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Ida S. Owens, PhD, Head, Section on Genetic Disorders of Drug Metabolism

Nikhil K. Basu, PhD, Research Fellow

Bhabadeb Chowdhury, PhD, Research Fellow

Rajat Banerjee, PhD, Visiting Fellow

Partha Mitra, PhD, Visiting Fellow

Amanda Garza, BS, Predoctoral Fellow

Matthew Pennington, Summer Student



Mammalian UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) isozymes facilitate detoxification of endogenous metabolites and numerous potentially injurious lipid-soluble phenols derived from the diet and the environment. Isozymes detoxify by attaching glucuronic acid to metabolites, drugs, toxins, and environmental chemicals, generating water-soluble excretable products. Glucuronidation reactions prevent accumulation of neurotoxic levels of plasma bilirubin, inactivate many drugs, and avert mutagenicity and carcinogenicity of aromatic hydrocarbons, including benzo(a)pyrene, which is found in cigarette smoke and automobile emissions. Moreover, UGTs prevent accumulation of dietary phenols that inhibit enzymes. Conversely, extensive glucuronidation can be disadvantageous. The premature clearance of many orally administered therapeutic drugs is a long-standing problem and is associated with UGT metabolism. Such metabolism is overcome by administering compensatory higher doses that can lead to serious side effects. Thus, for decades, drug inefficiency has been the impetus for developing UGT inhibitor(s). The enzymatic mechanism(s) and properties that enable a limited number of UGTs to convert numerous structurally diverse lipid-soluble phenols to innocuous glucuronides are unknown. Therefore, an important research aim is to understand the properties and mechanism(s) that enable detoxification of a vast number of agents in order to maintain chemical homeostasis.

Phosphorylation of UGT proteins with signaling

Basu, Mitra, Kole,a Kubotab

While analyzing UGTs to understand glucuronidation requirements in human colon cell lines, we discovered that the isozymes require phosphorylation that is regulated via signaling. While phosphorylation is mediated by certain PKC isozymes or tyrosine kinase(s), the action of classical PKC agonists and antagonists as well as the effects of PKC translocation–specific inhibitor peptides confirmed the involvement of signaling events. Furthermore, immunocomplexing of UGT from solubilized human LS180 colon cells with antiUGT traps specific PKC isozymes and associated receptors that are used for translocation to membranes. Parallel hydrogen-peroxide (H2O2)-stimulation of UGT phosphorylation and glucuronidation activity and inhibition of H2O2-enhanced activity by catalase and herbimycin demonstrated that cellular oxidants are signal(s) for the PKC-UGT system. Specifically, our results demonstrated that UGT1A1, 1A7, and 1A10 undergo phosphorylation by PKC(s), which are, in turn, phosphorylated and activated by tyrosine kinase(s). Given that the general kinase inhibitor curcumin and the highly specific PKC inhibitor calphostin-C inhibited each of 10 different UGTs independently transfected into COS-1 cells, our results suggest that phosphorylation is a universal requirement for glucuronidating enzymes.

For the UGT2B family members that generally metabolize endogenous substrates, we uncovered evidence for direct phosphorylation by tyrosine kinase. In addition to three PKC phosphorylation sites, UGT2B7 has two tyrosine phosphorylation sites. Alteration of one or all PKC sites in UGT2B7 that generated a triple mutant had no effect on activity while a single or double mutation at tyrosine sites abrogated activity. Both herbimycin-C and genistein are tyrosine kinase inhibitors; UGT1A1, 1A7, and 1A10 were sensitive to the former and UGT2B7 more sensitive to the latter agent.

In summary, our results demonstrate that all tested UGTs undergo phosphorylation and that UGT1A family members are phosphorylated via PKCs, with signaling mediated by oxidative stress. At least one UGT2B family member requires tyrosine phosphorylation. Overexpression of PKCepsilon in conjunction with UGT1A7 or its mutants indicated that PKCepsilon phosphorylates only at position 432, whereas in vitro studies with 1A7-specific peptides compared with mutant peptides demonstrated that at least PKCalpha, betaII, or epsilon can phosphorylate at positions 73, 202, and 432 in UGT1A7 and 1A10.

