National Cancer Institute  Cancer Progress Report 2001

 Life After Cancer

More and more people are benefiting from the early detection of cancer and its successful treatment. These medical advances are improving both quality of life and length of survival, permitting many survivors to continue full and productive lives at home and at work.

Nevertheless, national data regarding life after cancer are limited. They include:

  • Survival rates for cancer by each stage at diagnosis: Survival
  • The estimated total number of survivors
  • The economic impact of cancer: Cost of cancer care

Few national measures are available that reflect health-related quality of life for cancer survivors, such as:

  • The ability of cancer survivors to perform daily tasks
  • The impact of cancer on employment and insurability
  • The effects of cancer on family and loved ones

These and other measures related to life after cancer are subjects of intense research interest as well as matters of great concern to cancer survivors themselves. Future editions of the Cancer Progress Report will include additional measures in this area.

Also in This Section
Costs of Cancer Care

Also in the Report
Early Detection
Life After Cancer
End of Life

Prevention | Early Detection | Diagnosis | Treatment | Life After Cancer | End of Life
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