Table 2. Total and alcohol-related1 traffic fatality rates per 100 million vehicle miles traveled and 100,000 registered vehicles, licensed drivers, and population, United States, 1982–2004.
Year Rate
Per 100 million vehicle miles traveled Per 100,000 registered vehicles 2 Per 100,000 licensed drivers Per 100,000 population
All fatalities
2004 1.45 17.63 21.54 14.59
2003 1.48 18.11 21.86 14.74
2002 1.51 18.33 22.09 14.93
2001 1.52 17.93 22.06 14.80
2000 1.53 18.57 22.00 14.86
1999 1.55 18.92 22.29 14.95
1998 1.58 19.26 22.44 15.04
1997 1.64 19.86 22.99 15.41
1996 1.69 20.01 23.43 15.61
1995 1.73 20.37 23.68 15.70
1994 1.73 20.18 23.21 15.47
1993 1.75 20.28 23.19 15.45
1992 1.75 20.19 22.67 15.30
1991 1.91 21.58 24.56 16.41
1990 2.08 23.12 26.70 17.87
1989 2.17 23.78 27.53 18.47
1988 2.32 24.92 28.91 19.26
1987 2.41 25.22 28.67 19.15
1986 2.51 25.40 28.90 19.19
1985 2.47 24.74 27.94 18.42
1984 2.58 25.73 28.48 18.77
1983 2.58 25.13 27.62 18.22
1982 2.76 26.59 29.24 18.97
Percent change
1998–2004 -8.5 -8.5 -4.0 -3.0
Alcohol-related fatalities
2004 0.57 6.96 8.51 5.76
2003 0.59 7.22 8.72 5.88
2002 0.61 7.47 9.00 6.09
2001 0.63 7.39 9.10 6.10
2000 0.63 7.70 9.12 6.16
1999 0.62 7.52 8.85 5.94
1998 0.64 7.74 9.01 6.04
1997 0.65 7.90 9.15 6.13
1996 0.72 8.44 9.89 6.59
1995 0.73 8.64 10.04 6.66
1994 0.73 8.58 9.87 6.58
1993 0.78 9.05 10.34 6.89
1992 0.81 9.41 10.56 7.13
1991 0.93 10.48 11.93 7.97
1990 1.05 11.71 13.52 9.05
1989 1.07 11.70 13.54 9.08
1988 1.18 12.61 14.63 9.75
1987 1.25 13.10 14.89 9.94
1986 1.36 13.79 15.69 10.42
1985 1.31 13.08 14.77 9.74
1984 1.44 14.40 15.93 10.50
1983 1.49 14.54 15.97 10.54
1982 1.64 15.84 17.41 11.30
Percent change
1998–2004 -10.1 -10.0 -5.6 -4.7

1  A crash is considered as alcohol-related if either a driver or a nonoccupant (pedestrian or pedalcyclist) had a blood alcohol concentraition (BAC) of 0.01 g/dl or greater. When alcohol tests were not done or test results are unknown, imputed BAC data provided by NHTSA are used.

2  Including all private, commercial, and public-owned motor vehicles and motorcycles.

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