Mutants at all positions in UGT1A1, 1A7, and 1A10 were null, except mutants at the common position 435/432, indicating that phospho-group(s) play a unique and novel role in catalysis by controlling pH optima and substrate selection. S432G-1A7 revealed a dramatic shift in its pH optimum from 8.5 to 6.4 in parallel with the acquisition of new substrate activities or loss of activities resembling 1A10 substrate selections. 17beta-estradiol was among the new in vitro and in cellulo substrates for S432G-UGT1A7–transfected cultures, but not for 1A7-transfected cells. The new substrate profile resembled that for wild-type 1A10 and its S432G mutant. Although we confirmed that PKCepsilon overexpression positively affects only phosphoserine-432 in 1A7 and that S432G-1A7 mutant acquires new activity, a remaining question is whether inhibitors of PKC(s) that phosphorylate serine-432 also support 17beta-estradiol glucuronidation. Treatment of 1A7-transfected COS-1 cells with PKCeta-specific translocation-inhibitor peptide revealed an 11-fold concentration-dependent increase in 17beta-estradiol-glucuronide production in parallel with decreasing levels of phosphoserine-432. Together with our demonstration of progressive inhibition of eugenol activity (pH 8.0), we showed an increase in 17beta-estradiol-glucuronide (pH 7.0); both events are associated with the pH shift. Moreover, treatment of 1A7-transfected cells with increasing concentrations of general the PKC inhibitors bisindolylmaleimide (BIM) or chelerythrine caused 11- and nine-fold increases in 17beta-estradiol-glucuronide production, respectively, in parallel with decreases in phosphoserine-432. Even modest decreases in phosphoserine-432 following treatment with the classical PKC inhibitor Gö-6976 caused a remarkable three- to five-fold increase in 17beta-estradiol-glucuronide production. The prominent increase in 17beta-estradiol glucuronidation in parallel with dephosphorylation of serine-432 demonstrates that inhibition of select PKC isozymes can have a significant effect on UGT substrate specificity and that dephosphorylation of serine-432 is responsible for the expanded substrate activity.

Basu NK, Kole L, Owens IS. Evidence for phosphorylation requirement for human bilirubin UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT1A1) activity. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2003;303:98-104.

Basu NK, Kubota S, Meselhy MR, Ciotti M, Chowdhury B, Hartori M, Owens IS. Gastrointestinally distributed UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A10, which metabolizes estrogens and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, depends upon phosphorylation. J Biol Chem 2004;279:28320-28329.

Enhanced control of gastrointestinal chemical absorption by location and properties of UGT

Basu, Mitra, Kolea; in collaboration with McDonagh

Using Northern blot, in situ, and biochemical analyses, we determined the distribution and function of the bilirubin metabolizing isozymes UGT1A1, 1A7, 1A8, 1A9, and 1A10 and, for the first time, found them to be segmentally distributed throughout the GI tract in mucosal epithelia. Recombinant isozymes exhibited a pH optimum of 6.4, pH 7.6 or a broad range; increasing substrate concentrations either did not affect or progressively inhibited activity. Under different optimal conditions, all enzymes exhibited wide substrate selections for dietary and environmental chemicals. The impact of glucuronidation on drug and chemical absorption at the GI level was demonstrated by exploiting our recent finding that UGTs require phosphorylation, with [33P]orthophosphate incorporation into immunoprecipitable UGTs confirming phosphorylation. The simultaneous loss of UGT radiolabeling and activity in cell lines by the general kinase inhibitor curcumin and the PKC-specific inhibitor calphostin-C likewise confirmed the requirement for phosphorylation. Using curcumin-treated mouse duodenal loops, we demonstrated that free bilirubin (a marker) uptake dramatically increased concurrently with decreases in bilirubin-glucuronides in portal blood, lumen, and tissue. Our results represent the first direct evidence that UGTs control GI absorption of polyphenols and that maintenance of their phosphorylation is required to limit chemical absorption.

Basu NK, Ciotti M, Hwang MS, Kole L, Mitra PS, Cho JW, Owens IS. Differential and special properties of the major human UGT1-encoded gastrointestinal UDP-glucuronosyltransferases enhance potential to control chemical uptake. J Biol Chem 2004;279:1429-1441.

