Oxfam, the Britain-based aid group, estimates that economic chaos this year has pulled the incomes of an additional 119 million people below the poverty line. Richer countries from the United States to the Persian Gulf are busy helping themselves and have been slow to lend a hand.
A Global Crisis
The Post explored causes and effects of the world's worst food crisis since the 1970s in a five-day special series. More »

DAY 1: The New Economics of Hunger
DAY 2: Where Every Meal Is a Sacrifice
DAY 3: Days of Cheap Wheat are Over
DAY 4: Siphoning Off Corn for Our Cars
DAY 5: Clipping, Scrimping, Saving

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PRINT | Reporters: Anthony Faiola, Dan Morgan, Steven Mufson, Jane Black; Graphics: Karen Yourish, Todd Lindeman; Photos: Michael Williamson -- The Washington Post
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