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AFNI and SUMA New Features - July 2005 AFNI and SUMA New Features - July 2005

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Submitted by rwcox. on 2005-07-20 16:35.
At least some of them.

SUMA changes are not documented now, since Ziad is on vacation. I do know that he made a number of changes to 3dSkullStrip.
  • AFNI now compiles on Tiger (Mac OS X 10.4), and binaries are now precompiled for that OS.
  • Added "Draw ROI Plugin" item to image viewer Button-3 popup menu. This will start the "Draw Dataset" plugin.
  • Add "-SPM" option to program 3dcalc, so that the predefined coordinate variables (x,y,z) will be flipped to the SPM standard coordinate system rather than the DICOM coordinates that AFNI uses.
  • Warn the user when the ~/.afni.log file goes over 100 MB (the Kevin Murphy bug).
  • Various changes to make AFNI compatible with the NIfTI-1.1 file format.
  • Add "Brodmann Areas" popup image to the 'hidden' popup menu (in the square to the right of the 'Done' button).
  • Fixed seg/bus fault crash when 3dDeconvolve exits.
  • Fixed "EMPTY IMAGE" bug.
  • Add "-denote" option to 3dcopy, 3drefit, and 3dAFNItoNIFTI, to allow text notes attached to the dataset to be removed (presumably in case they contain patient identifiers).
  • Button-3 click on an inverted "Image" or "Graph" button (corresponding to an open viewer window) will recall the opened viewer window from wherever it is hiding to the mouse location. This feature was added because some users were losing their windows when unplugging laptops from second displays.
  • New program DTIStudioFibertoSegments to convert DTIStudio fiber files into SUMA segment files, for display.
  • New program Dimon to monitor GE realtime DICOM file output and optionally transmit the images to AFNI for realtime display.

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