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Supramolecular Structure and Function (SSF)

Chen, KG, Valencia, JC, Lai, B, Zhang, G, Paterson, JK, Rouzaud, F, Berens, W, Wincovitch, SM, Garfield, SH, Leapman RD, Hearing, VJ, Gottesman, MM. (2006) Melanosomal sequestration of cytotoxic drugs contributes to the intractability of malignant melanomas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 103: 9903-9907.

Q. Fan, CL. Yee, M. Ohyam, C. Tock, G. Zhang, TN. Darling, and JC. Vogel (2006) Bone marrow-derived keratinocytes are not detected in normal skin and only rarely detected in wounded skin in two different murine models Exp Hematol. 34(5): 672-9

Leapman, RD, Aronova, MA. (2006) Localizing specific elements bound to macromolecules by EFTEM. In Cellular Electron Microscopy, J.R. McIntosh (Ed), Methods in Cell Biology, L.I. Wilson and P. Matsudaira (Series Eds), Academic Press, San Diego.

Chen X, Vinade L, Leapman RD, Petersen JD, Nakagawa T, Phillips TM, Sheng M, Reese TS (2005) Mass of the postsynaptic density and enumeration of three key molecules. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102:11551-11556.

W. Hu, R. Xu, G. Zhang, J. Jin, ZM. Szulc, J. Bielawski, YA. Hannun, LM. Obeid and C. Mao (2005) Golgi fragmentation is associated with the ceramide-induced cellular effects Mol. Biol. Cell 16: 1555-1567

Petkova AT, Leapman RD, Guo Z, Yau WM, Mattson MP, Tycko R (2005) Self-propagating, molecular-level polymorphism in Alzheimers beta-amyloid fibrils. Science 307:262-5.

Zhang P, Land W, Lee S, Juliani J, Lefman J, Smith SR, Germain D, Kessel M, Leapman RD, Rouault TA, Subramaniam S (2005) Electron tomography of degenerating neurons in mice with abnormal regulation of iron metabolism. J Struct Biol 150:144-53.

Trachtenberg S, Brantner CA, Leapman RD, Andrews SB (2005) Mass analysis of individual Spiroplasma cells and their cytoskeletons. Microsc Microanal 10 (suppl 2):1192-1193.

Li W-J, Tuli R, Huang X, Laquerriere P, Tuan RS (2005) Multilineage differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells in a three-dimensional nanofibrous scaffold. Biomaterials 26:5158-5166.

Leapman RD, Zhang G, Talbot TL, Speransky VV, Kruhlak MJ (2005) 3D elemental distributions in biological structures by EFTEM tomography. Microsc Microanal 10 (suppl 2):50-51.

Grandjean-Laquerriere A, Laquerriere P, Guenounou M, Laurent-Maquin D, Phillips TM (2005) Importance of the surface area ratio on cytokines production by human monocytes in vitro induced by various hydroxyapatite particles. Biomaterials 26:2361-2369.

Leapman RD (2004) Novel techniques in electron microscopy. Current Opinion Neurobiol 14:591-98.

Leapman RD, Kocsis E, Zhang G, Talbot TL, Laquerriere P (2004) Three dimensional distributions of elements in biological samples by energy-filtered electron tomography. Ultramicroscopy 100:115-125.

Petkova AT, Buntkowsky G, Dyda F, Leapman RD, Yau W-M, Tycko R (2004) Solid state NMR reveals a pH-dependent antiparallel beta-sheet registry in fibrils formed by a beta-amyloid peptide. J Mol Biol 335:247-60.

Berra L, De Marchi L, Yu Z-X, Laquerriere P, Baccarelli A, Kolobow T (2004) Endotracheal tubes coated with antiseptics decrease bacterial colonization of the ventilator circuits, lungs, and endotracheal tube. Anesthesiology 100:1446-1456.

Center RJ, Lebowitz J, Leapman RD, Moss B (2004) Promoting the trimerization of soluble HIV-1 Env through the use of HIV-1SIV chimeras. J Virol 78:2265-76.

