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Opening Remarks of U.S. Rep. Grace Napolitano
Chairwoman, Subcommittee on Water and Power
Legislative Hearing on H.R. 31 and H.R. 1526
May 24, 2007

Today's hearing continues our series of legislative hearings dedicated to water recycling projects.  H.R. 31 and H.R. 1526, when enacted, would authorize limited federal financial assistance for several regional facilities that will recycle water for communities in California. 

As you all know, Congress officially directed the Secretary of the Interior to carry out a water recycling program fifteen years ago.  Title 16 of the Reclamation Projects Authorization and Adjustment Act of 1992 identified opportunities for water recycling, and then authorized a limited amount of taxpayer money to help communities in the West get their recycling projects under construction.  It is unfortunate that to date only a handful of projects receive Federal funds, and even fewer projects have been completed with Federal assistance from the Bureau of Reclamation.

Thank you for testifying at last week's hearing, Mr. Quint, and I welcome you back today.  You will hear testimony on two water recycling projects, but the message is the same: Congress is committed to water recycling in the Western United States, and we will insist that the Title XVI program be fully implemented and funded.  We must help achieve water sustainability in our communities and we believe the Bureau of Reclamation has a role to play in efficiently providing good quality water to a growing population while protecting our environment.  Water recycling can be part of the solution for a sustainable water supply.

I welcome our witnesses this morning and I look forward to their testimony.

I am pleased to yield to my friend from Colorado Springs, the acting Ranking Minority Member of our Subcommittee, Congressman Doug Lamborn, for any statement he may have.