Terry Phillips
Image by Jude Gustafson

Research Expertise and Interest

Dr. Terry Phillips' current research interests are in analytical immunochemistry at the ultramicro level. He has devised several procedures and instrument modifications in order to enable analysis of samples at the sub-nanogram concentration level. For over 20 years, he has been involved in three main areas of research: immunochemical analysis of immune regulatory pathways, especially cytokines, the development of new instrumentation and techniques in bioseparation science, and the development of new approaches to wildlife conservation. He has developed a number of analytical techniques based on affinity and immunoaffinity isolation such as high-performance immunoaffinity chromatography, recycling immunoaffinity chromatography for multianalyte analysis, immunoaffinity capillary electrophoresis, and in-line immobilised receptor sensors.

Dr. Phillips received his Ph.D. in analytical immunochemistry from the Faculty of Medicine, University College, London and a D.Sc. from the same institution for research into regulatory pathways of the immune system. He serves on several editorial boards in cancer research, nephrology, and bioseparation science. Additionally, he has served on several federal and private review boards. Dr. Phillips has consulted for the U.S. and British Navy, the World Health Organization, and the World Wildlife Fund. He currently acts as an immunological consultant to the Smithsonian Institute.


Last reviewed on: 08/28/2008

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