Faranesh AZ, Nastley MT, Perez de la Cruz C, Haller MF, Laquerriere P, Leong KW, McVeigh ER (2004) In vitro release of vascular endothelial growth factor from gadolinium-doped biodegradable microspheres. Mag Res Med 51:1265-1271.

Grandjean-Laquerriere A, Laquerriere P, Laurent-Maquin D, Guenounou M and Phillips TM (2004) The effect of the physical characteristics of hydroxyapatite particles on human monocytes IL-18 production in-vitro. Biomaterials. 25:5921-27.

Kajava, AV, Potekhin, SA, Corradin, G, Leapman, RD (2004) Organization of designed nanofibrils assembled from alpha peptides as determined by electron microscopy. J Peptide Sci 10:291-297. (Annual Report 1 Z01 OD 010327: Mass Mapping of Macromolecular Assemblies)

Leapman RD (2004) EELS quantitative analysis. In Transmission Electron Energy Loss Spectrometry in Materials Science and the EELS Atlas (2 nd Edition). Ahn C ed. Wiley-VCH, Berlin. Chapter 3:49-94.

Leapman, R, Kocsis, E, Zhang, G., Talbot, T, and Laquerriere, P. (2004) Mapping cellular elements in three dimensions. Microsc Microanal. 10 (suppl. 2):1182-83.

Levin I, Kovler M, Roizin Y, Vofsi M, Leapman R, Goodman G, Funahashi M, Kawada N (2004) Structure, chemistry, and electrical performance of silicon oxide-nitride-oxide stacks on silicon. J Electrochem Soc 151:G833-G838

Tuli R, Nandi S, Li W-J, Tuli S, Huang X, Manner PA, Laquerriere P, Noth U, Hall DJ, Tuan RS (2004) Human mesenchymal progenitor cell-based tissue engineering of a single-unit osteochondral construct. Tissue Engineering, 10:1169-79.

Andrews SB, Pivovarova NB, Hongpaisan J, Brantner CA, Leapman RD (2003) Correlated measurements of free and total intracellular calcium. Microscopy and Microanalysis 2003 9 (suppl 2):138-139.

Daniell SJ, Kocsis E, Morris, E, Knutton S, Booy FP, Frankel G (2003) 3D structure of EspA filaments from enteropathogenic Escherichia coli. Mol Microbiol 49:301-308.

Goping G, Pollard HB, Srivastava M, Leapman RD (2003) Mapping protein expression in mouse pancreatic islets by immunolabeling and electron energy loss spectrum-imaging. Microsc Res Tech 61:448-56.

Laquerriere P, Kocsis E, Zhang G, Talbot TL, Leapman RD (2003) Elemental tomography of biological structures. Microsc. Microanal. 9 (suppl. 2):240-241.

Leapman RD (editor) (2003) Proceedings of the international workshop strategies and advances in atomic level spectroscopy and analysis. Guadeloupe, French West Indies, 5-9 May 2002 Ultramicroscopy 96:III.

Leapman RD, Andrews SB (2003) Detection limits for electron energy loss spectroscopy in biology. Microsc Microanal 9 (suppl 2):1476-77

Leapman, RD. Detecting single atoms of calcium and iron in biological structures by electron energy loss spectrum-imaging. (2003) J. Microsc. 210: 5-15

Levin I, Leapman RD, Kovler M, Roizin Y (2003) Beam-induced nitrogen segregation in the silicon oxide-nitride-oxide stacks: an EELSTEM measurement artifact. Appl. Phys. Lett. 83(3):1548-1550.

Trachtenberg S, Andrews SB, Leapman RD (2003) Mass distribution and spatial organization of the linear bacterial motor of Spiroplasma citri R8A2. J Bacteriol 185:1987-94.

Antzutkin ON, Leapman RD, Balbach JJ, Tycko R (2002) Supramolecular structural constraints on Alzheimers beta-amyloid fibrils from electron microscopy and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance. Biochemistry 41:15436-50.

