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Research Festival Set, Sept. 28-Oct. 1

The 2004 Research Festival runs from Tuesday, Sept. 28, through Friday, Oct. 1 at the Natcher conference center. It kicks off Tuesday at 9 a.m. with a keynote address by NIH deputy director for intramural research Dr. Michael Gottesman on new and emerging prospects in the NIH intramural research programs.

Symposia Tuesday and Wednesday focus on: Meeting the Continuing Challenge of Emerging Infectious Diseases; Epigenetics and Cell Cycle Control — From DNA Replication to Cancer Therapy; Proteomics in Disease; Molecular Biology of Parkinson's Disease; The Challenge and Promise of Stem Cells for Regenerative Medicine; Mast Cell Function — Biological and Clinical Implications; Signaling Mechanisms During Development; NIH Pharmacology and Therapeutics — The Road to Identification of Molecular Targets and their Structures; Technological Advances in Structural Biology and Biophysics; New Frontiers in Mammalian Genomics; Molecular Imaging — A Tool for Studying Systems Biology in vivo; Worms, Flies and Fish as Models of Human Disease; Computer-aided Detection in Diagnostic Radiology; Chromatin Remodeling and Gene Regulation; c-AMP-dependent Protein Kinase Signaling and Human Disease; Complex Genetics and Common Brain Disorders.

Festival food and music are provided midday Tuesday and Wednesday; Thursday offers the Job Fair for NIH postdocs and research and clinical fellows; and the Technical Sales Association Exhibit tent show runs Thursday and Friday. For program details and to register for lunch, see For reasonable accommodation, call the Visitor Information Center, (301) 496-1776.

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