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Fiscal Year 2003 Interim Initial Funding Policy


 Announcements / News

Fiscal Year 2003 Interim Initial Funding Policy

National Cancer Institute

Fiscal Year 2003 Interim Initial Funding Policy for NCI Research Project Grant Applications (RPGs)


The National Cancer Institute (NCI), as a part of the National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, currently is operating under a continuing resolution for the first part of Fiscal 2003 (which began October 1, 2002). While the NCI is hopeful that the final FY 2003 appropriation will be at or near the level of the President's request for the full FY 2003 funding period (see <http://www.nih.gov/news/budgetfy2003/2003NIHpresbudget.htm> ), we must establish an initial RPG funding policy for FY 2003 within the level set by the continuing resolution that will apply until a final budget is passed. The current continuing resolution extends into January, 2003, and limits the NCI budget to Fiscal 2002 dollar levels. Compared to the President's budget, this lower interim level of funding will have a significant impact on anticipated new and competing RPG paylines.


This policy is temporary. The interim NCI funding policy will be in effect for new (type 1) and competing continuation (type 2) research project grants with start dates of December 1, 2002 or later, on a month-to-month basis until a final FY 2003 appropriation is signed and distributed. Once the full FY 2003 appropriation is known, a revised full year funding policy will be established. At that time, NCI will, insofar as possible, retroactively readjust the paylines for Type 1 (new) and Type 2 (competing continuation) awards across the whole year. For the most part, the immediately affected competing awards are grant applications submitted in February/March 2002, reviewed over the summer, and approved by the National Cancer Advisory Board at its meeting in September, 2002.


In developing an interim plan, NCI has prioritized its commitment to fund type 5 non-competing continuations at previously agreed levels, and has elected to minimize immediate disruption of existing ongoing competing continuation (type 2) research projects that ultimately are likely to be continued under a potentially larger final FY 2003 appropriation.


Until further notice, NCI funding policy for FY 2003 research project grant awards is as follows:


Non competing (Type 5) continuations (all mechanisms):

All non-competing continuation awards will be paid at full committed levels on their regular anniversary dates.


Competing continuation RO1s (Type 2 awards).

Type 2 R01 applications up to the 17.0 percentile will be paid under the continuing resolution. All awards within interim paylines will be paid initially at the level of the last non-competing budget period. Upon receipt of a final appropriation, funding will be restored to standard policy levels, if possible.


New (Type 1) competing RO1 applications:

Competing type 1 R01 applications up to the 12.0 percentile will be paid at an average of 90 percent of peer reviewed, recommended levels.


New (Type 1) Competing RO1 applications from first time RO1 investigators:

Applicants eligible for consideration as first time R01 investigators will be paid at the same payline as T-2 R01s (17.0 percentile).



Program project (P01) applications (new and competing continuation)

P01s will be paid on a case by case basis. P01 applicants will be notified of their status by the NCI program staff .


Amended applications (all mechanisms):

Applicants who do not expect to be eligible for funding under this interim plan should consult their respective program directors for the most current advice about whether and how to submit an amended application. When the final FY 2003 appropriation and payline is established, NCI automatically will look at previous as well as amended scores in determining eligibility for awards.


Requests For Applications (RFAs)

At this time, only those RFAs that have competing continuations falling within provisional paylines will be considered for award. All purely new (type 1) RFA competitions will be considered for payment on a case by case basis as funds become available. Please consult the program director listed on your summary statement if you have any questions.


General Questions

As more information is developed, it will be posted on the NCI website under "funding policies": <http://www.nci.nih.gov/research_funding/policies>




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