Structural analysis of UGT

Banerjee, Basu, Pennington

Because UDP-glucuronosyltransferases are bound to the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum and are thus difficult to purify for crystallization, structural analysis of these critical detoxifying isozymes has posed a challenge. Importantly, defective UGT isozymes are responsible for the lethal childhood Crigler-Najjar disease and therapeutic drug toxicities. Whereas all previous attempts to find structurally determined proteins homologous to the UGT1 isozymes have failed, Matthew Pennington carried out computer- and homology-based molecular modeling searches of the Protein Data Base (PDB) for structural matches of UT1A10. He used a Silicon Graphics O2 workstation and Insight II software (Molecular Simulation, Inc.) with the Homology, MODELER, Discover, Bioploymer, and SeqFold expansion modules. The first modules are necessary for all homology or protein work. The SeqFold module is a sequence homology search engine that uses a threading technique to identify potentially homologous proteins based on the predicted secondary structure of the target sequence and known secondary structures within structurally solved protein databases. Pennington performed all searches against a nonredundant version of the Brookhaven PDB and created a protein homolog by using, first, SeqFold and, second, the structure of that sequence homolog to map the sequence of an unknown structure to a set of three-dimensional coordinates. Initially, he performed the application on protein regions near the core and on well-conserved sections. He then built regions of poor conservation onto the core by using a fragment database and conformation searching techniques. He next optimized the initial model by using a simulated-annealing technique. Because any sequence can be made into a model based on any protein, Pennington thoroughly evaluated the model for feasibility. After establishing a suitability model, he analyzed the model similar to that for crystallographic structure and selected the new secondary-structure prediction-based search engine SeqFold, which is proficient in identifying structural homologs low on direct sequence-sequence identity to the target protein. Although SeqFold uncovered many low-identity homologs that bound similar substrates to UGT, the most prominent one with the most chemically proper structure was a UDP-galactosegUDP-glucose isomerase, known in the PBD as 1XEL. He located highly homologous regions of UGT1A10 and 1XEL and confirmed them to be those involved in binding UDP-glucose, clearly analogous to UDP-glucuronic acid (UDPGA). Pennington identified primarily two lysines (positions 314 and 315) and one asparagine (position 292) predicted to be critical in identifying the uracil-diphosphate portion of the donor substrate, UDPGA. Our recent studies showed that mutants at 314 or 315 of UGT1A10 caused null activity. Activity for mutants at lysine 404, shown to be proximal to lysines 314 and 315 in the predicted UDPGA binding site, either was not affected or had a sharper pH optimum. We will now mutate the identified conserved asparagine. The results indicate that lysines 314 and 315 are critical residues.

Improvement of mycophenolic acid immunosuppressant activity by transient inhibition of gastrointestinal UGT activity

Basu, Kole,a Chowdhury

While the promising immunosuppressant mycophenolic acid (MPA) is being widely prescribed for both adult and child renal transplant patients and for autoimmune diseases, serious side effects are associated with high dosage requirements as a result of extensive glucuronidation. We found that the cellular distribution and biochemical properties of UGT1A7, 1A8, 1A9, and 1A10, the primary metabolizers of MPA, contribute significantly to high oral-dose requirements. In situ hybridization studies revealed that UGT1A7-, 1A9-, and 1A10-mRNAs are located in GI mucosal epithelia; studies with microsomes isolated from adjacent specimens showed that esophagus, ileum, duodenum, and colon have moderately high to high glucuronidating activities. 1A7 and 1A8 metabolized MPA maximally at pH 7.5 while activity for 1A9 and 1A10 was maximum at pH 6.4. Recombinant UGTs avidly glucuronidated MPA, showing nearly linear increases in activity until concentrations reached between 0.800 and 1.5 mM; UGT1A9 reached maximum activity at 2.5 mM. At maximum activity, 1A7 through 1A9 generated between 20 and 27 percent acylglucuronide while 1A10 generated 37 percent. To establish the in vivo impact of MPA glucuronidation, we used the general kinase inhibitor curcumin and the highly specific protein kinase C inhibitor calphostin-C, which target the newly discovered phosphorylation requirement, on LS180 colon cells, to inhibit UGTs. Transient inhibition of glucuronidation by oral pretreatment with curcumin before MPA administration caused a six-fold increase in immunosuppression of antigen-stimulated spleen cytotoxic T-lymphocyte proliferation in mice. Hence, glucuronidation can adversely affect drug efficacy. Moreover, curcumin pretreatment to inhibit GI-distributed UGTs represents a model for increasing bioavailability of highly glucuronidated drugs.

Basu NK, Kole L, Kubota S, Owens IS. Human UDP-glucuronosyltransferases show atypical stimulation by mycophenolic acid and inhibition by curcumin. Drug Metab Disp 2004;32:768-773.

aLabanyamoy Kole, PhD, former Postdoctoral Fellow

bShigeki Kubota, MD, former Postdoctoral Fellow


Antony McDonagh, PhD, University of California, San Francisco, CA

Masahiko Negishi, PhD, Laboratory of Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology, NIEHS, Research Triangle Park, NC

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