Center RJ, Leapman RD, Lebowitz J, Arthur LO, Earl PL, Moss B (2002) Oligomeric structure of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 envelope protein on the virion surface. J Virol 76:7863-7

Kocsis E, Weisberg A, Moss B, Chen X, Reese TS, Leapman RD (2002) Limits of specimen thickness for energy-filtered tomography of stained plastic sections at 120 kV beam voltage. Microsc Microanal 8 (suppl 2):882-883.

Petkova AT, Ishii Y, Balbach JJ, Antzutkin ON , Leapman RD , Delaglio F, Tycko R (2002) A structural model for Alzheimers beta -amyloid fibrils based on experimental constraints from solid state NMR. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 99:16742-7.

Potter K, Leapman RD , Basser PJ, Landis WJ (2002) Cartilage calcification studied by proton nuclear magnetic resonance microscopy . J Bone Miner Res 17:652-60.

Center RJ, Schuck P, Leapman RD , Arthur LO, Earl PL , Moss B, Lebowitz J (2001) Oligomeric structure of virion-associated and soluble forms of the simian immunodeficiency virus envelope protein in the prefusion activated conformation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 98:14877-82.

Hongpaisan J, Pivovarova NB, Colegrove SL, Leapman RD , Friel DD, Andrews SB (2001) Multiple modes of calcium-induced calcium release in sympathetic neurons II a Ca2+(i)- and location-dependent transition from endoplasmic reticulum Ca accumulation to net Ca release. J Gen Physiol 118:101-12.

Leapman RD (2001) Analysis of biological structures by EELS and energy filtering. (British) Inst Phys Conf Ser 168:9-14.

Leapman RD , Andrews SB (2001) Analysis of biological structures by electron energy loss spectroscopy and imaging. Microsc Microanal 7 (suppl 2):1166-1167.

Talbot T , Booy F, Leapman R , Gershfeld N (2001) Cryo-EM of Large Unilamellar Phospholipid Vesicles that Self-Assemble at a Critical Temperature. Microscopy and Microanalysis 7 Suppl2:714-715.

Andrews SB, Hongpaisan J, Pivovarova NB, Friel DD, Leapman RD (2000) Mapping the subcellular distributions of calcium in depolarized neurons by electron energy loss spectrum-imaging. Microsc Microanal 6 (suppl 2):162-163.

Antzutkin ON, Balbach JJ, Leapman RD , Rizzo NW, Reed J, Tycko R (2000) Multiple quantum solid-state NMR indicates a parallel, not antiparallel, organization of beta -sheets in Alzheimer's beta -amyloid fibrils. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 97:13045-50.

Balbach JJ, Ishii Y, Antzutkin ON, Leapman RD , Rizzo NW, Dyda F, Reed J, Tycko R (2000) Amyloid fibril formation by Abeta(16-22), a seven-residue fragment of the Alzheimer's beta-amyloid peptide, and structural characterization by solid state NMR. Biochemistry 39:13748-59.

Leapman RD , Andrews SB (2000) Strategies for optimizing detection limits in elemental mapping of biological specimens by electron energy-loss spectrum-imaging. Proceedings 2nd Conference of the International Union of Microbeam Analysis Societies, Kailua-Kona, HA. (British) Inst Phys Conf Ser No 165:185-186.

Leapman RD , Brooks CM, Rizzo NW, Talbot TL (2000) Quantitative analysis of biological specimens by spectrum-imaging in the energy filtering transmission electron microscope. Microsc Microanal 6 (suppl 2):160-161.

Levin I, Leapman RD , Kaiser DL (2000) Microstructure and chemistry of nonstoichiometric (Ba,Sr)TiO3 thin films deposited by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. J Mater Res 15(7):1433-1436.

Andrews SB, Pivovarova NB , Hongpaisan J, Leapman RD (1999) High-resolution analysis of rapidly frozen biological specimens: Capabilities and limitations. Microsc Microanal 5 (suppl 2):412-413.

Andrews SB, Pivovarova NB , Leapman RD (1999) Quantitative imaging and analysis of biological specimens in the field-emission STEM: Capabilities and limitations. Scanning Microsc 13:147-158.

