Mary A. Lilly, PhD, Head, Unit on Cell Cycle Regulation

Amy Hong, PhD, Visiting Fellow

Takako Iida, PhD, Visiting Fellow

Stefania Senger, PhD, Visiting Fellow

Isamu Sugimura, PhD, Visiting Fellow

Mesha-Gay Brown, BA, Postbaccalaureate Fellow

We use Drosophila oogenesis as a model to explore the developmental regulation of the cell cycle. The long-term goal of the laboratory is to understand how the cell cycle events of meiosis are coordinated with the developmental events of gametogenesis. In Drosophila, the oocyte develops within the context of a 16-cell germline cyst. Individual cells within the cyst are referred to as cystocytes and are connected by actin-rich ring canals. While all 16 cystocytes enter premeiotic S phase, only one cell remains in the meiotic cycle and becomes the oocyte. The other 15 cells enter the endocycle and develop as highly polyploid nurse cells. Currently, we are working to understand how cells within ovarian cyst enter and maintain either the meiotic cycle or the endocycle. In addition, we are examining how this cell cycle choice influences the nurse cell/oocyte fate decision.


Highly conserved nuclear protein required for the maintenance of the meiotic cycle and the repair of double-stranded breaks during oogenesis and encoded by missing oocyte

Iida, Senger

To identify the pathways that direct entry into and maintenance of the meiotic cycle in the single pro-oocyte, we screened for mutants in which all 16 cells enter the endocycle and develop as nurse cells. From this screen, we identified a new gene, missing oocyte (mio), that is required for the maintenance of the meiotic cycle. In mio mutants, the oocyte enters the meiotic cycle, forms mature synaptonemal complexes, and progresses to pachytene. However, this meiotic state is not maintained. Ultimately, mio oocytes abandon the meiotic cycle, enter the endocycle, and develop as nurse cells.

We characterized the molecular structure of the mio gene and determined that mio is predicted to encode a protein of 867 amino acids that is highly conserved from yeast to humans. In higher eukaryotes, all Mio family members share a similar domain structure. The amino termini contain a series of four to six well-conserved WD40 repeats. WD40 repeats often provide a surface for protein-protein interactions The WD40 repeats found in mio family members are most similar to those present in the chromatin-binding protein CAF1p48/RbAp48, which is a component of numerous chromatin-remodeling complexes. Specifically, CAF1p48/RbAp48 is found in complexes that modify chromatin through the acetylation and deacetylation of histones. In addition to the WD40 repeats, Mio family members contain a highly conserved 50–amino acid domain near their C termini that shares structural similarities with two well-characterized zinc binding domains, the RING finger and the PHD finger. RING finger domains are present in a subclass of E3 ubiquitin ligases while PHD fingers have been implicated in chromatin binding. While the “Mio domain” does share structural similarities with these zinc-binding domains, it does not fit the exact consensus of either a canonical RING finger or a canonical PHD finger. Therefore, the biochemical function of this highly conserved domain remains to be determined empirically.

Mio accumulates to high levels in the oocyte nucleus during early prophase of meiosis I. Double labeling with anti-Mio antibodies and an antibody against the synaptonemal complex protein C(3)G indicate that Mio specifically localizes to the nucleus of the oocyte soon after the completion of premeiotic S phase, making Mio one of the earliest nuclear markers for the oocyte that is not a known component of the synaptonemal complex.

Intriguingly, the mio ovarian phenotype is suppressed by inhibiting the formation of the double-stranded breaks (DSBs) that initiate meiotic recombination during meiosis. In mio single mutants, the oocyte frequently enters the endocycle and becomes polyploid. However, when placed in a genetic background in which DSB formation is inhibited, the majority of mio egg chambers retain an oocyte and develop to late stages of oogenesis. The simplest interpretation of the data is that mio is required to repair the DSBs that initiate meiotic recombination and that the inability to repair DSBs significantly contributes to the mio phenotype.

To obtain further insight into the pathway(s) in which Mio functions, we undertook a screen to identify dosage-sensitive modifiers of the mio phenotype. Our initial analysis of the data from the screen indicates that mio is dominantly suppressed by mutations in the Rad51 homolog spnA. Rad51 is required for the repair of DSBs in both yeast and mammals. Further studies of mio will help elucidate the poorly characterized pathways that control meiotic progression and the maintenance of oocyte identity.

Iida T, Lilly MA. missing oocyte encodes a highly-conserved nuclear protein required for the maintenance of the meiotic cycle and oocyte identity in Drosophila. Development 2004;131:1029-1039.


