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A 1947 RCA BK-11A microphone from the collection of Dan Timon. (National Academies Photo/Lauren 


Live Webcast Monday on "Review of Priorities in the National Vaccine Plan"

As part of its review of the federal government's proposed update to the National Vaccine Plan, an Institute of Medicine committee will hear from stakeholders on how to support informed vaccine decision making by the public, health care providers, and policymakers. Listen to the live audio webcast from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. EST.

Please refresh this page after 8:25 a.m. for a link to the webcast audio.

Top News
The latest news from the Academies

Academy Honors 18 for Major Contributions to Science

NAS logo

Jan. 28 -- The National Academy of Sciences will honor 18 individuals in 2009 for their extraordinary scientific achievements in the areas of biology, chemistry, geology, astronomy, social sciences, psychology, and application of science for the public good. An awards ceremony for the recipients will take place on April 26 during the NAS annual meeting in Washington, D.C.

More Accurate FEMA Flood Maps Would Help Avoid Losses

Jan. 23 -- Significant loss of life, destroyed property and businesses, and repairs to infrastructure could be avoided by replacing Federal Emergency Management Agency flood maps with ones that contain high-accuracy and high-resolution land surface elevation data, says a new report from the National Research Council. The benefits of more accurate flood maps will outweigh the costs, mainly because insurance premiums and building restrictions would better match actual flood risks.

Neal F. Lane to Receive Public Welfare Medal, Academy's Most Prestigious Award

Jan. 22 -- The National Academy of Sciences has selected Neal F. Lane to receive its most prestigious award, the Public Welfare Medal. Established in 1914, the medal is presented annually to honor extraordinary use of science for public good. The Academy chose Lane for serving the scientific community in many executive and leadership roles and for his continuing efforts to advance and promote science and technology in the United States.

Phasing Out Use of Radioactive Highly Enriched Uranium in Medical Isotopes Feasible

Photo credit: U.S. Government

Jan. 14 -- Eliminating highly enriched uranium -- a key ingredient in nuclear weapons -- from the production of medical isotopes, which are used for medical imaging, is technically and economically feasible, says a new congressionally mandated report from the National Research Council. The conversion to low enriched uranium will take several years and could require additional research and development.

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Science in the Headlines
Breaking stories in science

2009: A Celebration of Charles Darwin's Life and Achievements

Charles Darwin

Jan. 26 -- This year marks the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birth and the 150th anniversary of his most influential publication, The Origin of Species, in which he introduced evolution by natural selection. Darwin's ideas had a profound influence on 19th-century thought, and today evolution is a cornerstone of modern biology. [more]

FDA Reverses Decision to Ban Certain Antibiotic Use in Food Animals

Photo credit: David Masters

Jan. 21 -- Late last year, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration revoked the order prohibiting the extra label use of cephalosporins in food-producing animals, reversing a decision made this summer to ban the practice. The agency's initial decision to restrict some uses of this class of antibiotics stemmed from fears that excessive use in animals such as cows, swine, and chickens could promote drug resistance in strains of bacteria that also infect people. [more]

TV Ads Themselves Contribute to Child Obesity

Dec. 31 -- Researchers performed a statistical analysis of children’s television viewing habits and found a link between the amount of time spent viewing fast food commercials and a risk of obesity. They suggest it is not the snacking done in front of the TV or the hours kids spend like couch potatoes, not exercising, that is making them fat. Rather, it is the suggestive messages in ads and the frequency of those messages that leads children to seek out not-so-good-for-you foods. [more]

NAS, NAE, and IOM Members Selected for Obama Administration

Steven Chu. Photo Credit: Lawrence Berkeley Nat'l. Lab — Roy Kaltschmidt, Photographer

Dec. 23 -- U.S. President-elect Barack Obama has picked six Academy members to serve in his administration, including Steven Chu for secretary of energy, John P. Holdren as chief science adviser, Jane Lubchenco as administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and Lawrence Summers as national economic adviser. Harold Varmus and Eric Lander will serve as co-chairs on the President's Council of Advisers on Science and Technology along with Holdren. [more]

Insurance Coverage for Vaccinations Found Inconsistent

Photo Courtesy CDC

Dec. 16 -- Evidence from two surveys on the financial burden of vaccination, recently published in the journal Pediatrics, suggests that private insurance does not sufficiently cover the cost of immunization services, highlighting a possible growing problem in the U.S. health care system. [more]

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Attend the free lecture by Erich Jarvis, "Brain Evolution: Lessons from Birds and Humans Who Sing and Talk" Feb. 9.

Issues in Science and Technology has added a job board to its Website with listings of employment opportunities.

Integrative Medicine and the Health of the Public - Register to attend IOM's Summit Feb. 25-27.

This Week in PNAS
January 27, 2009:
Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesBacterial morphology
Browse the Online Early Edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

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