Bergasa NV , Alling DW, Talbot TL , Wells MC, Jones EA 1999. Oral nalmefene therapy reduces scratching activity due to the pruritus of cholestasis: a controlled study. J Am Acad Dermatol 41:431-4.

Leapman RD (1999) Microanalysis and energy filtering: Raimond Castaing's impact in biology. Biol Cell 91:265-266.

Leapman RD, Rizzo NW (1999) Mapping phosporus at near single-atom sensitivity by STEM-EELS. Microsc Microanal 5 (suppl2):1296-1297.

Leapman RD, Rizzo NW (1999) Towards single atom analysis of biological structures. Ultramicroscopy 78:251-68.

Levin I, Leapman RD , Kaiser D, Bilodeau S, Carl R, Van Buskirk PC (1999) Accommodation of excess Ti in a (Ba,Sr)TiO3 thin film with 53.4% Ti deposited on Pt/SiO2/Si by MOCVD. Appl Phys Lett 75:1299-1301.

Thirion S, Troadec JD, Pivovarova NB, Pagnotta S, Andrews SB, Leapman RD , Nicaise G (1999) Stimulus-secretion coupling in neurohypophysial nerve endings: a role for intravesicular sodium? Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 96:3206-10.

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Ultramicro Immunodiagnostics (UI)

Bondarenko V, Wang J, Kalish H , Balch AL, La Mar GN (2005) Solution 1H NMR study of the accommodation of the side chain of n-butyl-etiohemin-I incorporated into the active site of cyano-metmyoglobin. J Biol Inorg Chem 10:283-93.

Chen X, Vinade L, Leapman RD , Petersen JD, Nakagawa T, Phillips TM , Sheng M, Reese TS (2005) Mass of the postsynaptic density and enumeration of three key molecules. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102:11551-11556. (Annual Report 1 Z01 OD 010327: Mass Mapping of Macromolecular Assemblies)

Cizza,G., Eskandari, F., Phillips,T.M . and Sternberg,E.M. Sweat patch as a novel approach to monitor the level of activity of the stress system: potential application for studies conducted in the field. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. ( USA ). (in press).

Grandjean-Laquerriere A, Laquerriere P , Guenounou M, Laurent-Maquin D, Phillips TM (2005) Importance of the surface area ratio on cytokines production by human monocytes in vitro induced by various hydroxyapatite particles. Biomaterials 26:2361-2369. (Annual Report 1 Z01 OD 011062: Operation and Application of a Field-Emission SEM)

Guzman NA, Phillips TM (2005) Immunoaffinity CE for proteomics studies. Anal Chem 77:61A-67A (Annual Report 1 Z01 OD 011059: Development of an Ultrasensitive Capillary Electrophoresis Detection System)

Hage D, Phillips TM (2005) Immunoaffinity Chromatography. In Handbook of Affinity Chromatography, Second Edition. Hage D, ed., CRC Press, Boca Ratan, Chapter 6: 127-72.

Kalish H , Yocum GT , Jordan EK, Talbot T , Arbab AS , Frank JA. (2005) Complexing protamine sulfate with ferumoxides produces a more efficient MR T2 contrast agent. Angewandte Chemie (in press).

McMakin CR, Gregory WM, Phillips TM (2005) Cytokine changes with microcurrent treatment of fibromyalgia associated with cervical spine trauma. J Bodyworks Movement Therapy 9:169-76. (Annual Report 1 Z01 OD 011068: Development of an Acupuncture / Microdialysis Needle for Patient Assessment)

Phillips TM (2005) Antibody/Antigen Purification. In Handbook of Affinity Chromatography, Second Edition. Hage D, ed., CRC Press, Boca Ratan, Chapter 14: 367-97.