Regulation of two variant cell cycles during the maturation of the Drosophila egg by the p27KIP1-like CDK inhibitor Dacapo

Hong, Brown; in collaboration with Aladjem

Animal oocytes undergo a highly conserved developmental arrest in the prophase of meiosis I, often marking a rapid-growth period for the oocyte, an arrest that is necessary to coordinate meiotic progression with the developmental events of oogenesis. In Drosophila, the oocyte develops within a 16-cell germline cyst. Throughout much of oogenesis, the oocyte remains in prophase of meiosis I. In contrast, its 15 mitotic sisters enter the endocycle and become polyploid in preparation for their role as nurse cells. How germline cysts establish and maintain these two independent cell cycles is unknown. We have shown that the p21CIP/p27Kip1/p57Kip2-like cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor (CKI) Dacapo maintains the prophase I meiotic arrest of the Drosophila oocyte. dacapo is a vital gene that specifically inhibits the activity of CycE/Cdk2 complexes. CycE/Cdk2 activity is required for S phase in Drosophila. Throughout much of the growth phase of Drosophila oogenesis, the levels of cki Dacapo oscillate in the 15-polyploid nurse cells but remain persistently high in the single oocyte. We have shown that both modes of Dacapo regulation are functionally important. In the oocyte, prophase I arrest is lost or not properly established in germline cysts that lack Dacapo. This is the first demonstration of a cip/kip family member functioning in a normal meiotic cycle. In addition, our data indicate that Dacapo is part of the biochemical oscillator that drives the nurse cell endocycle. Specifically, we find that, in polyploid nurse cells, the oscillations of Dacapo facilitate the relicensing of DNA replication origins during endoreplication by inhibiting CycE/Cdk2 activity at the end of each endocycle S phase. Our data are consistent with recently proposed models suggesting that the periodic expression of members of the cip/kip family of Cdk inhibitors direct entry into the Gap phase during endo-replicative cycles. We propose that it is through the differential regulation of the cki Dacapo that two dramatically different cell cycles, the meiotic cycle and the endocycle, are independently maintained within the common cytoplasm of the ovarian cyst. Currently, we are performing genetic screens to identify additional genes that regulate CycE/Cdk2 during oogenesis.

Recent evidence suggests that during the mitotic cycle inappropriately high G1 cyclin activity leads to genomic instability due to the inefficient formation of prereplication complexes. In this model, an inappropriately low density of DNA replication origins leads to the production of persistently stalled forks that have the potential to become recombinogenic. We find that mutations in dap lead to a dramatic increase in the presence of stalled replication forks in endocycling nurse cells. In addition, dap nurse cells have extremely low levels of the prereplication complex component Dup/Cdt1. Our data suggest a model in which Dap inhibits CycE/Cdk2 activity during the Gap phase and thus promotes the efficient relicensing of DNA replication origins. Intriguingly, a similar role has been proposed for the CKI Sic1 in promoting replication origin licensing in late G1 in S. cerevisiae.

Hong A, Lee-Kong S, Iida T, Sugimura I, Lilly MA. The p27cip/kip ortholog dacapo maintains the Drosophila oocyte in prophase of meiosis I. Development 2003;130:1235-1242.


Mediation of intercellular ER connectivity in Drosophila ovarian cysts by the fusome

Iida; in collaboration with Lippincott-Schwartz, Snapp

Gametogenesis in diverse organisms involves the formation of germline cysts containing interconnected germ cells. Drosophila ovarian cysts arise through a series of four synchronous incomplete mitotic divisions. After each round of mitosis, a membranous organelle, the fusome, grows along the cleavage furrow and the remnants of the mitotic spindle to connect all cystocytes in a cyst. The fusome is essential for the pattern and synchrony of the mitotic cyst divisions as well as for oocyte differentiation. Using live cell imaging, GFP-tagged proteins, and photobleaching techniques, we have demonstrated that fusomal endomembranes are part of a single continuous endoplasmic reticulum (ER) that is shared by all cystocytes in dividing ovarian cysts. Membrane and lumenal proteins of the common ER freely and rapidly diffuse between cystocytes. The fusomal ER mediates intercellular ER connectivity by linking the cytoplasmic ER membranes of all cystocytes within a cyst. Before entry into meiosis and onset of oocyte differentiation (between region 1 and region 2A), ER continuity between cystocytes is lost. Furthermore, analyses of hts and Dhc64c mutants indicate that intercellular ER continuity within dividing ovarian cysts requires the fusome cytoskeletal component and suggest a possible role for the common ER in synchronizing mitotic cyst divisions.

Our results have implications for communication in other syncitial systems as well, such as spermatozoa in mammals and the ectoderm of hydra cnidoblasts. In both of these examples, groups of synchronously developing cells contain evidence of intercellular ER connections between dynamic ring canals. Thus, a shared ER may be a general mechanism for coordinated cyst development.

Snapp EL, Iida T, Frescas D, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Lilly MA. The fusome mediates intercellular ER connectivity in Drosophila ovarian cysts. Mol Biol Cell 2004;15:4512-4521.


Mirit Aladjem, PhD, Laboratory of Molecular Pharmacology, NCI, Bethesda, MD

Ruth Lehmann, PhD, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Cell Biology, Skirball Institute of BioMolecular Medicine, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY

Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, PhD, Cell Biology and Metabolism Branch, NICHD, Bethesda, MD


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