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NCI-Frederick - Computer Support

Answers to Common Questions

Responsibility for computer support at the NCI-Frederick is primarily shared between two areas: Computer & Statistical Services (C&SS/DMS) and the Advanced Biomedical Computing Center (ABCC/SAIC-Frederick). The Computer Service Helpdesk (X-5115) serves as a central point of contact for computer support for NCI-Frederick residents.

Below are the answers to some of the more commonly asked questions about Computer Support at the NCI-Frederick. Please review the following topics for more information, or contact the Computer Service Helpdesk at X-5115 for further assistance.

What Services are Available at NCI-Frederick?

See the NCI-Frederick Computer Support Services Overview.

How Do I Request an E-Mail Account?

You will need to fill out and complete an E-Mail Account Application. Your account information will be sent to you promptly. If you need assistance installing or configuring an e-mail on your local computer subsequently, please contact the Computer Service Helpdesk at X-5115.

How Do I Call if I need my Computer Repaired? Setup? Connected?

Simply contact the Computer Service Helpdesk at X-5115 for assistance.

How Do I Get Help with a Particular Software Package?

While our IT professionals will assist you with general usage and how-to problems, the shear volume of programs in use at NCI-Frederick makes it impossible for us to be experts on each and every one. If your needs are beyond the scope of our knowledge, please consider on of the many training classes that are available to all NCI-Frederick employees. Please see the C&SS Website, ABCC Website, and Scientific Library Website for more information about available training programs at the NCI-Frederick.

How Do I Find out what Software is Freely Available at NCI-Frederick?

Visit the C&SS Website and review the list of Site-Licensed Software. You can contact the Computer Service Helpdesk at X-5115 for assistance in accessing and installing any of these programs.

How Do I Dial-Up into the NCI-Frederick Network?

You will need to fill out and complete an Dial-Up Access Account Application. Your account information will be sent to you promptly. If you need assistance installing or configuring a dial-up connection, please see the Communications Group Website for detailed Instructions.

How Do I Get my Name Listed/Corrected in the Phone Directory?

Notify your Human Resources department (or ARC representative for NCI employees)- they can change your listing in the central NCI-Frederick Human Resources system (i.e., Cyborg).

How Do I Request Web Development Services?

You can contact the Web Development team directly via e-mail at or at 846-6700. A Web Developer will assist you with your request.

How do I View or Arrange a Videoconference?

Please contact the NCI-Frederick Communications group (at X-5555) or visit the Communications Website for further information about Videoconferencing.

How Do I Access Resources at the Advanced Biomedical Computing Center?

Please visit the ABCC Website to learn more about the capabilities and services available at the ABCC.

Who do I contact for additional information or assistance?

The Computer Service Helpdesk (X-5115) serves as a central point of contact for computer support for NCI-Frederick residents. Please contact the Computer Service Helpdesk at X-5115 for further assistance.