Phillips TM (2005) Immunoaffinity capillary electrophoresis applied to clinical diagnosis. J Cap Electrophoresis , in press. (Annual Report 1 Z01 OD 011028: Microfabrication for Biomedical Research)

Phillips TM (2005) Microanalytical Methods based on Affinity Chromatography. In Handbook of Affinity Chromatography, Second Edition. Hage D, ed., CRC Press, Boca Ratan, Chapter 28: 763-87 . (Annual Report 1 Z01 OD 011025: Peptide Analysis in Neuronal Cell Culture)

Phillips TM (2005) The role of micro-analysis in biomedical research. Current Pharmaceutical Anal, in press.
Phillips TM , Wellner E (2005) Measurement of neuropeptides in clinical samples using chip-based immunoaffinity capillary electrophoresis. J Chromatogr A (in press). (Annual Report 1 Z01 OD 011059: Development of an Ultrasensitive Capillary Electrophoresis Detection System)

Phillips, T.M . Affinity chromatography in antibody & antigen purification. In: Handbook of Affinity Chromatography. Ed. Hage, D.S., Publisher: Marcel Dekker, New York . (in press).

Pierson DL, Stowe RP, Phillips TM , Lugg DJ, Mehta SK (2005) Epstein-Barr virus shedding by astronauts during space flight. Brain Behav Immun 19:235-42.

Shah J, Phillips TM , Danoff J, Gerber L. A minimally invasive microdialysis probe for in-vivo sampling. U.S. Patent Application, submitted (Annual Report 1 Z01 OD 011068: Development of an Acupuncture / Microdialysis Needle for Patient Assessment)

Shah JP, Phillips TM , Danoff JV, Gerber LH (2005) An in-vivo microanalytical technique for measuring the local biochemical milieu of human skeletal muscle. J Appl Physiol , in press (e-pub ahead of print) (Annual Report 1 Z01 OD 011068: Development of an Acupuncture / Microdialysis Needle for Patient Assessment)

Arbab AS, Yocum GT, Kalish H , Jordan EK, Anderson SA, Khakoo AY, Read EJ, Frank JA (2004) Efficient magnetic cell labeling with protamine sulfate complexed to ferumoxides for cellular MRI. Blood 104:1217-23.

Arbab AS, Yocum GT, Wilson LB, Parwana A, Jordan EK, Kalish H , Frank JA (2004) Comparison of transfection agents in forming complexes with ferumoxides, cell labeling efficiency, and cellular viability. Mol Imaging 3:24-32.

Cizza G, Eskandari F, Phillips TM, Sternberg EM (2004) Sweat patch as a novel approach to monitor the level of activity of the stress system: potential application for studies conducted in the field. In: Monitoring Metabolic Status: Predicting Decrements in Physiological and Cognitive Performance. The National Academies Press, Washington , DC . 372-80. (Annual Report 1 Z01 OD 011067: Assessment of Multiple Analytes in Women with Osteoporosis and Depression)

Cizza G, Misri, S. Phillips TM (2004) Serum markers of bone metabolism show bone loss in hibernating bears. Clin Orthoped Related Res 422:281-3. (Annual Report 1 Z01 OD 011067: Assessment of Multiple Analytes in Women with Osteoporosis and Depression)

Frank JA, Anderson SA , Kalish H , Jordan EK, Lewis BL, Yocum GT, Arbab AS (2004) Methods for magnetically labeling of stem cells and other cells for detection by in vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Cytotherapy 6:621-625.

Grandjean-Laquerriere A, Laquerriere P, Laurent-Maquin D, Guenounou M and Phillips TM (2004) The effect of the physical characteristics of hydroxyapatite particles on human monocytes IL-18 production in-vitro. Biomaterials . 25:5921-27. (Annual Report 1 Z01 OD 011062: Operation and Application of a Field-Emission SEM)

Hattery D, Hattery B, Chernomordik V, Smith P , Loew M, Mulshine J, Gandjbakhche A (2004) Differential oblique angle spectroscopy of the oral epithelium. J Biomed Opt. 9:951-60. (Annual Report 1 Z01 OD 011030: Optical Evaluation of Oral Tissues Associated with Leukoplakia)

Kopp, J.B., Shubert, U., Phillips, T.M., and Yewell, J. “ Monoclonal Antibodies To Hiv-1 Vpr and Methods of Using Same”. Attorney Docket No.: 015280-495000US, filed Feb, 2004.

Mistry B, Kimmel PL , Hetzel PC, Phillips TM , Braden GL (2004) The role of circulating immune complexes and biocompatibility of staphylococcal protein A immunoadsorption in mitomycin C-induced hemolytic uremic syndrome. Am J Kidney Dis 44:e50-8.

Phillips TM (2004) Rapid analysis of inflammatory cytokines in cerebral spinal fluid using a chip-based immunoaffinity electrophoresis. Electrophoresis 25:1652-59. (Annual Report 1 Z01 OD 011059: Development of an Ultrasensitive Capillary Electrophoresis Detection System)

Rath SP, Kalish H , Latos-Grazynski L, Olmstead MM, Balch AL (2004) Facile ring opening of iron(III) and iron(II)complexes of meso-amino-octaethylporphyrin by dioxygen. J Am Chem Soc 126:646-54.

Brenneman DE , Phillips TM , Hauser J, Hill JM, Spong CY, Gozes I (2003) Complex array of cytokines released by vasoactive intestinal peptide. Neuropeptides 37:111-9. (Annual Report 1 Z01 OD 011025: Peptide Analysis in Neuronal Cell Culture)

Brescia AC, Thurber DB, Fischer RT, Hurt E, Staudt L, Phillips TM , Lipsky PE, Grammer AC. Multiomic identification of genes that characterize Ig-secreting B cells in secondary lymphoid tissue or the periphery of active SLE patients. Arthritis And Rheumatism. 48: 1765 Suppl. 2003

Brescia AC, Thurber DB, Hurt EM, Phillips TM , Young HA, Staudt LM, Lipsky PE , Grammer AC. Analysis of the relationship between the degree of CD40 receptor occupancy on human B cells and patterns of gene expression. FASEB J. 17: C262-C262 Suppl. 2003

Castle PE, Phillips TM , Hildesheim A, Herrero R, Bratti MC, Rodriguez AC, Morera LA, Pfeiffer R, Hutchinson ML, Pinto LA, Schiffman M (2003) Immune profiling of plasma and cervical secretions using recycling immunoaffinity chromatography. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 12:1449-56. (Annual Report 1 Z01 OD 011046: Measurement of Cytokines in Cervical Fluids)

Karnes HT, Lim CK, Phillips TM (2003) Dedicated to professor Kazuhiro Imai on his retirement from Tokyo University -Editorial. Biomed Chromatogr 17:73-74.

Karnes HT, Lim CK, Phillips TM . Dedicated to professor Kazuhiro Imai on the occasion of his retirement from Tokyo University - Editorial. Biomed Chromatogr. 2003;17: 73-74

Kimmel PL, Cohen DJ, Abraham AA, Bodi I, Schwartz AM, Phillips TM (2003) Upregulation of MHC class II, interferon-alpha and interferon-gamma receptor protein expression in HIV-associated nephropathy. Nephrol Dial Transplant 18:285-92.

Kramer JH, Mak IT, Phillips TM , Weglicki WB (2003) Dietary magnesium intake influences circulating pro-inflammatory neuropeptide levels and loss of myocardial tolerance to postischemic stress. Exp Biol Med ( Maywood ) 228:665-73.

Nelson KB, Grether JK, Dambrosia JM, Walsh E, Kohler S, Satyanarayana G, Nelson PG, Dickens BF, Phillips TM (2003) Neonatal cytokines and cerebral palsy in very preterm infants. Pediatr Res 53:600-7. (Annual Report 1 Z01 OD 011022: Multianalyte Analysis of Archival Blood Spots. Cerebral Palsy and Autism Studies)

Phillips TM, Smith P (2003) Analysis of intracellular regulatory proteins by immunoaffinity capillary electrophoresis coupled with laser-induced fluorescence detection. Biomed Chromatogr 17:182-7. (Annual Report 1 Z01 OD 011059: Development of an Ultrasensitive Capillary Electrophoresis Detection System)

Smith CL, Melsacther AN, Fischer RT, Phillips TM , Lipsky PE, Grammer AC (2003). CD40 engagement on human B cells induces MAPK activation, translocation of AP-1 components and gene expression. FASEB J. 17: C262-C262 Suppl.

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Last reviewed on: 08/28/2008

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